2022 Retreat Calendar

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A Message from our Center Director

2022 Marianist World Day of Prayer

Shrine of Scaldaferro - Italy.  

Please join us VIA ZOOM for a Celebration of the Marianist World Day of Prayer!

See Zoom information below.

October 9, 2022 at 7pm



Click HERE to read the message.

Our hope and prayers are that we will see you here soon!

Anthony Fucci


Betsy (Rickter) Roe

1979 - 2022

We ask you to join us in remembering and praying for Betsy (Rickter) Roe, a good friend of Mary’s house who recently passed away after a prolonged illness.

Betsy was what we would call a “Cape May Kid.” She attended her first family retreat as a pre-teen back in 1991 and then continued on to attend teen, college and young adult retreats. 

As an active (and vivacious) part of Mary’s House life, it was only natural that she would also staff family, teen and college-aged retreats. In fact, Betsy fulfilled one of the dreams of many a “Cape May Kid,” by meeting her husband, Stephen Roe, while on a family retreat.

As adults, Betsy and Stephen were regular participants on the Young Married Couples Retreat and Betsy was a frequent attendee of the Women’s Spirituality Retreats. 

Betsy was the epitome of Mary’s House hospitality with her welcoming smile, firm hugs, loving spirit and ability to laugh at herself. You were comfortable to be yourself with her because she was so naturally herself. 

Unfortunately, for the past 13 years, Betsy had been struggling with a rare autoimmune disease. She had her ups and downs with the disease, undergoing two kidney transplants and dealing with a compromised immune system. 

Betsy leaves behind her husband, Stephen, three beautiful children, and countless family and friends. It was a blessing to know and love her and to say “she will be missed” is an understatement. 

We imagine that she is now illness free, playing softball with St. Peter and cheering on the Ravens from her heavenly home.

We pray for comfort and strength for all who mourn her passing, especially Stephen and their children and we celebrate the life of this beautiful woman of God.


High School

Teen Retreat

Oct. 14 - 16

**A few spots opened up**

High School students come and join us for an opportunity to enrich your spiritual lives & make new friends! In addition to excellent presentations, there will be special prayer services, reconciliation and Daily Eucharist. Of course, there will also be time for fun activities and just being with one another.

Cost: $140


Mary's House

"Paint 'n Sip" Retreat

Oct. 18 - 20 (mid-week)

We will guide you through the process of painting an icon using the “Paint n’ Sip” model. Retreatants will “sip” coffee, tea or lemonade as we paint in community.  NO PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE IS NECESSARY. This year the retreat will focus on Our Lady Star of the Sea.

*we will provide all supplies

Cost: $140


Women of Wisdom Retreat
Oct. 25 - 27 (mid-week)

Empty Nest? Retired? Health issues?Downsizing?
These are just some of the changes we face as we age. From these often come questions:

Where am I now? Where might God be leading me? Are there obstacles which prevent me from moving forward?

Join us as we explore these questions through prayer experiences, group sharing, quiet time and fellowship with other women.

Cost: $140 per person
Advent Family Retreats
Dec. 2 - 4, 9 - 11, and 16 - 18
Mass and other family liturgies are complemented by skits, presentations, family sharing, peer group discussions, and fun activities. All with the focus on preparations related to the liturgical season of Advent, emphasizing the significance of bringing Jesus to others. 
For more information click here or call 609-884-3829

College-Age Retreat date set for 2023!

January 6-8, 2023

This retreat is designed to bring together young people of college-age (17-22 Current Year High School Seniors are welcomed)

Come renew your spiritual life, deepen your relationship with God and to enrich your association with your peers. Our time will be filled with prayer, special liturgies, peer group discussions and Eucharist.


Sign up here


Women's Spirituality #1 (September)

Contemplative Prayer Retreat

Celebration of Marriage Retreat

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If so Amazon will send .5% of all your purchases to the Marianist Family Retreat Center. Simply use this link:
http://smile.amazon.com/ch/22-2868412 to start your AmazonSmile shopping and we will get the .5% credit.
from YOUR purchases. 

Remaining 2022 Retreat Dates

Oct. 14 - 16 High School Teen Retreat (a few spots just opened)

Oct. 18 - 20 Mary's House "Paint 'n Sip" Retreat (mid-week) **NEW**

Oct. 25 - 27 Women of Wisdom Retreat (mid-week)

Nov. 1 - 3 Writing/Journaling Retreat (mid-week) (Cancelled)

Nov. 4 - 6 Women's Spirituality Retreat #2 (Wait List Only)

Nov. 18 - 20 Male Spirituality Retreat

Dec. 2- 4 Advent Family Retreat #1

Dec. 9 - 11 Advent Family Retreat #2

Dec. 16 - 18 Advent Family Retreat #3

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Need one more national holiday? Probably not. But Oct. 24 is “Take Back Your Time Day.” It’s about work/life balance and marriages can use this as much as workaholics. Talk with your beloved about how you use your “free” time. Do something fun together today.


October is Respect Life Month. As a parent, I assume you speak respectfully to your children and they to you. Respecting life also means valuing all human life – especially the lives of the weak, the vulnerable, the unborn, the poor, even those with whom we disagree. With political speech becoming less civil, let your children hear you speak respectfully even of those you disagree with.

Printed with permission of Susan Vogt, Lay Marianist - SusanVogt.net

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