MCS E-Newsletter | February 12 2021
Catch Us On Social Media!
Announcing the 2021-22 School Calendar!
Click here to view next year's school calendar. Please note, if necessary, any changes to the instructional calendar will be communicated before the end of this school year.
This Week at MCS...
Here are a few photos of the great fun happening at MCS! Be sure to catch us on social media to see the great and fun things happening on a segment called "This Week at MCS..."

Re-enrollment for current students for the 2021-2022 school year is now open!

Please login to the parent portal to complete re-enrollment before Friday, February 12th to ensure space for your child! 

For login help, contact Gisela Roufs or for accounting help, contact Trang Nguyen
Our elementary chapels have been truly blessed with the musical leadership of our 5th Grade Choir students. This week Mrs. Majkrzak’s class did a great job leading us in worship. Our chapel speakers were the dynamic duo of Mr. Joo, Middle School Principal, and Mr. Brown, Middle School Vice-Principal. Using the Old Testament story of Joseph and his brothers and I Peter 3:9, Mr. Joo and Mr. Brown taught us the acrostic P.I.C.K. to use when we have been hurt. This practical tool of love reminds us “Don’t PICK a fight, do what’s right!” Click HERE to view the acrostic P.I.C.K. and you can click HERE to enjoy a worship song from Mrs. Majkrzak's class.
Thoughts From The Heart

Middle school students taking the opportunity to send an encouraging note and a Valentine’s candy to their friends, teachers, and administrators!
Chapel Recap  

This week’s middle school Awards Chapel was an opportunity to recognize several students who have consistently been showing Christlike character and who have shown exceptional commitment in the classroom throughout the first semester. 
Lion Pride Award

This award acknowledges students who have been showing character specific to the award criteria in each grade level. 

- In 6th grade, the Lion Pride award is the Growing Disciple Award in recognition of students who show a desire to be a disciple of Jesus and to imitate Him through actions, words, and choices. 

- In 7th grade, the Beatitudes Award recognizes students who show character based on the Beatitudes that Jesus speaks about in Matthew ch. 5.

- The Leadership Award in 8th grade is given in recognition of students who have chosen, like Joshua, to honor God through their words and actions, showing behavior that is strong and courageous, bold in faith, and consistent in character.

Every student nominated for this award must be unanimously agreed upon by the entire middle school staff before receiving this award, thus making it a high honor to be selected.

Congratulations to our 1st Quarter Lion Pride Recipients:
6th grade Lion Pride - Growing Disciple Award
                       Mrs. Bryant— Mackenzie Motichko           
                       Ms. Green—  Kajsa Jeffers
                       Ms. Stratton— Helena Bucher
                       Mrs. Liu – Izzy Kern
7th grade Lion Pride – Beatitudes Character Award
                       Mrs. Shelton— Ali Hudy
                       Mrs. Collier — James Brewster
                       Mrs. Knight – Olive Hopkins
                       Ms. Phan—Wyatt Swick
8th grade Lion Pride – Leadership Award
                       Mrs. Thurston— Chloe Mora
                       Mr. Carpenter — Kate Vercruse
                       Mr. Jones — Grace Nabal
                       Mr. Spurgin— Myles Shelton
Academic Awards
7: Grace Kersenbrock
8: Skyler Rosenberg
6: Adalee Gibbs 
7: Colton Lower
7 Honors: Griffin Andrews
8: Sutton Harrington
8 Honors: Camden Saulic
6: KK Woods 
7: Kallie Martin
8: Josiah Cowell
6: Lucas Williams
7:  Connor Faggionato
8: Sara Read       
6: Claire Suh, David Park (enhanced)
7: Elle Pierson, Maxwell Scott (enhanced)
8: Celia Waltos (Integrated), Kaelin Rieke
9: Alexia Tatoulian (enhanced)
6: Ryan Palmer
6: Lexi Caamano
7: Hagen Ebright
7: Brody Williams
8: Noah Nam
8: Lillian Sherbanee
New Date for Takeout Tuesday

Considering the likelihood that a portion of our families will choose to self-quarantine following Ski Week, we have decided to push our Takeout Tuesday date one week back to March 2nd. Our hope is to allow as many middle school students as possible the opportunity to enjoy this fan-favorite Takeout Tuesday of TK Burger! If you have already placed your child’s order, his or her meal will automatically transfer to our new date. If you would like to place your child’s order now, please click the link:
The new signup deadline is midnight on Saturday, 2/27, as reflected in the updated details below.
Takeout Tuesday – March 2nd - TK Burger!

Take Out Tuesday will be held on Tuesday, March 2nd, and our vendor this month is TK Burger!

All meals come complete with chips and a bottle of water.
The burger choices are as follows ($8 per meal):

1. Hamburger
2. Cheeseburger
3. Veggie Burger
4. Lettuce-Wrapped Burger

***All orders must be placed by 11:59 PM on Saturday, February 27th. Late orders are not accepted***

In this section of E-News, we highlight the most important and up to date information on local high school news and events. If you see a spinning square box around the school logo, that means new information is available for this week's E-News. To view the high school's most up to date information, click on the high school's logo to be taken to their sites.
In honor of Black History Month, let’s look at some super cool nurses!

Sojourner Truth: Many people know Sojourner as a godly abolitionist, but many do not realize she was also a nurse. She was a nurse during her enslavement. When she achieved freedom, she worked for the National Freedman’s Relief Association in DD. In this role, she often spoke before congress and advocated for nursing education.

Hazel W. Johnson-Brown: Despite being told she would never be allowed into a nursing program; Hazel earned her bachelor’s degree in nursing from Harlem Hospital School of Nursing. She joined the army and trained nurses headed to the front in the Vietnam war. She became the first black woman to achieve the ranking of brigadier general and lead the US Army Nursing Corps.

Goldie D. Brangman: Brangman was on the surgical team at Harlem Hospital. She worked with this team to perform a successful emergency heart surgery on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. after he was stabbed in an assassination attempt in 1958. She operated the breathing bag that maintained his respirations during surgery. Goldie became a certified nurse anesthetist and is co-founder of the school of anesthesia at Harlem Hospital. She was the first black president of the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists and was still volunteering with the Red Cross at her death last year.

Harriet Tubman: One of the most recognizable names associated with the underground railroad, Tubman was also a nurse. She had extensive knowledge of natural and herbal remedies and was well reputed for her capabilities during the civil war. When the war ended, she continued to nurse others and helped started a home for the elderly.
300 Fischer Avenue
Costa Mesa, CA 92626
Phone 714.437.1700 · Fax 714.437.7976
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MCS E-Newsletter | February 12 2021