January 16th, 2025


Bulletin for Second Sunday after the Epiphany, January 19th

Prayers of the Parish

January Birthdays and Anniversaries

Emmanuel on YouTube at 9:30am

If you have a name tag, please wear it!

If you need a name tag, let an usher know!


January 19th

8:00am - Holy Eucharist, Rite II

9:30am - Holy Eucharist, Rite II

10:45am - Christian Education & Formation - Humans of Emmanuel

10:45am - Youth Group and FaithQuest

January 20th

Office Closed for Martin Luther King Jr. Day

January 22th

4:00pm - International Student's Dinner

6:00pm - Fellowship Dinner - Stephanie Jeude

6:30pm - Children's Choir Rehearsal

6:45pm - Taizé Service

7:05pm - Adult Choir Rehearsal

January 23rd

6:30pm - MOE Brown Bag

January 26th

10:30am - 158th Parish Annual Meeting (in-person and on Zoom)

For more details, click the event on the calendar.

Emmanuel Calendar Link


99.1 JOY FM brings Joy to Children at Mercy Hospital

99.1 JOY FM recently partnered with Mercy Children's Hospital (MCH) to help create sleepover bags that are given to children who unexpectedly stay overnight at the hospital. Kelsey Mitchell, a long time member of Emmanuel and daughter of John and Mart Mitchell, was interviewed by 99.1 JOY FM about this program and how it benefits the children at MCH. Kelsey works as a Certified Child Life Specialist at MCH.

You can watch the interview here. It is on Instagram, so you might need to sign in to watch it.

Leaders Wanted!

Youth Group, FaithQuest, and Children's Chapel are the core programs that make up our children and youth ministry. They are led by Katie Gregston and a small but amazing group of volunteers. These programs are great but they need help to grow. We are looking for more volunteers to help lead these groups and guide our youth.

If you are interested in volunteering, please come to our children and youth leader meeting on February 9th. It will be after formation that day, around 11:30. Lunch will be provided! You can also email Katie Gregston for more information or to get involved.

Annual Meeting

The 158th Annual Parish Meeting is two Sundays from now on January 26th. It will be in-person in the Parish Hall and on Zoom after the 9:30am service. We will send out instruction next week on how best to access and the Zoom meeting.

The Annual Parish Magazine is almost ready and will be published on our website soon. It contains reports from the different ministries that make up Emmanuel. It also contains tons of great pictures from events and activities throughout the year.

Fellowship Dinners at risk!

Fellowship dinners have just started for the second session, but they are at risk of stopping. We are missing hosts for quite a few dinner. Please think about signing up to keep this Emmanuel tradition alive!

  • January 29th
  • February 5th and 19th
  • April 2nd, 9th, 23rd, and 30th

Please check out the Time, Talent, and Treasure signup sheet on our website to sign up or email Katie Gregston.


Our parishioners are a grateful bunch!

Last Sunday at formation we heard about gratitude for the return of turkey vultures; for a 50-year anniversary; for moments enjoying the sun; for brownies; for helpful neighbors; for the creativity of grandchildren; for each other; and much more as we launched the 2025 United Thank Offering (UTO) Campaign at Emmanuel. 

For almost 125 years, UTO has been a ministry of The Episcopal Church. UTO encourages Episcopalians to make a financial (or “thank”) offering in response to the good things God has done. Grab a Blue Box from your pew or an usher on Sunday, and join in making a thank offering to UTO for the simple things you notice every day and all of the blessings of this life. Drop a coin or dollar in your Blue Box when giving thanks! Then, for our March 2nd collection event, we will collect all the donations. You can bring in your box full of money, you can count up what you collected and bring in a check, or you can donate online.

At the end of each year, UTO grants ALL of these donations to innovative ministries across the world. Since 1883, more than 5,400 grants have been awarded by UTO for a total of over $144 million, including more than $716,000 to 58 grantees in this Diocese! (See a complete list of all UTO grants here)

Special thanks to Margo and Hank Smith for leading the 2025 UTO campaign at Emmanuel! They are a great team.



2025 Old School Gospel Concert: "Go Back and Get It":

Sunday, February 9, 2025 | 3:00 PM

MCCGSL | 7423 Michigan Ave

Experience the soulful sounds and rich heritage of Black gospel music at the 2025 Old School Gospel Concert, "Go Back and Get It." This highly anticipated annual event, produced by the renowned AhSa-Ti Nu, promises an afternoon of powerful performances and community celebration. Learn more here.

Our building and food center is open Monday-Friday

from 9:00 am until 2:00 pm.

Please call or email for more information about any of our offerings.

314-961-2393 x209 or

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