Wednesday Programming

Healing Eucharist in the Nave at Noon

No Supper or Programming Until Fall!

Contemplative Eucharist at 6:30 pm

Visit our website for a complete schedule of adult education.
The Practice of Religion

In my sermon last week I mentioned that its not exactly Breaking News to say that Organized Religion is in decline these days. There are many reasons for this, as people are busy, or distracted, or have lost trust in institutions. As a result, many have retreated into some sort of individual spirituality at best, or just quit trying at worst. But recent studies have shown that the practice of religion is very good for our emotional health and quality of life. That is, belief and doctrine are important but we must never stop with our brains. What we DO here, Sunday after Sunday, matters more than we know.

And what is the practice of religion? It is prayer and worship, of course. But it is also the little things, like helping a friend up the stairs, or a warm handshake, a cup of coffee with a friend, directions for a stranger, kneeling. I like to say that we love Jesus here so we can love Jesus out there, on vacation, and at the bank, and by the pool, and in the grocery store, or at work, or anywhere else we have the opportunity to be present, and attentive and kind. The practice of religion is healthy. The practice of religion makes us good.

Happy Summer,

steeple small version
2018 Stewardship Campaign

This past year has been one of “Building” at Saint Luke’s, first the structure itself, and then a new budget that both meets our needs and puts money into maintenance reserve. Please find a few fun facts below regarding stewardship this year:

  • 613 pledges for 2018, a record for Saint Luke’s
  • $3,179,785 in total pledges for 2018 , a $101,190 increase over 2017
  • A record number of 85 new pledges
  • 155 increased pledges, more increased pledges than ever before

I am so grateful for your commitment and participation and love of your church, and in addition to a beautiful new church we have some pretty cool facts to share about the budget. Lots of building going on!
Hooray! Construction is Complete! (Almost...)
We are excited to announce that construction is complete! We are officially in the "punch list phase." You are welcome to visit us and take a walk around the updated (and beautiful!) building. We are particularly excited about all the wonderful benefits and features of the capital campaign including the Pavilion, the Harriet Durham Maloof Entrance, enhanced day school security and the Youth Commons. These additions play an important role in our ability to build the kingdom around our city, and for that we are so thankful.

All portions of the church are now fully accessible. Thank you for your patience during this time, please know we expect no further disruptions.
Save the Date!
This Week's Prayers & Thanksgivings
Click here for this week's prayer list.
Follow us on Social Media

This is a friendly reminder to follow us on our social media platforms, and stay up to date on Saint Luke's news and events during the summer!

Follow us on Facebook here
Follow us on Instagram here

3736 MONTROSE ROAD      |      (205) 871-3583      |        EMAIL US