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Pentecost no bkgrnd

October 3, 2019   Emmanuel's E-News
Greetings from
Emmanuel Episcopal Church!

This Sunday is the Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost.
This is the longest season of the church year, lasting from Pentecost Day until Advent. The year following Epiphany and Pentecost is called Ordinary Time, and includes no major feasts. But it is a time for learning and reflection. The color of the season is green, symbolizing the life and growth of the church.

We look forward to seeing you in church! 

October 6 is the Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost

Prior to the 1979 Book of Common Prayer, Sundays in this long period of the church year were identified and counted in terms of the number of Sundays after Trinity Sunday instead of the number of Sundays after Pentecost. This period is also understood by some as "ordinary time," a period of the church year not dedicated to a particular season or observance.

The Phantom Carriage


Get your chance to grab a goodie from the "Awesome Bucket of Candy!"
Blessing of the Animals

Bishop Search Survey
Search & Nomination Committee seeks input from diocese

The Search & Nomination Committee has launched an online survey to collect data about what qualities and characteristics the people of the diocese seek in the next bishop.

Data from the survey will supplement the input the committee is receiving during a series of listening sessions that will continue through early October. Once the data collection is complete, the committee will use what it has collected to prepare the diocesan profile, a detailed description of the Diocese of Chicago that will help those who may be discerning a call to be bishop learn more about the diocese and its people.

The survey will take about ten minutes to complete and asks questions about the diocese and characteristics to seek in the next bishop. The survey is anonymous, and demographic questions are optional.

Click on the graphic to take the survey. Survey will be available until October 13.
Enneagram Workshop

Friday, Oct. 18th  7pm- 9pm &
Saturday, Oct. 19th  9:30am- 2pm
At the Kensington Compass Center
2nd Floor of Emmanuel Episcopal Church
Cost $30
Registration Forms are on the table outside Rev. Ellen's office or click here 
Spots are Limited
First and Solemn Communion Classes
Class Times:
Sunday, Nov. 3rd, 9 am
Saturday, Nov. 9th, 9:30 am- 11 am
Sunday, Nov. 17th, 9 am
Sunday, Nov. 24th, 9 am

First and Solemn Communion Service
                Sunday, Dec. 1st, 10 am

If interested, please contact Rev. Ellen at revellen@eeclg.org

Queen of Hearts News
Tuesday's Pot was $10,565. Thanks to everyone who bought tickets!

Katie S. was present at Barrel House Social and won $50 when her ticket was drawn by Sue Jasiak in the first Queen of Hearts raffle of the current game. 

Her choice of card 51 revealed the King of Diamonds, which, according to the NEW rules, any face card revealed wins another $50 for the player.  What a fun way to start the game! Katie says she will be back to try for the big prize. How about you? 

Barrel House Social is located at 100 W Burlington. Plenty of free parking in the Calendar lot.  Queen of Hearts Soldier 2

Tickets are available anytime at the bar at Barrel House or from Judy, Dan or Stan.

$5 each, 5 for $20 ($4 each), 15 for $50 ($3.33 each, best value).

Tickets are also available at this Saturday's Silent Movie event. 

See you there!
Get in the game!

Click HERE for the new rules.


Or call us at:
(702) 292-7250

We are getting a group of Emmanuelites to walk in the La Grange/Western Springs CROP Walk this year. If you are interested in walking please contact Dorren Gertsen-Briand or Rev. Ellen+. The money raised will go to fighting hunger in our area and beyond.

Each walker is being asked to collect $50 in donations.
Emmanuel will be bringing non-perishable food items to the CROP Walk.

Help keep our food pantries' shelves full!

Last day of Collection is Sunday, October 27.

Click on the graphic for a shopping list.
Emmanuel Coat Drive

Short Takes Short Takes logo

Send us your news!  We would like to celebrate your and your family's achievements.  Did your child get into the college he/she wanted?  Did they make the honor roll?  Are they performing in a concert or play?  How about a work promotion or achievement for you or your spouse?   Let us know so your church family can celebrate with you.
Vestry Minutes  
Click on the dates below to view the minutes of the respective Vestry meeting:
Emmanuel Weekly Schedule

7:15 am- Contemplation & Meditation

7:15 am- Contemplation & Meditation
Worship Schedule

8:00 am- Said Mass Rite II
10:00 am- Choral Mass Rite II

Planning an Event? Calendar


All event dates MUST be sent to the Parish Administrator so that they can be entered on the website calendar.  This is the master calendar.  If you are planning an event, click on the calendar graphic to find out if your event conflicts with other activities.   

Saint of the Week: 
Saint Francis of Assisi, Friar and Founder of the Franciscan Order
Feast Day: October 4

Saint Francis was born in late 1181 to a wealthy Italian silk merchant and his wife, who came from a noble Provençal family.Instead of Giovanni, his baptismal name, his father called him "Francesco," which means "French." Francesco, or Francis, grew up with every advantage, and as a young man, lived a high-spirited, carefree existence. But in his early twenties, he experienced a change of heart and decided to live a life of poverty, accompanied by a group of like-minded disciples as he traveled from place to place preaching the Gospel. 
With the approval of the Pope, he founded the Franciscan Order of friars. He also founded a religious order for women, the Poor Clares, and a Third Order  of Brothers and Sisters of Penance, a lay fraternity that lived according to Franciscan principles, without withdrawing from the world or taking religious vows. The Franciscans eventually became one of the largest religious orders.
Francis wanted to go to Spain and to the Holy Land to preach to Muslims there, but was long deterred by a shipwreck and by illness. Eventually he did manage to go to Egypt and Syria. His reverence for all of God's creation extended to birds and other animals, and even the sun and moon, whom he called his "brothers" and "sisters." 
Francis's years of poverty and wandering eventually ruined his health .and his eyesight. He died in 1226, at the age of 45, and was canonized only two years later. He is revered as the patron saint of animals and ecology, and also one of the two patron saints of Italy.

Source: The Epistle Saint Monica and Saint James Episcopal Church
Sounds in the Sanctuary

  • The Phantom Carriage- Saturday, October 5 @ 7:30pm
  • Black Tulip- Sunday, November 3 @ 3:00pm 
  • Pat Mallinger & Co- Thursday, January 23 @ 7:30pm 
  • Cathedral Choir of Notre Dame, Paris- Sunday, April 19 @ 3:00pm and 7:00pm 

Click HERE for more information or to purchase tickets.

We're Searching for Volunteers
click image to enlarge

Amy Black Charity Concert @ City Winery

Nashville-based artist Amy Black returns to Chicago on Sunday, Oct. 6th, at 12:30PM to play a special blues and classic R&B brunch show for a powerful cause: Supporting Chicago-area survivors of human trafficking. A portion of the afternoon's ticket and merchandise sales will be donated to the non-profit Magdalene House Chicago to further their work with survivors of sex-trafficking.

Click on the image for more information
The Last Word 

Diocese of Chicago header
Bishop Search Survey

click image to take the survey
Search & Nomination Committee seeks input from diocese

Take the survey now!

News from the Episcopal Diocese of Chicago

Click  HERE  to read the latest issue of 
News from the Episcopal Diocese of Chicago.

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 Find out more about the wider Episcopal Church and exciting news and events from our Diocese!  Just click HERE.


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Deadline for E-News submissions: Thursday, 9 am.


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  Emmanuel Episcopal Church 
(708) 352-1275  
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In This Issue
SATURDAY: The Phantom Carriage
SUNDAY: Blessing of the Animals
Bishop Search Survey
Enneagram Workshop
First and Solemn Communion Classes
Queen of Hearts News
CROP Walk Shopping List
Emmanuel Coat Drive
Emmanuel Worship Schedule
Saint of the Week
Sounds in the Sanctuary
What Does Four Hours a Month Mean to You?
Amy Black Charity Concert @ City Winery
The Last Word
News From the Diocese: Bishop Search Survey
Sign Up to Stay in Touch
Special Events

St. Francis of Assisi
St. Francis of Assisi

This Sunday is the Seventeenth Sunday after
Lessons appointed for 
Proper 22:
The Old Testament: 

The Response: 
  Psalm 137 

The Epistle: 

The Gospel: 

Special  Events

October 5

Emmanuel Staff

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