Wednesday Programming

Healing Eucharist in the Nave at Noon

No Supper or Programming Until Fall!

Contemplative Eucharist at 6:30 pm

Visit our website for a complete schedule of adult education.
VBS 2018
Vacation Bible School, 12 Tribes of Israel, was a huge success and we are thankful! Every detail was perfect, including the marketplace model which captivated our children all week. Children mixed spices, made hummus, crafted oil lamps out of clay and more! Thank you to the MANY, MANY volunteers who helped make the week a success.

Linda Nichols, Director of Children's Ministry, and Kimbellee Fipps, Assistant Director of Children's Ministry, spent months preparing for your children and to them we say THANK YOU!

Photo Credit: Rebecca Wise (Thank you Rebecca!)
This Week's Prayers & Thanksgivings
Click here for this week's prayer list.
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