December 21, 2022
Share The Laughs on Saturday Night
Ticket sales close this Friday. No "day of" walk-ins allowed.
Turn those "ho, ho, ho's" into "ha, ha, ha's" at the Men's Club's 18th Annual Comedy Night, this Saturday, December 24th at 7:30 pm. This year we truly have a stellar line-up of headline comedians: Wendy Liebman, Dana Eagle, Kira Soltanovich and Ed Regine. 

$36 whether you attend in-person or watch the YouTube livestream from home. Ticket sales close this Friday, Dec 23rd. No "day of" walk-ins allowed.

Don't miss this festive and fun evening of laughs - get your tickets now!
Celebrating Hanukkah Together
Here's the view from the Cantor Snow Stage as JLC kids sing Hanukkah songs for the 350 people in attendance from Temple Aliyah and Shomrei Torah at last night's Hanukkah Celebration & Dinner.
Three generations celebrating Hanukkah together.
The children at The Nook on Valley Circle, our infant and toddler center, have been busy getting ready for Hanukkah! From investigating potatoes to make latkes to exploring the shining lights of the Hanukkiah, the little ones have loved learning and creating many Hanukkah traditions.
This Shabbat at STS
Friday, December 23
In-person and online at, Facebook, and YouTube.

Saturday, December 24
In-person at STS and online at stslive.orgFacebook, and YouTube.

PLEASE NOTE: The STS Office will be closed on Monday, Dec. 26 and Monday, Jan. 2.
Morning Minyan (Monday-Friday at 8:00am; Sunday at 9:00am) in-person at Shomrei Torah and on Zoom. Click here to join the ZOOM meeting or enter meeting ID 874 5946 3346, passcode Shomrei.
Evening Minyan (Monday-Thursday at 7:15pm) led by Temple Aliyah. Click here to join the ZOOM meeting, or enter meeting ID 821 3615 1400, passcode: shalom.
Upcoming Shabbat
Friday, December 30
In-person and online at, Facebook, and YouTube.

Saturday, December 31
In-person at STS and online at stslive.orgFacebook, and YouTube.
Upcoming Programs
Adult Education
10 Wednesday evenings starting Jan. 11 from 7:00-8:30 pm
Taught by Rabbi Deborah Silver at Shomrei Torah and on Zoom
$295 w/check; $305 w/credit card
This class is being taught and administered through the Melton School of Adult Jewish Learning.
The course highlights the Jewish call to action and provides a practical approach for achieving lasting change. Beyond acts of kindness, proponents of social justice aim to bend the arc of history toward alleviating the ills of society. Drawing from classic and modern texts, explore the communal connection that compels us to support the most vulnerable. While serious issues such as poverty, climate change and systemic racism may seem insurmountable, this course helps us step back and discover opportunities and strategies for local and global progress, providing a framework for taking a stand on issues of concern within one’s own community.
Baby & Me
Hello Parents and Grandparents! Our first session of Baby & Me/Grandparent & Me begins in January! There are many classes to choose from including classes for working families, classes for grandparents, musical shabbat classes and so much more to discover. Sign up now and come join the fun!
Youth Department
The Jewish Teen Learning Center kicked off their program December 4th with 12 teens eager to engage in meaningful conversations with their peers and teachers. They explored the connection between Jewish values and different types of relationships and applied what they learned to their own lives.

It's not too late to join! Our next session in January 29, 10am-1pm. Please email Michelle Greenberg at or Erica Katsel at to sign up or learn more.
STS News
Shabbat Greeters
We are looking for Shabbat Greeters. If you are interested in assisting, please contact Connie Tassa.
Community News
Mondays at 6 pm PT starting Jan. 30 | Zoom
Tuesdays at 4 pm PT starting Jan. 31 | Zoom
For those who want to study Mussar but were not able to join Rabbi Camras’ Tuesday afternoon class, here are two introductory Mussar courses taught by the Center for Contemporary Mussar. Mussar is a centuries-old toolbox for working on one’s character, focusing on particular character traits and Jewish values. This class will introduce a method that focuses on refining our attributes so that they enable us to serve others with greater and greater joy. 
Thursday, January 19 | 4-6pm | Corbin Bowl
Yachad is a non-profit organization dedicated to enriching the lives of Jewish individuals with disabilities and their families, by enhancing their communal participation and their connection to Judaism through social and educational programs and support services.
Saturday, January 28 at 6:30pm
Join Temple Aliyah at the Casino Royale as they honor Rabbi Stewart Vogel for 30 years of tireless leadership. Enjoy your favorite cocktails, indulge in some elegant cuisine, and stack your chips on the casino floor all night long!
We thank our members and friends for their contributions this past week:
Rabbi Camras’ Discretionary Fund
Shelley & Joel Baker in appreciation of such a welcoming feeing at STS when we were in the area joining your morning minyan to say Kaddish.
Gail & Benzy Kogen in memory of our aunt, Sheila Rosenblum.
Fay Miller in memory of Michael Camras, father of Rabbi Richard (Carolyn) Camras.
Allen Rabin in honor of:
- The December birthdays of my beloveds: my wife, Mary Rabin (z"l) (12/16); my mother, Doris Springer Martin (z"l)(12/24), and my wife's caregiver, Delmy Galdamez (z"l) (12/22). You will all forever be in my loving memory, my beloveds.
-The marriage of Carrie Vischjager and Ofer Ho.
              -The marriage of Miles Greenspoon and Lilliana Shvartsmann, daughter of Janetta & Sam Shvartsmann.
              -The marriage of Korie Miranda and Sa'ar Yaniv, son of Judy Yaniv Goldberg.
Jan & Michael Saltsman in honor of Judy Eichenbaum’s 90th birthday.
Cantor Ron Snow Memorial Concert Fund
Gay & Ken Elfand
Randee Samsky Hilborne in honor of Cantor David Childs and the amazing concert.
Allen Rabin in honor of Cantor Snow’s 2nd Yahrzeit, in appreciation of his memorial concert, and in honor of the December birthdays of my beloveds: my wife, Mary Rabin (z"l) (12/16); my mother, Doris Springer Martin (z"l)(12/24), and my wife's caregiver, Delmy Galdamez (z"l) (12/22). You will all forever be in my loving memory, my beloveds.
Cantor Ron Snow Simcha Fund
Carol & Jay Askuvich in memory of Cantor Ron Snow on his yahrzeit.
Ezra Fund
Allen Rabin in honor of the December birthdays of my beloveds: My wife, Mary Rabin (z"l)(12/16); My mother, Doris Springer Martin (z"l)(12/24); and my wife's caregiver, Delmy Galdamez (z"l) (12/22). You will all always be in my loving memory.
General Fund
Allen Rabin:
in honor of the December birthdays of my beloveds: my wife, Mary Rabin (z"l) (12/16); my mother, Doris Springer Martin (z"l)(12/24), and my wife's caregiver, Delmy Galdamez (z"l) (12/22). You will all forever be in my loving memory, my beloveds.
-And wishing a Refuah Shleimah (a swift and complete healing) to Don Cervantes, Nathan Einsiedler, Romi Marmet, and all others in need of such healing among the members of the Shomrei Torah and Temple Aliyah communities and their loved ones.
- in memory of James Miller, husband of Fay Miller, father of Mark (Wendi) Miller.
- in memory of Gavrielle Blank, daughter of Melody Bormaster.
- in memory of Renee Rena Montgomery (Morhaine), mother of Jon (Rachael) Cline.
- in memory of Irving Rasnick, father of Steve (Heather) Rasnick.
- in memory of Roberta Goldstein, mother of Cary Goldstein.
- in memory of Norman Simons, father of Robert (Lisa) Simons.
- in memory of Howard Solomon, father of Sara (Peter) Price.
- in memory of Bonnie Sarrow, mother of Robert (Michelle) Sarrow.
- in memory of Bee Lipson; beloved STS member
May the memories of them all always be for a blessing
Vera & Harry Rubinstein in memory of Johana (Ans) Koperberg.
Marc Stanley in memory of Batia Abramson Levkovitz.
Linda & Seth Stein
Kiddush Lunch Fund
Susan & Eli Emanuel in memory of Eli’s father, Ezra Emanuel and brother, Shokrolah Emanuel.
Minyan Tzedakah
Eric Marcus in appreciation of the zoom Minyan.
Social Action Fund
Allen Rabin in honor of the December birthdays of my beloveds: My wife, Mary Rabin (z"l)(12/16); My mother, Doris Springer Martin (z"l)(12/24); and my wife's caregiver, Delmy Galdamez (z"l) (12/22). You will all always be in my loving memory. Also, in honor of Ryan Kassebaum (who has the same birthday as my wife) for his work in support of LA Family Housing.
Yahrzeit Fund
Daune & Randy Eil in loving memory of Randy’s mother, Bella Eil.
Gilda & Abraham Emanuel in memory of Abraham’s father, Ezra Emanuel and brother, Shokrolah Emanuel.
Jacquie Gordon in memory of her mother, Revella Katz.
Yvonne Green in memory of her daughter, Samantha Green.
Rose-Lynn Jaffe in memory of her mother, Ceil Pfefferman.
David & Scott Liebshardt in memory of their father, Leon Liebshardt.
Susan & Abraham Hoffman in memory of Abraham’s mother, Hilda Hoffman.
Allen Rabin in memory of my maternal grandfather, Abraham Springer (z"l), and my wife Mary Rabin's (z"l) father, Faustino Tellez (z"l) and mother Gertrudes Tellez (z"l) in honor of their Yahrzeits.
Nancy Strugo in memory of her father, Mike Strugo.
Martin Sturman in memory of his mother, Fannie Sturman.
Click here to learn about our funds, send a tribute card, or make an online contribution.
Sisterhood Judaica Shop
Shomrei Torah Synagogue
7353 Valley Circle Blvd., West Hills, CA 91304
(818) 854-7650 |