In This Issue
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DASD E-News Weekly 
December 14, 2018       

The E-News Weekly will resume publication on Friday, January 4th. 
LS Curls Up With a Warm, Furry H o liday Story

Loganville-Springfield Elementary students welcomed a special guest this week with a heartwarming message to take home for the holidays.

York County resident M.J. McCluskey, MBA, has been storytelling since she was a child, with a lifelong dream to write children's books. Her first published book, Grace Comes at Christmas: Gracia Viene en la Navidad, is written in both English and Spanish telling the story of a lost, lonely kitten in search of a name, a family, and a warm home.

McClusky also talked to the 2nd and 3rd grade students about exploring their own career pathway as an author.
HS Student Blood Drive  

Blood is the most precious gift that anyone could gi
ve an other person--a gift of life.

Donating blood can save more than just a single life when it is separated into its components: red
cells, pla telets, and plasma, which can be used by up to three patients with specific conditions.

On Thursday, December 20th, a student blood drive will be held at Dallastown Area High School. Coordinated by high school seniors Ashleigh Brady and Vignya Dontu, along with Anatomy & Physiology teacher Tad Gould, the drive will be administered by the Central Penn Blood Bank. Be a donor and help the high school students reach their goal of 100 donated units.

For additional information, access: I Want to Donate Blood

A Season of Giving  
In addition to the 2018 Remember the Troops drive, students and staff throughout Dallastown Area School District have been engaged in numerous activities in support of local charitable organizations during the holiday season. We thank the school community for its support of those in need.
New Year, New Menu
T he new Student Choice program is another in a variety of ways that Dallastown Area School District and its food service partner, Chartwells K-12, are reimagining the school dining experience.

Using new technology,
Student Choice gives students the opportunity to taste and vote on a variety of new menu items and concepts that will be introduced in the cafeteria the following month. Dallastown is one of 150 schools across the country introducing Chartwells K-12's Student Choice program this fall.

Recently, Chartwells offered students three sandwiches from its
Made to Melt Concept, Tuna Melt on Toasted Bread, a Pork Canitas Torta, which was on Flatbread, and a Chicken Parmesan on a Ciabatta Roll. More than 600 students sampled the sandwiches with Chicken Parmesan narrowly beating out the Tuna Melt. Both items will be featured on the January menu.  
Have a Healthy New Year 


Wishing you a healthy winter season, the Dallastown Area School District nurses share healthcare tips and cautions during this busy time of the year.  

  • Influenza cases increase during the winter months. To prevent the flu, access these tips: The Bug is Back
  • The holidays often include a lot of lights, fireplaces, and candles, and fire and burn prevention can be neglected. For burn safe reminders, access: Be Burn Safe
  • And all of those toys! Most injuries from toys are minor cuts, scrapes, and bruises; however, toys can cause serious injury or even death when not used properly. Access:  Choosing Safe Toys
HS's The Beacon Goes Digital
Since 1929, Journalism students at Dallastown Area High School have produced The Beacon, the school newspaper. This year, student journalists have extended their coverage of the Dallastown community to include an online news site. The site, , showcases student work with writing, photography, video, and more.
When stories are added to the site, students post links on Twitter and Instagram. Both accounts are @dtbeacon. Be sure to follow us for the latest high school news.
Mentor Me

York County Alliance for Learning's (YCAL) 25 career exploration programs are open to Dallastown Area High School sophomores, juniors, and seniors to learn more about a career path of interest. 
Questions about the program may be directed to William Probert, Workforce, Career and College Counselor, at:

Access this link to learn more: Mentor Me

Guidance Department News
Strengthening Families is a free, seven-week family workshop series for parents and youth ages 10 to 14 provided by the Children's Home of York and York County Children, Youth and Family Services. The program meets on Tuesday nights each week beginning February 19th, and includes family discussions, group skills, family games and activities, and video presentations. 

Parents and youth will learn valuable techniques and skills for stress management, peer pressure, problem-solving,  family communication, and more. The program is free for families and includes childcare for siblings under age 9 and a dinner. Complete* the course and earn a $25 gift card to a family restaurant.  
Join us Tuesday evenings:
Tuesday, February 19th
Tuesday, February 26th
Tuesday, March 5th
Tuesday, March 12th
Tuesday, March 19th
Tuesday, March 26th
Tuesday, April 2nd

Time:       Dinner at 5:30 p.m., Classes 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Location: Dallastown Intermediate School - Red Community
                94 Beck Road, York, PA 17403
For more information, access: Strengthening Families

To register, contact: DAIS School Counselor Gina Dougherty at (717) 244-4021, Extension 1374 or by email at:

*Some exceptions

School Board Schedule

Finance Committee Meeting
6:00 p.m., Monday, December 17
Administration Board Room

Building & Capital Projects Committee Meeting
7:00 p.m., Monday, December 17
Administration Board Room

Special Board Meeting (Bid Award for LS Building Project)
7:30 p.m., Thursday, December 20
HS Theater Room  
Calendar Reminders
Friday, December 21
Monday, December 24, through Tuesday, January 1

Wednesday, January 2

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