In This Issue
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DASD E-News Weekly 
August 24, 2018    

Welcome to the 2018-19 School Year!

On behalf of district administration , faculty, staff, and the Dallastown Area School District Board of School Directors, we welcome you to a new school year!
How Did We Spend Our Summer?
We often hear, "What do you do here over the summer?" It's true that the pace is different, and there are opportunities for family vacations. But, in other ways, summer throughout the Dallastown Area School District moves at a much faster pace.

Cleaning schools, upgrading facilities, making repairs, and other buildings and grounds maintenance occurs in the compressed time frame. Hiring and orientation of staff members takes place throughout the summer.

This summer, several major projects were completed, including refinishing of the Dallastown Area High School and Dallastown Elementary School gymnasiums; installation of a cardio lab for physical fitness in the Dallastown Area High School (paid for through a gift to the school); resurfacing of the Dallastown Area High School tennis courts; and, preparation for Loganville-Springfield Elementary School's construction and renovation project.
Additionally, faculty members participated in more than 18 district-led courses and workshops and 126 curriculum writing sessions. Faculty members and administrators also engaged in graduate courses, education conferences, and professional development workshops.
Student opportunities included sports, technology, and fine arts camps and clinics, among other activities.
Dallastown Area School District was a busy place to be all summer long!
A Wildcat Welcome 
We we lcome 18 new teachers and 20 support staff, all of whom began their ori entation and teacher induction activities on Tuesday, August 14th.

Also, Vincent Sortino, Director of Athletics and Activities, will take over the sports scoreboard from Tory Harvey upon his retirement this fall. And, former Athletic Secretary Joshua Luckenbaugh is the newly appointed Assist ant Director of Athletics and Activities.
Let's extend a warm Wildcat Welcome to everyone!
Please Come In

As we return to school for the 2018-19 year, Dallastown Area School District remains focused on its top priority of safety and security for students, staff, and visitors. We remind the community that all visitors are welcome and will be required to produce a valid photo ID prior to admittance to a district building.

The Raptor Visitor Management System retains visitor history providing easy retrieval for subsequent visitor access. Due to class schedules and other school business, it is suggested that visitors call ahead or schedule an appointment to meet with a teacher or administrator.

Weather Delays/Early Dismissals/Closings

In the event of a weather delay, early dismissal or closing of school, Dallastown Area School District communicates through School Messenger, Twitter @dallastownSD, the website, and local TV and radio stations.

Be sure your child knows what to do and where to go during a weather or emergency situation. Also, be sure that current telephone numbers are on file with your child's school so that weather and emergency notifications reach you.
Student Medical and Accident Insurance

For your consideration, information regarding student insurance covering accidents while in school and/or during interscholastic athletics or extracurricular activities is distributed at the beginning of the school year.

Also, Pennsylvania Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) provides health coverage for uninsured children and teens who are not eligible for or not enrolled in Medical Assistance. For details, access:
Have a Healthy School Year
The mission of the Dallastown Area School District nursing staff is to ensure a healthy school year for your child. Be reminded to notify your child's building nurse of any health changes with your child throughout the school year.

Also, important immunization regulations are in effect and notifications have been mailed home to parents/guardians of students enrolled on provisional status with incomplete immunizations. Your diligence to this important medical matter is appreciated.

And, while it's preferred that parents/guardians administer medication at home, we realize that medication may have to be administered during the school day. In accordance with Pennsylvania School Code 510, Title 22, Sec. 12.41, Dallastown Area School District  Policy No. 210, Pupils, Medication requires that medicine be brought to the nurse's office by the parent/guardian or another designated adult.  
Medication orders and parental consents must be renewed at the beginning of each school year and shall be accompanied by a completed Medication Administration Consent and Licensed Prescriber's Medication Order Form, accessible on the School Nurse link of your child's school. 
Dallastown school nurse practices follow the Pennsylvania Department of Health Guidelines for Pennsylvania Schools for the Administration of Medications and Emergency Care.  
Have a healthy school year!
Food for Thought

Chartwells K-12 will continue to oversee Dallastown Area School District's Food Service Department for the 2018-19 school

year. Here are a few things to know:
  1. Breakfast will be available daily.
  2. MySchoolBucks is a convenient, easy, and secure online prepayment service, which allows parents to view daily purchases and account balances. A free App provides parents the ability to add funds electronically for a small fee. Parents can also sign up to receive an email when a low fund balance occurs. To open a MySchoolBucks account for your child, access: School Lunch Payments Made Easy
  3. Menus and nutritional information on meals served in the cafeteria can be accessed at: Menus and Nutrition
  4. A Free and Reduced Meals Application will be sent home with your child at the beginning of the school year. Families who received free and reduced meals last year must submit a new application no later than Friday, October 5th, to continue this benefit. 

For additional information regarding the school lunch program, visit: DASD Food Services Department 

It Takes a Village
Dallastown Area School District greatly appreciates the support of volunteers through the care, supervision, guidance, and routine interaction with students throughout the school day.

If you are a returning volunteer, check the Approved Volunteer List to be sure your clearances are active by calling your child's building secretary or the Human Resources Department at (717) 244-4021, Extension 4290. Volunteer clearances are valid for five years. 
If you are new to the district, we welcome you and invite you to  volunteer by completing the requirements of Act 15 of 2015  of the Child Protective Services Law.

For additional information, access: I want to be a Volunteer 

For the fourth year in a row and sixth overall, the Dallastown Area High School USMC JROTC unit received the 2017-18 U.S. Marine Corps Reserve Association (MCRA) Award, having been selected one of five nationally from among 51 schools in the region.

The Dallastown Area High School USMC JROTC program begins its 14th year under the leadership of Lt. Col. Joseph Innerst and First Sergeant Matthew Corwin.
School Board Schedule 
Finance Committee Meeting
6:30 p.m., Monday, August 27 
Administration Board Room

Community Outreach Committee Meeting
5:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m., Monday, September 10
Administration Board Room

Board Meeting
7:30 p.m., Thursday, September 13
HS Theater Room

Board Meeting
7:30 p.m., Thursday, September 20 
HS Theater Room

Board Workshop: Team of 10 Retreat
8:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m., Monday, September 24
Administration Board Room
Calendar Reminders
Monday, August 27 

Monday, September 3
Friday, September 21
About the DASD E-News Weekly


Again this year, we offer the school community the opportunity to subscribe to the DASD E-News Weekly, the district's newsletter distributed on Fridays during the school year.


With each weekly edition we highlight information and news about district initiatives and activities. It is not a substitute for information found on each school's website or the district's website, but it is another means to communicate general information that may be useful to a wide readership.


While we hope you find it informative and useful, if you do not wish to receive this newsletter you may unsubscribe by accessing the SafeUnsubscribe(TM) link below. To update or add an e-mail address, access the Update Profile/E-mail Address link below.

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