Americans with disabilities
July 26th is the 23rd anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act, and according to recent data, the number of Americans with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) is on the rise. What factors contribute to a child's risk of having ASD? Do gender or race play a part?
Though there's still much to be learned about children with ASD, we have extensive data related to this and other health indicators at the Child Trends DataBank.
Risk and reach assessments

A risk and reach assessment looks at the needs of young children and their families in a given region in relation to resources available to them. Through such an assessment, Washington, D.C., discovered that while the city has the resources to provide over 90 percent of children ages three to five with preschool, it can only serve 20 percent of infants and toddlers through early care and education programs. In a recent blog post, Sarah Daily, a research scientist at Child Trends, describes how these assessments work and how they can guide decision-making when it comes to reaching our most vulnerable children and families.