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Upcoming City Calendar

2/3- Board Of Adjustments - 5:30 pm

(as needed )

2/3 - Old Town Historic Commission - 6pm (as needed)

2/3 - Planning and Zoning - 7 pm

2/5 - Municipal Court - 6pm

Cottleville Events:

1/28 Chunky Knit Blanket Class - City Hall Board Room

2/11 Sourdough Class - City Hall Board Room




Now Open!

Invincible Insights

5377 Highway N, Suite 223

Invincible Insights

Garage Doors and More LLC

5377 Highway N

Garage Doors N More

The Cookie Box

3917 Mid Rivers Mall Dr.

The Cookie Box STL

MD At Home

5377 Highway N, Suite D

MD At Home


5208 Highway N, Suite 203


Safesplash Swim School

1471 Cottleville Parkway


SS Garage

5247 Highway N

SS Garage

New Businesses Coming


Cottle Village Farmstead & Distillery


On the Rocks Liquor Store

On The Rocks

Quick Links:

Free Solid Waste Bill Pay

Cottleville Resident ID Card

Municipal Court /Pay A Fine

Solid Waste Senior Citizen Discount Form

Reserve A Pavilion

Public Hearing Notices

RFP & Bid Requests

Employment Opportunities

Sign Up For E News

Sign up for Missouri Sand Volleyball at Legacy Park

Cottleville Interactive Map

Request Mosquito Spray

Request Code Enforcement

Report a Cottleville Street Light or Traffic Signal Outage, Down Street Sign

Request a Pothole, Street Slab, Sidewalk or Curb Repair

Vacation Check Form


Your Elected Officials: 


Bob Ronkoski



Ward 1 Aldermen:

Michael Guccione


Emilie Colombatto


Ward 2 Aldermen:

Johnny Gnau


Mike Krekeler


City Staff:

City Administrator

Michael Padella


City Clerk/Treasurer:

Amy Lewis


City Engineer

Tom Goldkamp


Solid Waste Coordinator/Deputy City Clerk:

Lindsay Jones


Building Inspector/Code Enforcement:

John Evans


Front Desk/Inspection Scheduling:

Hannah Glisson



Parks Public Works Maintenance:

Mike Braun


Chief of Police:

Dave McCune


Court Administrator

Jeana Arbuckle


Prosecutor's Assistant:

Vicki Shope


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New Trees Installed at CWS Amphitheater in Legacy Park!

Recently, landscapers were hard at work planting trees on the Cottleville Weldon Spring Rotary Amphitheatre hill in Legacy Park in an effort to provide future shade for concert goers and the like. Don't worry, there's still plenty of room for sledding during winter snows!

City Selects Firm Specializing in Historic Structures to Assist with Applications

Following the interactive site visit from Ethan Starr of the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) last fall, where he reviewed the City of Cottleville's "Certified Local Government" or CLG program, the City administration thought it best to secure additional professional services from a firm that specializes in historic structures and is knowledgeable in preservation practices. There are many possible applications where external services may prove beneficial to the City such as: 

  • Old Town Historic District code review and updates
  • Assist with the review of applications for Certificate of Appropriateness related to new and existing structures
  • Assistance with preparing Historic Preservation Fund (HPF) grant application(s) to SHPO for historic preservation initiatives 

The City of Cottleville is proud to be one of approximately 62 CLG's in Missouri having established its CLG program in 2008. Through the State's CLG program the City has secured funding to help make numerous improvements to our Old Town Historic District, which has contributed towards making Old Town Cottleville what it is today, a thriving business district that is the heart of our beautiful community!

The City would like to thank all of the City, County and State public works employees who spent countless hours preparing for and who continue to work nearly around the clock to clear snow and ice from the roadways as a result of the recent Winter Storm "Blair" which Governor Parson declared as a Statewide of Emergency. 

Cottleville has numerous resources at its disposal for weather events that impact public streets and public parking areas. In response to "Blair" the City deployed all personnel and resources to tackle the massive winter storm. This included City staff working overtime to coordinate and operate the three plow trucks, salt spreaders, a skid steer/plow and a tractor. Contractors, MoDOT and the St. Charles County Highway Department also provided snow removal services in various parts of Cottleville depending upon the roadway status. This partnership with the St. Charles County Highway Department has been in place for 20+ years. However, there is one exception, and that includes the stretch of Mid Rivers Mall Drive in Cottleville which is routinely maintained through a mutual aid agreement with the City of St. Peters and has also been in place for approximately 20+ years and applies to many maintenance items such as snow removal, traffic signals and street repairs to Mid Rivers Mall Drive. In addition, the City has created and maintained an excellent relationship with neighboring cities such as the City of O'Fallon and the City of St. Peters for mutual aid assistance which has only had to be used once back in 2022 for snow removal.

The City is always looking for ways to improve municipal services and expand the City's capabilities. In December of 2024, Mayor Ronkoski and the Board of Aldermen appropriated funds for the purchase of a new public works vehicle in 2025. We would also like to thank City office employees and Mayor Ronkoski who have fielded countless calls, emails, online comments, concerns, and complaints as well as some follow-up compliments after action was taken. Lastly, we thank the residents and businesses who have been patient while crews continue to work and who have helped by doing their part to clear parking lots, sidewalks, drives, or a neighbor's driveway.

The best place to submit a snow/ice concern or comment is online so they can be monitored, tracked, and resolved. Just follow this link to the City's webpage.Snow Removal Requests

Don't forget to move and keep vehicles OFF the street and onto driveways in order for the plows to get through your neighborhoods when needed. Use caution when traveling on snow or ice covered roads and bridges.

City of Cottleville Responds to Ameren's Proposed Rate Increase:

Ameren Missouri has filed a rate increase request with the Missouri Public Service Commission ("PDC"). The requested increase would total approximately $446 million for an approximate increase of 15.49%. For the average residential customer, the proposed increase would be approximately 15.77% or $17.45 per month.

In response to Ameren's proposed rate increase the City of Cottleville Mayor and Board of Aldermen passed Resolution 25-02 on January 15, 2025, opposing the rate increase and encouraging the PSC to deny or reduce and modify any potential rate increase.

There are several ways the public can submit comments and feedback including a series of In Person Public Hearings with the next one in our area scheduled for Wednesday, January 22, 2205 at the St. Charles County Administration Building, Room 116. For more details about the City's Resolution of opposition and Ameren's Public Notice please refer to the attachments here.

The City of Cottleville is pleased to announce the TENTATIVE 2025 Twilight Tuesday schedule!

Stay tuned for more information on each of these events as well as some improvements and additions to the schedule and the CWS amphitheater itself!

TENTATIVE 2025 Twilight Tuesday Schedule

CWS Rotary Amphitheater Improvements Coming Soon!

A new concrete stage expansion, or dance floor area, with an access drive/walkway to the Cottleville/Weldon Spring Rotary Club Amphitheater in Legacy Park is coming soon. This will provide better access to the amphitheater for both guests and bands to unload and load their equipment for Music in the Park nights. The contractor is excited to get started soon as the weather breaks.

New Decorative Street Lighting To Be Installed Along Highway N

Recently, the City selected a contractor through an RFP process for new street lights. The project came in well under the engineer construction cost estimate. The project is a public safety improvement and will add and extend street and parking lot lighting along Hwy N north to the entrance of Piazza Messina, along with lighting the west parking lot at City Hall. The lighting style will mirror those in the old town area of Cottleville and it should be completed by the end of winter contingent on weather and lead times for materials.

Ameren UE will Install Two New Street Lights In Cottleville Soon

City staff has been working with Ameren UE to install a new

street light along the Jim Hennessey Trail where it is below the Hwy N roadway grade, roughly 500 feet west of the intersection of Hwy N and Weiss Road.

In addition, a new street light will be installed on the west side of

Hwy N over the NEW crosswalk adjacent to the City Hall

parking lot and sidewalk leading across HIghway N.

Congratulations to the Winners of the 2024 Cottleville Holiday Light Contest!

Less than ½ acre:

1st- 224 Madison Park Dr.

2nd- 136 Vistalago Pl.

½ acre or more:

1st- 5280 Cedarfield Dr. (HWY N)

2nd- 54 Fox Hollow Dr.

Most spirited neighborhood:

Estates of Fairfield Manor

1st place business in Old Town:

The Public School House

1st place business out of Old Town:

Swan Insurance Agency

View the Cottleville Holiday Light video here: Cottleville Light Contest

Cottleville Employee Spotlight:

Jeana Arbuckle, who has served as Cottleville's Court Administrator

for nearly 18 years, has provided a professional work ethic, efficient

execution and a friendly face, all while loving the Cottleville

community and all of its charm. Mrs. Arbuckle has received hundreds

of hours of court administration training in an effort to be

proficient in today's ever-changing court requirements. Jeana is

married with 3 children and 3 grandchildren. She enjoys reading,

shopping, and spoiling her granddaughters. Her favorite part of the

job is the people who she gets to meet and also her coworkers.

“Eighteen years is a long time, but goes by in a flash when you love

what you do and who you work with!”

Did you know?

The City of Cottleville is required to provide for a municipal court office and supporting operations. The Cottleville Municipal Court is located in City Hall and operates in a designated area of the building. The court operations include an independent judge, prosecutor, prosecutor’s assistant and a court administrator. Macks Creek Law is the common name for a series of legislation passed by the State of Missouri that limits the percentage of municipal revenues allowed from traffic violations to 20%. Historically, Cottleville Municipal Court revenues have been around 10% OR LESS which is well below the threshold. All courts across the state of Missouri are required to file their cases on Missouri Casenet. For more information about the Cottleville Municipal Court and to search, view, track, and pay court cases online visit: City of Cottleville Municipal Court

Cottleville Playground

Improvements Underway

Last summer, the City Parks Department inspected the playgrounds and has recently placed orders for a large quantity of replacement components for the Legacy Park playground. The Parks staff will be able to remove the existing components that are wearing out and replace them in kind. Also, the play surfacing areas that have begun to fail were recently replaced. These replacements and repairs will ensure the playground remains safe while extending the useful life for several more years so families can continue to enjoy the Legacy Park playground. The City will continue maintenance on City playgrounds throughout 2025.

Visit Legacy Park at 5490 5th Street Cottleville Mo 63304!

Gutermuth Road Phase 3 Under Construction

with the Difficult Task of Utility Relocation

Mayor Bob Ronkoski and County Executive Steve Ehlmann met to review

the construction progress on the Gutermuth Road Phase 3 road

improvement project. Phase 3 is a St. Charles County road project,

however, it has been a partnership between the City of Cottleville and

the County Government. The third and final phase of roadway

improvements now underway was initially delayed when the construction

bids came in over budget; this put the project on hold but following

continued advocacy from City of Cottleville officials, the project

design was revised and rebid in an effort to cut costs. These efforts

paid off and the revised project scope received competitive bids and

the project was awarded to Gershenson Construction and Notice to

Proceed was issued in August of 2024.

The Gutermuth Road Phase 3 improvements will feature many safety

enhancements such as new driving pavement, lane widening, flattening

of hills, straightening of curves, curb and gutter stormwater systems,

and a new 14-foot wide multi-use path on the south side of the road.

For more information about this road improvement project please visit:

Gutermuth road phase 3

Cottleville Recently Entered into

an Agreement with St. Charles County to Allow for Blueway Bank Stabilization

The overall purpose of the bank stabilization and channelization is to extend to the upstream portion of Dardenne Creek the ability to navigate the creek via kayak and/or canoe creating a new leg of the Dardenne Blueway. This of course is also in conjunction with the Dardenne Greenway Trail which is also intended to extend further west to Dardenne Prairies' BlueBird Park. The portion that traverses Cottleville is in the "middle" but is also the longest segment of the new extension. St. Charles County's Parks Department hopes to have construction of the bank stabilization and channelization begin this year and completed by spring/summer of 2025. This is a joint effort between the adjoining cities and county governments with the goal of adding new outdoor recreational opportunities for area residents to enjoy. For more information on the Blueway visit: Blueway

It's Not Cool To Bully!

Did you know? The City is Required to Have a Development Review Process

The City is required to have a city development review process for

residents, land owners and developers. Once the City receives a

development proposal/application, the law requires that the City place

that proposal on a meeting agenda (for consideration by the Planning &

Zoning Commission and/or the Board of Aldermen). However, merely being placed on an agenda does not guarantee that the proposal will be

approved. Instead, the City reviews the proposal to determine whether

it complies with the City Code.

Sometimes, a developer submits an application for a development and is

placed on a meeting agenda and, subsequently, the City Staff determine

that it needs additional information from the developer. In those

circumstances, the development proposal will be postponed/continued to

a subsequent meeting. The purpose of a continuation is to ensure that

more information is available for review by the City, and input from

the residents, in order to guarantee a more informed decision making

process by the City officials.

To stay connected and for more information such as public hearing

notices, agendas and more visit: www.cityofcottleville.com

Hosting a

Special Event in Cottleville?

The City often gets requests for events to be held in Cottleville on City property, in a City park or using City infrastructure such as trails, sidewalks or City streets. These can include festivals, organized parades, runs, walks, trunk or treat, car shows, block parties and more. Similar to all of our neighboring cities, a special event application and permit is required,which includes providing a liability insurance certificate listing the City of Cottleville as an additional insured. This assists in protecting yourself, your organization or business, your tax dollars and City infrastructure. Approved permitted events can be featured in our enews, social media, city calendar, etc. 

To apply to host a special event in Cottleville on City property or using City infrastructure, apply here by using this application to reserve your date:  Special Event

Dogs In Cottleville:

All dogs must be on a leash in Cottleville parks, sidewalks, trails etc. with the exception of inside our fenced dog park at Legacy Park.

If you would like to report any concerning behavior at the time of occurrence, please call our 24 hour non emergency police dispatch anytime at 636-939-9966 or 911 if it is an emergency.

Also, Cottleville animal control services are provided by St. Charles County Animal Control.

St. Charles County Animal Control is located at 4850 Mid Rivers Mall Drive St. Peters, MO 63376

Ph: 636-949-7387

If you need assistance outside of regular business hours (Monday -

Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.), on weekends, or on holidays, again, please

call our non emergency police dispatch anytime at 636-939-9966.

Do you have a Cottleville Resident ID Card?

The card(s) are obtained at St. Peters City Hall, the Rec-Plex, or the St. Peters Recycle City. The documents needed are: a photo ID and a piece of mail with a current date and address. If the address on the photo ID is not current, then two (2) pieces of mail are required. Cottleville Resident ID Cards are free of charge.

Residents need the Cottleville Resident ID Card to receive reduced rates at the Rec-Plex and for yard waste privileges at the Earth Centre. 

Click here for application:  Resident ID Card

Join the Chamber!

Do you do business in the Cottleville and or Weldon Spring area? Membership rates are substantially lower than other area chambers and networking groups! Visit their office at 5342 Highway N, or call  (636) 336-2979   or visit their website.

City Information

Cottleville's Board of Aldermen meet once a month to conduct City business. They meet on the third Wednesday of each month in the boardroom at Cottleville City Hall (5490 5th Street). When necessary, Planning & Zoning meets on the first Monday of each month to review any applications received. The Old Town Historic Commission meets on the first Monday of the month as well. To view any meeting agendas and or public notices as a result of any applications received,  or City business needing conducted please visit:

Public Notices

If you are looking for more ways to stay connected with City of Cottleville updates and information please visit our website at City Of Cottleville to view all resources available to residents. Also follow us on social media and sign up to receive our monthly e news at: Enews

Are You a New Cottleville Resident?

Have You Notified St. Charles County Election Authority of Your New Cottleville Address?

IF NOT: You can register to vote, make name or address changes online at: Voter Registration OR in person during normal business hours at Cottleville City Hall (appointment recommended) OR in person at the St. Charles County Election Authority located at 397 Turner Blvd St. Peters, Mo. 63376. 

In addition, when you update your drivers license with your new Cottleville address at your local license office, you can also request they update your voter registration information.

For more St. Charles County voter information: Election Authority

Report Cottleville street light outages, traffic signal outages, down or missing street or stop signs online at:

Street Light Out

The City provides Code Enforcement services for things such as: tall grass and weeds, peeling paint, missing windows or siding, broken fencing and other property maintenance items. Please report any code enforcement requests online at: Code Enforcement

The City does projects throughout the City and in Cottleville subdivisions each year. Every winter thaw causes potholes and erosion. Adding salt to the roadways compounds the problem and requires spring road maintenance. Repairs continue throughout each year by using City staff, contractors, and the St. Charles County Highway Department. Please report street slab(s), curb(s) pothole(s), or sidewalk(s) in need of repair online at: Street Requests

**Please note if you have already reported any of these items previously this year via phone or email, they are already on the list. There is no need to report again online.

CPD Communique 

CPD Calls for Service Summary

The Cottleville Police Department took 30 reports in conjunction with an

arrest and/or incident investigation as well as responding to 455 other incidents from dispatch

during the month of December 2024.

The calls for service include but are not limited to:

Arrests- 8

   Business & Residential Alarms - 210

Animal complaints- 0

Assist Motorist-10

Burglaries- 0

Peace Disturbance- 2

Assaults- 2

Drug Offenses-0

Assisting other Law enforcement Agencies-24

Business checks & Person Wellbeing Checks-210

Driving While Suspended/Revoked- 3

Driving While Intoxicated- 5

Careless and Imprudent Driving ( Hazardous Moving Violations ) - 2

Failure to Appear & Fugitive Arrests- 5

Ordinance Violations/Complaints - 16

Sick Cases- 2

Property Damage-1

Special Events-0

Stealing- 2


Identity Theft- 0

Unlawful Use of a Weapon- 0

Suspicious Incident Investigations (Circumstances, Persons, Vehicles)-26

  Accident Crash Investigations / Assisting Motorists / Traffic Hazards- 24

Juvenile related offense/taken into custody-1

K9 ( Bach ) deployments ( successful in locating narcotics ) - 0

Follow Up Investigations- 7

UAV ( Drone ) deployments ( traffic enforcement/ special events ) - 3

Congratulations to the

St. Joseph 5th Graders on their Graduation from the CPD D.A.R.E. Program!

What an outstanding accomplishment! You've worked hard, learned important life skills, and demonstrated great commitment throughout the D.A.R.E. Program. By completing this journey, you've gained valuable tools to help you make smart, healthy choices, and stand strong against the pressures you may face.

The Cottleville Police Department is so proud of you and excited to see how you'll continue to use these lessons in the future. Remember, the skills you've learned will guide you in making positive decisions, helping others, and becoming strong leaders in your community.

Congratulations again, St. Joseph 5th Graders! We believe in each and every one of you, and we can't wait to see all the amazing things you will accomplish!

We are pleased to share some exciting news about our community. According to recent data from SafeHome.org and the FBI, Cottleville is recognized as the safest city in Missouri, boasting the lowest rates of both violent and property crimes in the state. This remarkable achievement reflects the strength of our community and the dedication of our residents in maintaining a secure and welcoming environment. Your commitment to your community and support of the Cottleville Police Department to safety and vigilance plays a crucial role in this accomplishment, and it is a testament to the collective efforts of everyone who calls Cottleville home. We are proud of our community’s achievements and remain dedicated to preserving the safety and well-being of all who live here. Thank you for your ongoing support and vigilance in keeping Cottleville a safe and exceptional place to live. Links to SafeHome.org report: Safehome.com


January 29th is Free

Bulk Pick Up

for Cottleville Solid Waste Residents

South of Dardenne Creek! 

If you are a Cottleville resident, all Cottleville subdivisions SOUTH of Dardenne Creek, register your address & bulky ONLINE now for the next FREE curbside bulky trash pick up.

Solid Waste Service Map: Cottleville Solid Waste Map

Please note the following curbside bulky trash pick up rules:

-You are required to pre-register at least two days in advance. (In this case the deadline is January 27th)

-A minimum charge of $55.00 may be added to your waste hauling service account if you set out bulky trash without pre-registering at least two days in advance.

-Bulky trash scheduled for curbside pick up should be at the curb on the evening before or by 6:30am the day of collection.

-A maximum of 3 cubic yards can be set out for curbside bulky trash collection which is approximately the amount that can fit in a pick up truck bed.

-A minimum charge of $55.00 may be added to your solid waste account if you set out an excessive amount of bulk trash.

-Bulky trash are items that are too large to fit in your trash can. Prohibited items can be be found here:  Bulky Pick Up Information

Find YOUR FREE bulky pick up schedule here: 

Free Bulk Pick Up Schedule

* Please note you will have two free bulky pick up collections per year. However, you may schedule a special curbside bulky trash pick up anytime for a $55.00 fee by contacting lindsay.jones@cityofcottleville.com. 

For even more information on appliance pick up or bulky pick up please visit:

Free Bulky Pick Up Information

The City of St. Peters solid waste service department mailed two (2) separate mailing postcards in November + December 2024 to all Cottleville residents with updates and the 2025 schedule. The 2025 collection schedule reminder is posted on the back of the most recent solid waste bill. In addition the schedule was/is posted on: our city website, our city facebook page, and in our monthly e newsletter.  

  • Attention Seniors Living in Cottleville:

If you are 65 years old or older, remit a completed senior citizen discount form. Take advantage of the savings! This form is not required annually.

  • For your 2025 Trash, Recycle, Yard Waste & Free Bulky Service Days for City of Cottleville Residents Please Visit the: 2025 COLLECTION SCHEDULE

Cottleville Waste Hauling Provider has New Trucks & Upgraded Recycling Program

The City of Cottleville has an intergovernmental agreement with the City of St. Peters for waste hauling services who have recently upgraded their trucks and software. Therefore like St. Peters - it is time for a recycling UPGRADE for Cottleville. Your new Recycling Cart will replace your Blue Bags for recycling. If you need a reminder to what days your trash, recycling, yard waste and/or free bulky collections are, please visit City of Cottleville Waste Management

St. Peters crews are running compliance checks on the recycle carts so if you see them out on route feel free to say hello and ask questions about recycling.

If they find an issue with what is in the cart, they will place an Oops Tag on the handle to help you correct the issues.

A reminder to ensure you receive adequate service, the Solid Waste Department reminds all residents of the following collection guidelines:



Online here: Solid Waste Bill Pay



5045 Highway N ( Old Salty's location )

Cottleville, Mo 63304

Contact McKelvey Properties

Imagine your business in Cottleville?!? We do.....contact Michael Padella at michael.padella@cityofcottleville.com for available Cottleville locations. Cottleville offers great locations for: boutiques, retail shops, architects, attorneys, insurance offices, cafes, accountants, real estate offices, sandwich shops, book stores, coffee houses, bakeries, restaurants and more...with GREAT visibility. 

Check out this available location on Highway N. It's a great, high traffic location in a high visibility area. Check them out today!


*If you would like to feature your space available for sale or lease in our enews please email  hannah.glisson@cityofcottleville.com

52d705bc-4de4-4454-a3d5-f6676ff770bd image

4506 Mid Rivers Mall Dr.

Cottleville, Mo 63376

3941 Mid Rivers Mall Dr.

Cottleville, Mo 63376

Looking for a new place to get breakfast? St. Louis Kolache has breakfast kolaches, lunch kolaches and even coffee! They have a sausage and gravy option, egg and sausage option for breakfast. For lunch they have a St. Louis pizza, sloppy joe and ham and cheese option as well! Another great option is Old Town Donuts! They have coffee, glazed, sprinkle and chocolate donuts to choose from! Both are great options when you're out running morning errands!

If you would like to feature your business in Cottleville please contact 636-498-6565 ext 0!

Do you own or operate a business in Cottleville from your home, office or retail space?

A Cottleville business license is required annually.

They expire at the end of each year on 12/31. Apply anytime at: General Business License

Do you wish to vend, sell or advertise items for sale from a mobile location such as a truck, trailer, tent or temporary stand of some kind at

Frankie Martin's Garden or at various locations, events or

pop markets located within Cottleville?  

A Cottleville vendor license is required annually. Rules and limitations apply.

They expire at the end of each year on 12/31. Apply anytime at:

Mobile Business Vendor Application