March 23, 2022
Reimagine Grant
Shomrei Torah Synagogue is happy to announce that we are the proud recipient of a 2021 Synagogue Reimagine Grant from the Jewish Community Foundation of Los Angeles. The Foundation understood the strain the Pandemic had on Jewish Communal employees and generously provided Shomrei Torah Synagogue with a meaningful Grant. The additional financial resources were so helpful when each staff member was working tirelessly to continue to deliver meaningful services and programming to our synagogue community during unprecedented times. Through their generosity, we were able to provide additional clergy when our Rabbi was on sabbatical, reimagine our online presence and support additional office staff. To learn more about The Foundation and its programsclick here.
Todah Rabah
Purim Family Fun Day lived up to its name, as children of all ages slid down slides, jumped on bouncies, played games, made stuff, and had a fun day with their Shomrei Torah family. Todah rabah to our carnival sponsors - Kerry Harr VP of Community, Men's Club and Sisterhood. We are very grateful for their leadership and financial support.
This Shabbat at STS
Friday, March 25, 2022
Led by Rabbi Camras and Cantor Rafii, online at stslive.orgFacebook, and YouTube. Zoom link provided during the service.

Saturday, March 26, 2022
In-person from the Sanctuary and online at, Facebook, and YouTube. Please RSVP if you plan to attend this week's service.
Morning Minyan (Monday-Friday at 8:00am; Sunday at 9:00am) in-person at STS and also online at
Evening Minyan (Monday-Thursday at 7:15pm) led by Temple Aliyah. Click here to join the ZOOM meeting, or enter meeting ID 821 3615 1400, passcode: shalom.
Monday, March 28
General Board Meetings are open to all Shomrei Torah members. If you'd like to attend, email Sheila Goldman, who will provide you with the Zoom Meeting information.
Upcoming Services
Friday, April 1, 2022
Bring a picnic and celebrate Shabbat with music & stories at Castle Peak Park. For kids up to 2nd grade & their families.
Please RSVP.
Upcoming Events
View our Calendar for a complete listing of all upcoming programs.
Educational Classes & Groups
April 4 & 18, May 2 & 16 | 7:00 - 9:00 pm | Zoom
A four session course of spiritual growth through mindfulness practice, storytelling, movies, and Jewish teachings for wisdom-seeking adults of all ages, taught by Valerie Edwards.
Thursday, March 24 | 12:00 - 1:00 PM | Zoom
Rabbi Camras returns! Participate on Zoom or watch online at stslive.orgFacebook, or YouTube.
Tuesdays, March 29 & April 5, 12 | 5:00 pm PT
Free for STS members with coupon code: ShomreiTorah21

Classes for parents & grandparents and their toddlers.
Social Action
Support Our Brothers and Sisters in Ukraine
The needs of the Jewish Community in Ukraine are great, so those of you who are able, please donate to the organization of your choice:
STS News
The Nook on Valley Circle Is NOW OPEN!
After many months of hard work, our infant/toddler center has been licensed to open our doors on April 11th to the littlest ones in our community, from ages 6 weeks-24 months. The Nook will focus on your child’s development by creating learning opportunities at every stage. For more information or to schedule a tour, call Jennifer and Eliza at 818-854-7690.

1st Night Passover Seder: Have A Place/Need A Place
Do you have an extra seat or two at your Passover Seder? Do you need a place to attend 1st Night Passover Seder? If you fall into either of these categories, email Connie Tassa so she can make a shidduch and match our members with each other.
Israel B'Regah
Part of David’s Citadel Wall Built Without Foundation
Excavators have found that part of David's Citadel wall huge was built without any foundation and what has maintained the wall standing all these centuries is 'a wonder of engineering'.

Israel Trivia Question:
What is the history behind the Ayalon Institute, a museum approximately 30 minutes south of Tel Aviv?
Answer is at the bottom of E-News.
We thank our members and friends for their contributions this past week:
Rabbi Camras’ Discretionary Fund
Diane Cohen in memory of Avrum (Avery) Harris, brother of Barbara (Chanan) Klaristenfeld.
Barbara & Mauricio Edberg in memory of Avrum (Avery) Harris, brother of Barbara (Chanan) Klaristenfeld.
Marganit Lish in memory of her husband, Merrill Lish.
Ilan & Shulamit Sendowski in memory of their son, Ofer Sendowksi.
Cantor Ron Snow Center Stage Technology Fund
Andrea Tzadik in memory of Avrum (Avery) Harris, brother of Barbara (Chanan) Klaristenfeld.
Cantor Ron Snow Memorial Concert Fund
Sharlene & Nimrod Blau in memory of Avrum (Avery) Harris, brother of Barbara (Chanan) Klaristenfeld.
Rhona & Rob Fidler:
in memory of Avrum (Avery) Harris, brother of Barbara (Chanan) Klaristenfeld.
- in memory of Elanor Zemon, mother of Carol Park.
Erma Mazer:
in honor of Ron Fidler on the 57th anniversary of his Bar Mitzvah.
- in memory of Avrum (Avery) Harris, brother of Barbara (Chanan) Klaristenfeld.
Judy & Stan Podolsky In loving memory of our beloved Cantor Ron Snow.
Community of Caring
June and Lou Lorch in memory of Avrum (Avery) Harris, brother of Barbara (Chanan) Klaristenfeld.
ECC Donation
Sharona Benami In memory of Ron Snow and Avery Harris, and appreciation for Barbara and Chanan Klaristenfeld.
Robin & Andre Solomon in honor of the birth of their granddaughter, Elizabeth Raia, daughter of Erica and Dmitriy Katsel.
Ezra Fund
Marie Slotnick in memory of Avrum (Avery) Harris, brother of Barbara (Chanan) Klaristenfeld
General Fund
Miriam and Bob Carroll in memory of Shlomo Raiman, father of Shira (Josh) Enbom.
Tom & Barbara Freeman in memory of Merrill Lish, husband of Marganit Lish, father of Dina (Steve) Reisman.
Gail, Avi, and Michaly Lahat in memory of Avrum (Avery) Harris, brother of Barbara (Chanan) Klaristenfeld.
Nancy Norris in memory of Rebecca Somberg, wife of Mark Somberg.
Stephen, Glen, Nancy, Sheri, Wendy & Aaron Pickover in honor of Barbara Camras. Happy Birthday!
Glen Howard Pickover in memory of Cantor Ron Snow.
Jeannie & Sonny Raffle in honor of Sandi Gilbert on receiving the Chayei Olam Award.
Sherri & Rob Schreiber:
in honor of Eric Levine on the Bat Mitzvah of his daughter, Cayla.
- in honor of the birth of Elizabeth Raia, daughter of Erica and Dmitriy Katsel, granddaughter of Robin and Andre Solomon.
Ferdows Shadpour for Purim.
Linda & Seth Stein
Israel Ambassador Program
Sharlene & Nimrod Blau and Family in memory of Shlomo Raiman, father of Shira (Josh) Enbom.
Lillian Weisz Meditation Garden Fund
Jackie & Efi Ben-Efraim in memory of Avrum (Avery) Harris, brother of Barbara (Chanan) Klaristenfeld.
Minyan Tzedakah
Joan Small in memory of Avrum (Avery) Harris, brother of Barbara (Chanan) Klaristenfeld
Esther & Steve Kallen in honor of Sandi Gilbert on receiving the Chayei Olam Award.
Social Action Fund
Maeva & Charlie Carter in honor of the birth of Elizabeth Raia, daughter of Erica and Dmitiriy Katsel, granddaughter, of Robin and Andre Solomon.
Valerie Edwards & Walter Brauer in memory of Avrum (Avery) Harris, brother of Barbara (Chanan) Klaristenfeld.
Yahrzeit Fund
Sandi & Stephen Bell in memory of Stephen’s mother, Minnie Bell.
Duane & Randy Eil in memory of Randy’s father, Joseph S. Eil, a loving father.
Tanya & Steve Hart in memory of Steve’s father, Sigi Hart. With fond memories of our beloved father.
Yanina Levitas in memory of her parents, Leah and Simon Levitas.
Sue Moss in memory of her grandmother, Bertha Moskowitz.
Dorothy & Gilbert Omens in memory of Dorothy’s mother, Alma Levy and Gilbert’s mother, Lilyan Omens.
Ilan & Shulamit Sendowski in memory of their son, Ofer Sendowksi.
Click here to learn about our funds, send a tribute card, or make an online contribution.
Sisterhood Judaica Shop
Israel Trivia Answer
The Ayalon Institute was a secret underground ammunition factory, 8 meters deep (about the size of a tennis court), located on Kibbutz Hill in Rehovot run by a group of 45 teenagers and young adults recruited by the Haganah.

The secret factory was created in less than a month and disguised as a kibbutz that ran a laundry service in order to fool the British back in the 1940's. Not all of the members in the kibbutz were aware of the secret underground ammunition factory that existed under their homes. The unaware kibbutz members were referred to as “giraffes” by the factory workers, after the transportation method used for giraffes in the Tel Aviv zoo, where the animals were unable to see what was beneath their feet. 

The people involved in the secret project worked very hard to conceal the true purpose of the kibbutz: to aid in the fight for Israel’s independence. Between 1945 and 1948, two million 9 mm bullets were produced at the Ayalon Institute. The factory stopped operating in 1948, and in 1987 the factory was restored and turned into a museum and national historical site.
Shomrei Torah Synagogue
7353 Valley Circle Blvd., West Hills, CA 91304
(818) 854-7650 |