Latest News from the Sisters of Saint Joseph

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Edition No. 139 — September 25, 2020 
Laudato Sí Reflection for September 27, 2020

Sisters of Saint Joseph serving on the Chapter Implementation Subcommittee for Directive II, offer this excerpt from Laudato Sí and questions that you can use for your personal reflection, local community sharing, or whatever other creative way you can incorporate these into your life. Enjoy this reflection for September 27.
Villa Employee Voting Drive
Sandy Molnar, SSJ Associate in Mission, is hosting a voting drive for Villa employees! Sandy has registered many staff members already and has sent many applications for mail in ballots. She will continue the voting drive on Tuesdays and Saturdays until October 19th.
ZOOM–Membership and Leadership: An Organic Whole

by Julie Gabell, SSJ Associate
Zoomers shifted focus recently to redirect their attention to matters of the upcoming biannual SSJ assembly. They received five thought-provoking articles to prepare them for discussions intended to open their minds and hearts to the workings of the Spirit. 

The first article Membership and Leadership: An Organic Whole emphasized how Sisters and Community leaders must depend upon one another for survival in a challenging 21stcentury. We agreed that gone are the days when “good little Sisters” could sit back and let appointed “superiors” make important decisions for their lives. Today, as religious communities face unprecedented shifts in the demographics of religious life, it is essential that we walk hand in hand with elected leaders to achieve a common good.
Throughout their discussions Zoomers acknowledged that the majority of them had entered the Community at eighteen when their level of maturity thrust them into a relationship with authority that for some perpetuated a “mother-daughter” experience. Then in 1962 Vatican II opened doors for us to change, but change was difficult, moved slowly, and had its price. Somehow, though it potentially touched off a movement of innovation and personal responsibility, it was easier to move with the status quo than beat the bushes in search what was new. 

Today in the post Vatican II era Zoomers agreed that the mature member of community has learned to voice ideas and opinions, as well as listen to opposing viewpoints that might have equal merit. To highlight this transition, we referenced the Sufi tradition, a form of Islamic mysticism that emphasizes introspection and closeness with God. The practice posits four basic rules of life that point the way to integrity and become the building blocks of collective wisdom. They include:

·      Show up
·      Pay attention
·      Tell the truth
·      Be open to the outcome

Each choice has its own intrinsic value and Zoomers zeroed in on those values during their discussion.

This week Zoomers glimpsed the future as it reached out to them with welcoming arms. Fears and hesitations took a backseat to honesty and openness, and the preciousness of each individual stood up and took a bow! It was definitely an inSpirited meeting!
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"With the help of God's grace and in fidelity to our founder's expressed wish, we live and work lovingly among all persons with a special preference for those who are poor, which calls us wherever we are to be in union with them."
                         — SSJ Constitutions #21
Editor, Sister Carole Pollock SSJ | 215.248.7269 | |