July 8th, 2022
 Now that the Lenten Season, Eastertide, Shrimp Fest, Memorial’s bicentennial celebration, Memorial Day, Pentecost, Vacation Bible School, and Independence Day celebrations are all behind us, we are entering that time of year we affectionately or not so affectionately call the dog days of summer and in church parlance–it’s “ordinary time”, marked by green paraments in the church. As for me, it’s the time of year I appreciate the Hispanic tradition of siesta – those hours between noon and four pm when it’s almost too hot to breathe. 
Those are the hours to hole up in a cool spot, under a tree (presuming a breeze is blowing) in the shade at the beach or at a pool, with a good book, or just in the comfort of an air-conditioned spot, no matter where it is! 

Ah yes, the dog days of summer are yucky hot. But these are also the days of family vacations, summer reading, family reunions, hot dog cook outs with neighbors and early evening games of watching kids play hide and seek and helping them see and maybe catch fireflies.  These are also the days when the life of the church seems to take a little siesta too. If you’re catching your breath from moving from one study to the next, one church event to the next and savoring the wee bit of a break, I say “go for it” with a wee bit of a caveat… do you really want to take even a “wee bit” of a break from your God connection? I hope not. I’m remembering a quote from a pastor friend when we were discussing retirement. He said, “Alyce, you won’t find that word ‘retirement’ in the Bible.” That was a reminder for me that we just move from season to season, all the while staying connected to the one who loved us first and still loves us best, and still longs for relationship with us through all seasons, even the dog days of summer. 

So, maybe this is a good time to do some summer faith-building reading. Not a reader? …oh the podcasts! You can Google and find a ton – here’s a list of United Methodist Podcasts.

Maybe it’s a good time to develop a new faith habit…like spending 20 minutes each morning being still and letting God speak to you through contemplative prayer, like Visio Divina. It’s one of my wonderful new habits. If you’re curious, visit HERE to learn more.   

And…if you find yourself on a Sunday during these dog days, just not willing to get up, dressed and head to church, don’t feel too guilty (you can join our digital service!), but do make that day a real Sabbath Day of rest that includes the Lord. And please remember too that God never slumbers, and neither do Memorial’s many commitments to our mission’s work, making disciples, caring for one another, worship planning, and much more. God is counting on you as is Memorial’s Financial Management Team to remember your tithes and offerings even during the dog days of summer, so that God’s work is firmly undergirded by your giving. 

These dog days, like every season, will soon be gone, footballs will soon be thrown, tailgating will be in full season, kids will be back in school, and we’ll soon be looking forward to and planning for all the fall holidays and cooler days. Keep your God connection strong through every season, dog days of summer included!  

Pastor Alyce
Join us Sunday,
July 10th, 2022
We continue our journey through The Bible Year and venture into the prophecy books: Isaiah 43:1-7
On Campus:
8:00AM Sanctuary
9:30AM Maxwell Hall
11:00AM Sanctuary
Digital Worship:
11:00AM with Live Community Feed on Facebook

later on YouTube
No matter which service you choose, please take a moment to sign our digital attendance pad: mumconline.com/here
We are aware of multiple COVID cases around & within our community. Please do what is best for you to help stop the spread during in-person church gatherings.
Sunday Classes:
-Mike Wilkins Class
-The Bible Year 
-Christian History

Weekday Classes: 
-"Line by Line" Bible Study with Steve Taylor, 3:00PM in the Multipurpose Room

- "The Bible for Normal People" Podcast Discussion, 12:15PM via Zoom

- Men’s Bible Study, 7:00AM, Multipurpose Room
Wednesday Night Classes
6:00PM via Zoom
(RSVP for the Zoom Link)
The Bible Year - Discuss the most current readings in The Bible Year study with Pastor Carrie
Faithlinks - (Current Events from a Methodist perspective)

Visit mumconline.com/study to read more and see how you can get involved!
Sign up by emailing mumconline.com/signup or call church office
The Yokefellows Sunday School class invites the church family to two special, upcoming classes on Sunday morning.
July 17th – Learn about Peace and Reconciliation from some of the participants of the trip to Northern Ireland.
July 24th – Learn more about Kairos and Kairos Outside and the work they do with people who are incarcerated and their families.
Yokefellows meets at 11:00AM in Room 304.
Click HERE to download the whole reading list for July.

Midweek Challenge:
Pastor Carrie, and a VERY special guest, brought our Midweek Challenge this week. Pastor Carrie encourages us to look to the wisdom scriptures to find Hope in Hard Times. HERE.
Lamb is Growing! Do you know someone who would fit in with the Lamb team?
Our early education center is looking for 1 -2 full time teachers, 1 part time aid, and substitute teachers. These people must love children, be flexible and dependable. Anyone can apply, for those that need to complete childcare/early education continuing education Lamb will support them.  If you would like to apply, or you know someone, contact Renee Wise, Director of Lamb Early Education Center at 904-261-5301 or [email protected] or contact Pastor Carrie.
Our Hands-on Mission Project for July is helping at The Arc Nassau! The Arc is committed to educate, motivate and encourage the intellectually and developmentally disabled community of Nassau County. The Arc Nassau has helped meet the needs of adults with disabilities by providing programs and services that support their active participation in all aspects of life. The Arc is located on 17 just north of A1A in Yulee.
A special THANK YOU to our youth!! They assembled at Main Beach on July 5th to pick up debris and trash left over from the 4th of July Fireworks....to keep the beaches safe for wildlife and visitors! What a great thing to do for our community and God's creation!
Our Hands-on Mission for August will be our 4th Annual FREE School Supply Fair for area teachers! YOU can help us by bringing in school supplies. Below is the list of items needed. Buckets are in the worship spaces for collection.
Do you need a Memorial nametag?
and put in an order for one today!
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