January 11, 2023
This Shabbat at STS
Friday, January 13
In-person and online at stslive.org, Facebook, and YouTube. Recent Bar Mitzvah Roi Brent helps lead the service as part of the Encore Club, a group open to all STS teenagers. If you would like to participate, please email Rabbi Sheldon Kirsch.

Saturday, January 14
Aufruf of Edan Chen Zion and Meka Uffenheimer. In-person at STS and online at stslive.orgFacebook, and YouTube.
Morning Minyan (Monday-Friday at 8:00am; Sunday at 9:00am) in-person at Shomrei Torah and on Zoom. Click here to join the ZOOM meeting or enter meeting ID 874 5946 3346, passcode Shomrei.
Evening Minyan (Monday-Thursday at 7:15pm) led by Temple Aliyah. Click here to join the ZOOM meeting, or enter meeting ID 868 889 99097, passcode: shalom.
Upcoming Shabbat Services
Friday, January 20
8:00 PM Interfaith Gospel Shabbat at Temple Aliyah
In-person from Temple Aliyah and online at stslive.org, Facebook, and YouTube. (No service at STS)

Saturday, January 21
Bar Mitzvah of Judah Illouz. In-person at STS and online at stslive.orgFacebook, and YouTube.
Upcoming Programs
What YOU can do at Mitzvah Day This Year
Make bracelets for Save A Child's Heart
Give some love to dogs in need with Pups Without Borders
Assemble care packages for Bundles of Kindness
Help plant vegetables in the STS Community Garden
Make fleece blankets for children in shelters with JFS Project Hope
Give blood with the American Red Cross
....and More!
Adult Education
Baby & Me
Hello Parents and Grandparents! Our first session of Baby & Me/Grandparent & Me begins in January! There are many classes to choose from including classes for working families, classes for grandparents, musical shabbat classes and so much more to discover. Sign up now and come join the fun!
Youth Department
It's not too late to join! Our next session in January 29, 10am-1pm. Please email Michelle Greenberg at michelle@chaverimteens.org or Erica Katsel at es.sabrina@gmail.com to sign up or learn more.
STS News
Hebrew Reading and Chanting
Cantorial Intern David Childs is now offering to teach Hebrew reading and chanting to congregants. If you are interested, please email David Childs to schedule a time to meet.
Donation Items Needed for Rabbinic Intern
Samson Nderitu & Dafna Sizomu will be returning from Uganda mid-January and are still in need of a desk for their apartment. If you can donate one, please feel free to drop it off at STS or contact Connie Tassa in the Office.
Community News
Thursday, January 19 | 4-6pm | Corbin Bowl
Yachad is a non-profit organization dedicated to enriching the lives of Jewish individuals with disabilities and their families, by enhancing their communal participation and their connection to Judaism through social and educational programs and support services.
Saturday, January 28 at 6:30pm
Join Temple Aliyah at the Casino Royale as they honor Rabbi Stewart Vogel for 30 years of tireless leadership. Enjoy your favorite cocktails, indulge in some elegant cuisine, and stack your chips on the casino floor all night long!
Mondays at 6 pm PT starting Jan. 30 | Zoom
Tuesdays at 4 pm PT starting Jan. 31 | Zoom
For those who want to study Mussar but were not able to join Rabbi Camras’ Tuesday afternoon class, here are two introductory Mussar courses taught by the Center for Contemporary Mussar. Mussar is a centuries-old toolbox for working on one’s character, focusing on particular character traits and Jewish values. This class will introduce a method that focuses on refining our attributes so that they enable us to serve others with greater and greater joy. 
Picture of the Week
Superhero Bim Bam Shabbat
We thank our members and friends for their contributions this past week:
Rabbi Camras’ Discretionary Fund
Lori Michiel in honor of Ralph Michiel’s 89th birthday.
Vera & Harry Rubinstein, a speedy recovery to David Steinberger.
Sue, Steve and Noa Wallock in honor of Michael Delbick’s 60th birthday.
Cantor Ron Snow Memorial Concert Fund
Sue & Gordon Leff in memory of Sandy Lipman.
General Fund
Sherri & Rob Schreiber in memory of Scott Magged.
Kiddush Lunch Fund
Lori Michiel in honor of Ralph Michiel’s 89th birthday.
Social Action Fund
Emily & Stu Silverstein:
                -in honor of the upcoming marriage of Meka Uffenheimer and Edan Chen-Zion, son of Shahnee and Ori Chen-Zion
-in honor of the leadership of Zygi Boxer and Carol Levin on the Social Action Committee.
Yahrzeit Fund
Falamak & Eric Abromson in memory of Eric’s father, Joel Abromson.
Elaine & Norman Blieden in memory of Elaine’s aunt, Joyce Kron.
Howard Cynamon in memory of his loved one, Annette Hyman and Esther Robins.
Trudy Exler in memory of her mother, Anna Fitterman.
Betsy & Jeff Kapor in memory of Jeff’s mother, Judith Kapor.
Sue Moss in memory of her grandmother, Laura Rosenbloom.
Rena & Larry Rothstein in memory of Rena’s daughter, Amy Vernon.
Sherri & Rob Schreiber in memory of Sherri’s grandmother, Anna Fitterman and Rob’s mother, Kitty Schreiber.
Michelle & Philip Thacher in memory of Michelle’s mother, Ducia Hentell.
Sharyn Weinstein in memory of her sister, Rochelle Zimmerman Hoffman.
Click here to learn about our funds, send a tribute card, or make an online contribution.
Sisterhood Judaica Shop
Shomrei Torah Synagogue
7353 Valley Circle Blvd., West Hills, CA 91304
(818) 854-7650 | stsonline.org