With the Texas heat blazing on, we are pivoting to bless others in our community while we fellowship after Church on Sunday, August 27th. Living into our value of fellowship as outreach, we will organize into groups and visit local restaurants in order to fellowship together and financially bless the servers.

It is no secret that those in the service industry sadly dread serving church folks at Sunday lunch. Let's intentionally flip the script and go over and above to show generosity to the servers. Can you imagine getting to the point where servers are excited to see St. Cyprian's folks seated in their section on Sundays? We can! With each family chipping in cash above and beyond the standard tip, we have the opportunity to be good witnesses to God's abundance and God's love for all.

Be on the lookout for signup sheets in the narthex this Sunday August 13th, and plan to wear your St. Cyprian's tee shirt if you have one on Sunday, August 26th as we take Rally Day out of the parish and into our community. 

There is a " Back To School" feeling in the air, and we want to have some fun!

There will be a display of K-12 photos on the bulletin board outside the Parish Hall. If you would like to participate, email a photo to [email protected] or drop by the

church and allow us to make a copy of your original by August 4th. Then come see if you can guess who's who!

Have A Blessed Week!