November 21, 2013  Subscribe

Approximately 1.6 million youth in the U.S. experience homelessness for at least one night each year; one group particularly at risk is lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) youth. In fact, a national survey of homeless centers and agencies that serve youth found that 40 percent of those served identify as LGBT. These youth are more likely to become homeless at younger ages and to be sexually assaulted on the streets and in shelters. Read more about these youth, the work that's being done to help them, and what more can be done, in our latest blog post.

Promising Practices 
State practices for infants and toddlers

 A webinar this week highlighted promising state practices that support maltreated infants and toddlers. In Hawaii, practitioners work with parents for 10 weeks, helping them bond with and become more sensitive to the needs of their children. Colorado holds court hearings and case reviews more frequently for children under age six, to make sure their needs are readily addressed. In Washington state, children who are returned to their birth parents receive intensive in-home services for at least six months afterward. This webinar was based on the findings of a recent report by Child Trends and ZERO TO THREE, Changing the Course for Infants and Toddlers: A Survey of State Child Welfare Policies and Initiatives

Child Trends is thrilled to welcome Ann Segal as a visiting fellow. Ann is president of Action Strategies, where she serves as a consultant for foundations and organizations. She has decades of experience working on programs that serve low-income children and families, including 22 years at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. As a fellow, Ann will provide Child Trends with valuable strategic counsel, support research initiatives, help mentor our research staff, and pursue her own work.

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