January 9th, 2025


Bulletin for First Sunday after the Epiphany, January 12th

Prayers of the Parish

January Birthdays and Anniversaries

Emmanuel on YouTube at 9:30am

If you have a name tag, please wear it!

If you need a name tag, let an usher know!


January 12th

8:00an - Holy Eucharist, Rite II

9:30am - Holy Eucharist, Rite II

10:45am - Christian Education & Formation - United Thank Offering

January 15th

4:00pm - International Student's Dinner

6:00pm - Fellowship Dinner - Mary Jane Kuhn

6:30pm - Children's Choir Rehearsal

6:45pm - Taizé Service

7:05pm - Adult Choir Rehearsal

For more details, click the event on the calendar.

Emmanuel Calendar Link


Giving Tree Update

A huge thank you to everyone who supported our 2024 Emmanuel Giving Tree. Every year, the people of Emmanuel generously give toys, clothing, and gift cards to support families in need. Webster Rock Hill Ministries received several fantastic toys and lots of warm clothing to support their Adopt a Family program.

Episcopal City Ministries received gift cards which they will use to support the teenagers living in the city and county juvenile justice centers. They prefer gift cards because it enables the leaders to shop sales at Target and Old Navy, and purchase in bulk.

Finally, LifeWise StL will be receiving loads of great teenager items, craft kits, baby dolls, dinosaur toys, books, and items from the ever popular Bluey and Paw Patrol. 

Humans of Emmanuel

We are excited to bring a new formation hour idea to Emmanuel. You may have heard about the "Humans of New York" or the "Humans of St. Louis" blogs and books. Introducing the "Humans of Emmanuel"!

On Sunday, January 19, we invite YOU to speak during our formation hour. You're limited to under 5 minutes, and you can talk about anything you'd like to share. A brief life history, what you do for work, a hobby, nothing is off the table. Maybe you are an expert in mid 20th century architecture or the Rolling Stones? Do you own a fantastic cat? Were you born here? Do you have ancestors who attended Emmanuel? Tell us anything! It can be deep and personal, or it can be fun and light. Contact Katie Gregston to signup.

Thanks to Kathy Tate for her wonderful suggestion!

Annual Meeting

The Office is gearing up for the 158th Annual Parish Meeting on Sunday, January 26th. If you have been asked to provide a ministry or business report, please have it in to the office by January 10th. Contact the office if you are not able to make this deadline!

Also, we are asking for pictures from events throughout the year to help fill out our annual meeting magazine. If you have pictures you would like to share, please upload them using the below link:

Parishioner's Photos

We will have a webpage with more information about the annual meeting available soon.

Return of the Fellowship Dinners

Fellowship dinners are starting again on Wednesday, January 8th. We are still looking for hosts for:

  • February 5th and 19th
  • April 2nd, 9th, 23rd, and 30th

Please check out the Time, Talent, and Treasure signup sheet on our website to sign up or email Katie Gregston.


United Thank Offering (UTO) at Emmanuel

Sunday, Jan 12, we will work to strengthen our gratitude habits together and begin a UTO campaign at Emmanuel again.

For almost 125 years, the UTO has been a ministry of The Episcopal Church. Founded by Julia Chester Emery and the Women’s Auxiliary (now the Episcopal Church Women). With a focus on gratitude, UTO encourages Episcopalians of all ages to notice what God is doing in their lives and to give thanks to God by making a financial (or “thank”) offering in response to the good things God has done. At the end of each year, UTO uses the gathered thank offerings from across The Episcopal Church to bless others by granting 100% of the year’s donations to innovative ministries across the world.

Learn more about the whole Episcopal church's UTO work here and here.

Bring out your jugs!

The Earth Love team is asking everyone to save half gallon and gallon clear plastic jugs for a youth activity that will occur on January 19th. We will be using the jugs to grow milkweed and other native butterfly plants.

You can deposit the plastic jugs into the blue bins in the parish dining room. Please make sure to clean out the jugs before donating them!



Installation of Honorary Canons:

Sue Rehkopf and The Rev. Tamsen Whistler

Join us on Sunday, January 26, at Christ Church Cathedral for a joyous celebration as we install and honor Sue Rehkopf and The Rev. Tamsen Whistler as honorary canons. All are invited for a warm gathering with light refreshments to follow. Let us come together to celebrate their remarkable contributions in a spirit of gratitude and fellowship.

More information can be found here.

Our building and food center is open Monday-Friday

from 9:00 am until 2:00 pm.

Please call or email for more information about any of our offerings.

314-961-2393 x209 or www.emmanuelepiscopal.org


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