May 14th, 2021
This Week's
RSVP for May 16th Worship HERE

11:00AM Digital Attendance Pad: HERE

Sign up for VBS: HERE

Sign up for Mission Camp: HERE

Find Memorial's UMCOR Amazon Wish List: HERE.

Use our NEW Online Prayer Submission Page: HERE
Learn how YOU can get
involved in the life of
Memorial this week with
Just Three Things:
1. Memorial Day at
Memorial and UMCOR
Amazon Wish List

2. Youth's "Boatload of
Good" for Branches

3. New Sunday Service!
Dear Grace-filled family of Memorial,
You all probably heard yesterday's announcement from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) that those who have received the full course of the COVID-19 vaccine no longer need to wear facemasks or maintain social distance. To be clear, I am absolutely delighted by this news. This announcement is, for me, the clearest sign yet that we really are emerging from his pandemic into a new normal. The past 14 months have been so difficult for us all. This really is such good news.
However, there are a couple of dynamics unique to church life that still need to be addressed. The way in which this guidance relates to unvaccinated children and high risk individuals is one. Congregational singing without facemasks is another. I expect we will have some answers on these matters very soon. As a result, we will still require face masks at this Sunday's services. Our Conference has already been at work to form its response to these developments. I'll continue to be in touch with them, with our staff, and leaders as we make decisions going forward after this weekend. We are blessed with strong lay leadership at Memorial! I am grateful to serve alongside them. .
Thank you, as always, for your continued faithfulness to God and your support of Memorial United Methodist Church. You are a gift.

Pastor Charlie
This Sunday at Memorial...
Join us for worship on-campus at 8:00AM, 9:00AM, & 11:00AM, or for our digital worship at 11:00AM on Facebook or YouTube.
This Sunday is our CELEBRATION SUNDAY when we bring in our pledge cards and return them as we celebrate the good work of the campaign.
You can bring in your card Sunday during worship, come drop it off through the drive tru loop after worship (between 12:15PM - 1:15PM), use our DIGITAL pledge card, or drop it in the mail.

And to keep the celebration going, everyone will go home with a celebration gift!! 
RSVP For May 16th Worship:
8:00AM in the Sanctuary
9:30AM in Maxwell Hall
11:00AM in the Sanctuary
*if the service is full, you can sign up for the wait list of sign up for the following week
Find the Facebook feed HERE
at 11:00AM

Or watch on YouTube HERE

Access everything you need for digital worship May 16th here:

No matter when you worship, please record your attendance in worship or your prayer requests on our online form:
Save the Date for
Memorial Day at Memorial,
May 30th!
We've made it EASY to purchase items for our UMCOR Flood Buckets! With our Amazon Wish list, you can see what we need, select the items you'd like to purchase, and they will be shipped directly to Memorial! It save you a trip and lugging items to church!

Visit our wish list here:
The Bridge Meets again May 23rd!

Classes & Groups
This Week

Yokefellows Class
with Carol Carroll, 9:30AM via Zoom

Comprehensive Look at the Bible
with Andy Foote, 9:30AM online

Children's Sunday School
with Pastor Carrie and Friends,
12:15PM via Zoom

Youth Group

"Everything Happens"
Podcast Review
with Pastor Drew, 12:15PM via Zoom

Mom's ConneXion Group,
9:30AM in the area just outside the 2nd floor elevator in the Sanctuary building

Scripture & Prayer, Book of Romans
with Pastor Charlie 11:00AM via Zoom

Out of Obscurity
with Pastor Alyce 2:00PM via Zoom

4:30PM in Maxwell Hall

Wednesday Night Classes,
6:00PM Via Zoom
Saints Throughout Christian History with Dr. Anna Wright

Beginners Guide to the Book of Genesis  with Pastor Carrie

New Member Class

Faithlinks with Carrie Mac
Men's Bible Study
with Dave Bowers, 7:00AM, in the Multipurpose Room

Flunking Sainthood
With Pastor Carrie, 10:00AM via Zoom

Lunch & Learn, "Girl Meets God"
With Pastor Carrie, 11:30PM via Zoom
For the next few weeks, we are collecting items needed to pack UMCOR's Flood Buckets! You can order items to be directly send to Memorial though our Amazon Wish List, or print the list below, and shop for items. Please bring items to the Partin Center or to our worship spaces.
"A Way A Week"
Info & actions to explore our spiritual connection to creation & our Christian responsibility to care for our planet. 
I started out trying to remove plastic from my toiletries, and I encountered a floss that changed my life. Several months ago, I started making a coconut oil-based toothpaste to avoid the plastic tubes. That worked great for me, but I continued to use a plastic toothbrush, and I’ve ALWAYS struggled with floss. I have tight teeth and it’s always been a battle. During the pandemic, when I canceled a dentist appointment to wait until it would be safer, I knew I had to step up the flossing and I dreaded it. Recently, a friend shared the pictured products with me. The bamboo brushes come in a 4-pack. They have large, soft, heads, and they’re numbered so you can tell which one is yours. The toothpaste tablets contain fluoride, and while it’s a little strange to prime your toothpaste by chewing, the tablets do give you the traditional foamy, minty freshness. They also do not melt, as my homemade coconut oil paste does during the warmer months. But it’s pricey, so I’ll be back with my coconut oil in the fall. But this floss…if I were a poet, I’d write an ode to my Mother Earth floss. It comes in these sweet refillable glass jars. It’s thin, so it slides between my teeth with little resistance. It’s infused with lovely, delicious, peppermint essential oil. I’ve gone back to the dentist (everything checked out fine), and I’m still flossing (almost) every night. I’ve undergone a dental transformation. Even thought you might not choose these products, they are expensive, I do encourage you to seek and try alternatives to all our toiletries that come in plastic packaging. Our choices will ultimately drive the market so more sustainable alternatives will be more readily available. 
Blessings and Peace,
Sarah Flint,
"Green Geek"
Need to Add Something to our weekly Prayer List?

Our weekly prayer list is available by clicking the graphic ABOVE or looking in the
Monday Connect, on the
page, or in the front office.
Columbarium & Memorial Gardens
Memorial provides a place for inurning the cremated remains of church members & their loved ones.
Inurning loved ones on the grounds of a church where they were baptized, married, or nurtured in faith, is an age-old tradition. Along with niches for inuring, the garden includes a wall for memorial plaques and an area for memorial pavers to be placed.
To learn more, download our brochure
or contact the church office.
  • Are you feeling worn out? Frustrated? Lonely? Scared? In need of someone to talk to? Our Stephen Ministers are here to help. Memorial has a great team of Stephen Ministers who are extensively trained and gifted to help walk with you through this challenging season of life. Stephen Ministers meet with people one-on-one to provide spiritual care and comfort. To request a Stephen Minister, contact Pastor Drew or the Church office.

  • Pastor Alyce is also available by appointment for pastoral counselling via phone. You can contact Pastor Alyce by calling: 850-544-4826 
Ways to GIVE @Memorial  

  • GivePlus app (Google Play or iTunes )
  • at
  • Automatically through your bank

In Person:
  • drop boxes in Maxwell Hall
  • mail slot at the Partin Center
Through the Mail:
  • 601 Centre St., Fernandina Beach, Fl 32034

Can you help our youth?? Each year, Memorial's youth would go on a one-week mission trip to Branches in Florida City where they would work with the kids at the mission there! They can't go this year because of COVID, but they still wanted to do something nice for them. So, they are collecting much needed sporting goods for the kids to use during their summer program! We're going to collect them and bring them to Memorial Day at Memorial. The youth with have a boat there and we will stuff the boat/ do a "boatload of good" for the kids at Branches! Find the list of needs HERE.

The Youth Summer Activity Calendar is out and it is chock-full '0 fun and adventure!! Download it here.

Our Bridge Group Meets again Sunday, May 23rd.
We are in week 4 of our "Growing Deeper, Reaching Higher" Capital Campaign and we are journeying through a daily devotional together.
To find the devotional, visit

Week Four:
"Higher Calling"
Grants go to fight COVID-19 in India | United Methodist...

The United Methodist Committee on Relief will assist two partners in India to provide ventilators, hospital beds, money and more to help combat the dire COVID-19 crisis there.

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FLUMC: The musical challenge of a virtual Annual Conference

When leaders decided to hold a virtual Annual Conference for the second consecutive year, Jeremy Hearn immediately went to work. As the Worship Music Coordinator for the Florida United Methodist Conference, his task was to solicit and collect...

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Publishing House rebounds | United Methodist News Service

The United Methodist Publishing House's prospects appear brighter, thanks to recovering sales and a purchase agreement for its Nashville, Tennessee, headquarters. The historic, self-supporting agency saw sales decline gradually for decades as The ...

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Ethnic churches collaborate to feed New York neighbors | ...

Recognizing the seriousness of food shortages in the local community since the COVID-19 pandemic began, many ethnic minority churches have initiated food ministries that are still going strong. When cases in New York skyrocketed and businesses...

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The United Methodist Church has its own news service! Methodist New Service website,,
or the Florida Conference Website,