April 19, 2023
This Shabbat at STS
Friday, April 21
8:00 PM "Every Third Shabbat" Service at Temple Aliyah
In-person from Temple Aliyah and online at Temple Aliyah's YouTube page.
No service at STS.

Saturday, April 22
In-person at STS and online at stslive.orgFacebook, and YouTube.
Morning Minyan (Monday-Friday at 8:00am; Sunday at 9:00am) in-person at Shomrei Torah and on Zoom. Click here to join the ZOOM meeting or enter meeting ID 874 5946 3346, passcode Shomrei.
Evening Minyan (Monday-Thursday at 7:15pm) led by Temple Aliyah. Click here to join the ZOOM meeting, or enter meeting ID 868 889 99097, passcode: shalom.
Upcoming Shabbat Services
Friday, April 28
In-person at STS and online at stslive.orgFacebook, and YouTube.

Saturday, April 29
In-person at STS and online at stslive.orgFacebook, and YouTube.
Israel Week
Upcoming Programs
To everyone who ordered Mahjong Cards: The NMJL had a problem at their end which resulted in the processing of some orders failing to be completed. They did acknowledge receipt of the order placed through STS Sisterhood. Please understand that there are groups all over the country that have been affected by the 'glitch' in the online system. The cards have been reordered by certified mail. 
Baby & Me
STS News
Our Condolences
Tamara Cohn, a longtime member of STS, recently passed away. Her funeral
was on Tuesday, April 11 in Northern California. She is survived by daughters
Joanne Cohn and Audrey Cohn.
To STS congregant Liz Levitt, who braved narrow and pockmarked streets, aggressive runners, and two downpours to complete the 26.2 mile Boston Marathon this past Monday.
Help Build An Irrigation System in Uganda
My name is Ella Shapiro and I am a junior in high school. I have been fundraising to help build an irrigation system to ensure continuous agricultural activity for the Abayudaya community. So far, $12,000 has been raised and my goal is to raise $8,000 more by June.
The Nook is Growing and Needs Full & Part Time Teachers!
If you or anyone you know in the early childhood education field is looking to work with infants and toddlers, please have them e-mail Eliza Enbom at eenbom@stsonline.org or call The Nook at 818-854-7690.
Bone Marrow Donation Assistance
Nathan Einsiedler, son of Georgina and Paul Einsiedler, is in need of a bone marrow transplant and looking for possible donor matches. Donors should be between 19 and 40 years of age and in good health. You can help by joining the Be the Match Registry, calling the City of Hope (626-301-8483) or directly through the NMDP: www.marrow.org or 1-800-MARROW-2. You may also contact a laboratory to be tested privately.
Kashi Laboratories
Quest Diagnostics
Lab Corps of America
Community News
Marriage for Life Retreat: 10 Years and Counting
May 19-21, 2023 | Two Nights, All Inclusive | Brandeis-Bardin Campus
Building on the success of our programs for engaged and newly married couples, we're excited to offer a new retreat for couples married 10+ years. Facilitated by therapist Debbi Molnar, LMFT, this retreat provides a safe, open environment to strengthen your relationship and reconnect with your partner in the next chapter of your lives together. For more information, contact Rabbi Myra Meskin, myra.meskin@aju.edu or call (310) 440-1274.
We thank our members and friends for their contributions this past week:
Abayudaya Fund
Toni Prezant & Dave Glicksberg in honor of Aliyot.

Community of Caring Fund
Valerie Edwards & Walter Brauer in memory of Aaron Conrad, son of Marilyn and Allen Conrad.

Creative Arts & Culture Fund
Valerie Edwards & Walter Brauer in memory of Fred Rabe, father of Jon (Rachael) Cline.
Monica & Phillip Ganz in memory of Jill Morrison.

Elisa Feldman Grant Fund
Debbie & Les Feldman and Sharon Katner in memory of Aaron Conrad, son of Marilyn and Allen Conrad.

General Fund
Miriam & Bob Carroll in memory of Aaron Conrad, son of Marilyn and Allen Conrad.
Ellen & Don Cervantes in memory of Fred Rabe, father of Jon (Rachael) Cline.
Sherri & Rob Schreiber in memory of Fred Rabe, father of Jon (Rachael) Cline.

Jack Israel Communication & Technology Fund
Sherri & Rob Schreiber in memory of Aaron Conrad, son of Marilyn and Allen Conrad.

Kiddush Lunch Fund
Gail & Avi Lahat in honor of Michaly reading Shir HaShirim and the other honors for Gail, Avi, and Michaly during Pesach.

Lillian Weisz Meditation Garden Fund
Toni Prezant & Dave Glicksberg in memory of Fred Rabe, father of Jon (Rachael) Cline.
Sigi Hart March of the Living Scholarship Fund
Carmela & Harry Birenbaum in memory of Carmela’s father, Sigi Hart.

Yahrzeit Fund
Carol Ackley in memory of her father, Siegfried Nathanson.
Maxine & David Adelson in memory of David’s sister, Rosalind Madison.
Anne Alvarez & Janet Ashkenasy in memory Anne’s father, Charles M. Ashkenasy.
Elaine Berman in memory of her father-in-law, Joe Berman and loved one, Bernie Yudell.
Paula & Stewart Brooks in memory of Stewart’s father, Emil Brooks.
Cindy Cohen in memory of her husband, Michael Cohen.
Howard Cynamon in memory of his father Nomick Cynamon.
Irene Friedman in memory of her father, Maurice Fisher.
Sara Goldman in memory of her mother, Hinda Goldman.
Marlene & Ron Kaufman in memory of Ron’s mother, Sylvia Kaufman.
Amanda & Richard Krumbein in memory of Amanda’s mother, Esther Segal.
Rosemarie & Joel Nathanson in memory of Joel’s mother, Rose Nathanson.
Cheryl & Bill Niesen in memory of Cheryl’s grandfather, Samuel Nisenholtz.
Sherry & Michael Raber in memory of Michael’s father, Ben Raber.
Nancy & Ronald Schwartz in memory of Nancy’s father, George Rosen.
Janis & Yoram Shein in memory of Yoram’s father, Ze’ev Shein and sister, Zahava Paz.
Sharyn Weinstein in memory of Ben Zimmerman, Alan Zimmerman, Mildred Zimmerman, Abe Weinstein, Rochelle Zimmerman Hoffman, Yetta Weinstein, and Harold Weinstein.
Sylvia & Ronald Weiss in memory of Sylvia’s mother, Leah Farbenbloom.
Click here to learn about our funds, send a tribute card, or make an online contribution.
Sisterhood Judaica Shop
Shomrei Torah Synagogue
7353 Valley Circle Blvd., West Hills, CA 91304
(818) 854-7650 | stsonline.org