January 19th
8:00am - Holy Eucharist, Rite II
9:30am - Holy Eucharist, Rite II
10:45am - Christian Education & Formation - Humans of Emmanuel
10:45am - Youth Group and FaithQuest
January 20th
Office Closed for Martin Luther King Jr. Day
January 22th
4:00pm - International Student's Dinner
6:00pm - Fellowship Dinner - Stephanie Jeude
6:30pm - Children's Choir Rehearsal
6:45pm - Taizé Service
7:05pm - Adult Choir Rehearsal
January 23rd
6:30pm - MOE Brown Bag
January 26th
10:30am - 158th Parish Annual Meeting (in-person and on Zoom)
For more details, click the event on the calendar.
Emmanuel Calendar Link