November 23, 2022
March of the Living Trip with Rabbi Camras
March of the Living Trip with Rabbi Camras
The deadline to fill out the application for the trip has been extended one week to November 28, 2022, so don't delay. The importance of this experience cannot be underestimated, as it builds friendships and leaves impressions about our defiance in the face of antisemitism that will last a lifetime.
This Shabbat at STS
The Office will be closed Thursday and Friday for the Thanksgiving holiday.

Friday, November 25
In-person and online at, Facebook, and YouTube.

Saturday, November 26
In-person at STS and online at stslive.orgFacebook, and YouTube.
Morning Minyan (Monday-Friday at 8:00am; Sunday at 9:00am) in-person at Shomrei Toran and on Zoom. Click here to join the ZOOM meeting or enter meeting ID 874 5946 3346, passcode Shomrei.
Evening Minyan (Monday-Thursday at 7:15pm) led by Temple Aliyah. Click here to join the ZOOM meeting, or enter meeting ID 821 3615 1400, passcode: shalom.
Upcoming Shabbat
Friday, December 2
Bring your own dairy dinner and celebrate Shabbat with music and stories. For kids up to 2nd grade & their families. RSVP requested.

In-person and online at, Facebook, and YouTube.

Saturday, December 3
In-person at STS and online at stslive.orgFacebook, and YouTube.
Upcoming Programs
Lunch and Learn with Rabbi Camras
Weekly on Thursdays at 12:00 PM | Zoom and
Lunch and Learn will not meet on Thanksgiving Day.
STS News
Bridge and Mahjongg
Interested in joining a bridge or mahjongg group that would meet during the week at Shomrei Torah? If so, please contact Lynn Wilson, a member of our STS staff and Chaplain student at the Academy of Jewish Religion.
Join the Bikkor Cholim Committee
Over the last couple of weeks, we have been reading in our Torah about our ancestors Abraham and Sarah who are models of chesed, acts of loving kindness. Shomrei Torah prides itself on being a community of caring individuals who reach out in gracious help when members are in need. To that end, our bikkur cholim committee, dedicated to caring for those in our community who are suffering illness, are seeking additional volunteers who are willing to prepare and or deliver meals to members in need. Please email clergy assistant Connie Tassa if you are able to join in this holy mitzvah.
STS Community Garden
Did you know that at Shomrei Torah we have been growing fresh vegetables that have gone to the West Valley Food Pantry? Our garden is on a flat-raised area off the top end of the parking lot with stairs up to the site. Please come out and help as we ramp up for the spring growing season. We have monthly meetings to plan and Sunday workdays with one planned for December 11 to get the garden ready. One of our goals is education, so children of all ages are welcome to help to better understand where their food comes from. Please contact Gil Solomon at or 818-470-0690 for more information.
Shomrei Torah Sisterhood is now taking pre-orders for the 2023 Mah Jongg Cards. Sisterhood benefits from each card that you purchase. Purchase includes your application for Membership to The National Mah Jongg League. All orders must be submitted by Jan. 25, 2023. SAVE THE DATE: Sunday, April 30, 2022 for our Mah Jongg Tournament.
Community News
Wednesdays, November 30 and December 7, 14, 21 at 5 PM PT | Zoom
The Conservative Movement seminaries and institutions are partnering to offer educational series that will bring you face-to-face with the brightest and most engaging scholars our movement has to offer. Register for free with Coupon Code: ShomreiTorah5783.
Shomrei Torah Synagogue is a Partner for these online Zoom programs, which continue the mission of OCCSP to ignite your passion for Judaism. Join their mailing list to receive regular updates on programming.
Preschool Loans Funding Available
If you or someone you know is struggling to pay for expenses related to preschool, Jewish Free Loan Association's 0% interest, no fee loans can help. Single-parent families and families with two working parents who have a child between ages 3-5 years old are eligible to borrow up to $15,000 with two guarantors. Borrowers must be employed and cannot have a current loan with JFLA. Residents of Los Angeles, Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties are eligible. JFLA's application process is simple and straightforward. Payments are broken up into manageable monthly plans.
Thank you to everyone who contributed towards our High Holy Day Appeal. We will be thanking you publicly in a few weeks once our data conversion to ShulCloud is completed.
We thank our members and friends for their contributions this past week:
Rabbi Camras’ Discretionary Fund
Rabbi Sheldon Kirsch in honor of Rabbi Camras and all STS clergy and lay leadership.
Ann & David Steinberger in honor of the bris of their grandson, Luca Maximus Ivshin.
Sefi & Mel Zukerman in honor of their grandson, Eli Zukerman on his Bar Mitzvah in South Africa and grandson, Shmuel Zukerman on his Bar Mitzvah in New York.

Cantor Ron Snow Memorial Concert Fund
Miriam & Bob Carroll
George Jacobson in memory of his mother, Gloria Jacobson.
Betsy & David Rosner in memory of Betsy’s mother, Sarah Springer.
Emily & Stu Silverstein in honor of and in memory of Cantor Ron Snow.

General Fund
Michele & Steven Levine in honor of Paul Einsiedler leading the Shiva Minyan for their mother.
Robin Ross

Kiddush Luncheon Fund
Liane & Gavin Rosenberg in appreciation of Sisterhood’s commitment to serving the community.

Yahrzeit Fund
Falamak & Eric Abromson in memory of Eric’s mother, Linda Abromson.
Elaine Berman in memory of her brother, Mark Goldstein.
Paula & Stuart Brooks in memory of Paula’s father, Joseph Rosen.
Rena & Larry Rothstein in memory of Rena’s brother-in-law, Robert E. Nusbaum and Larry’s father, Charles Rothstein and aunt, Mary Wasserman.
Martha & Gilbert Simoni in memory of Gilbert’s father, Behrouz Simoni.
Evelyn & Stephen Waterman in memory of Evelyn’s mother, Dora Wasserman.
Click here to learn about our funds, send a tribute card, or make an online contribution.
Sisterhood Judaica Shop
Shomrei Torah Synagogue
7353 Valley Circle Blvd., West Hills, CA 91304
(818) 854-7650 |