(708) 352-1275
(866) 668-2086 (FAX)
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November 16, 2023 Emmanuel's E-News | |
Worship at Emmanuel
Sunday Mornings–in-person
Holy Eucharist is offered.
Sunday Mornings:
8:00am: Said Holy Eucharist Rite II
10:00am: Choral Holy Eucharist Rite II
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Sunday Online options:
• 10:00am to 11:00am: In person worship at Emmanuel
• Service will be streamed on Facebook and YouTube
• Click HERE for Sunday worship bulletin
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Tuesday and Thursday mornings:
Contemplative Prayer
(a time of Scripture and quiet prayer)
Beginning at 7:30am. Please join us for a time of centering. Click HERE to join us on Zoom on your computer or tablet.
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Thursday Evenings:
Compline takes place on Zoom at 8:00pm Thursday.
Why not click on the candles and join us tonight for this brief, lovely service?
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Christian Formation at Emmanuel | |
Formation Series: Anglican 101
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As we prepare for Bishop Paula Clark's first Episcopal visitation to Emmanuel on Dec 3rd it is a good time for a refresh on all things Episcopalian. Rev's Dave and Kate will offer a brief overview of:
Finally, we'll review the baptismal covenant (11/26) and our own calls to ministry in the Church. All are welcome–whether you're a cradle Episcopalian looking to deepen your knowledge and your faith, or a newcomer still trying to figure out what the fuss about the Prayer Book is.
Those who are preparing to be confirmed or received, or to renew their baptismal vows, are expected to attend all five sessions, or to watch the recordings when they become available.
Join us at 11:15am in Beaudway Hall and live on Zoom.
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These programs will be conducted in person after the service or over Zoom at approximately 11:15am.
Click HERE to participate via Zoom.
Please note: ZOOM link for Adult Ed: <tinyurl.com/4cdd9drr>
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Were you unable to attend any previous Adult Ed sessions?
No worries! Recorded sessions are available online for most of this year's sessions.
NOTE: The June Formation sessions were discussion-based and thus unsuitable for recording, with the exception of 6/25.
Click the button below to view the available sessions.
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Please click on document to view full size | |
It’s that time of year for Emmanuel to collect gifts for Lawrence Hall Youth Services students ages 13 to 21.
Trees will be up in the church with tags including gift ideas. If you can’t pick up a tag, you can still drop off a gift at the church any time, or I will be glad to pick up your donation from your home. UNWRAPPED gifts are due by Sunday, December 10th, and you can include wrapping supplies if you like.
Suggested gifts for boys and girls include: bath, beauty and hygiene products, arts and crafts supplies, sports equipment, games, books, warm clothes, and gift cards.
Students live full time at Lawrence Hall and your gifts are very much appreciated by these children.
Thank you so much to everyone for your continued support of this worthwhile Episcopal charity.
Please call with any questions:
Ellen B (708) 354-5847.
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The Emmanuel Pipe Organ Project
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The Final Challenge:
The Antiphonal
Click on the Antiphonal pipes to learn about this extraordinary opportunity
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The Numbers
Amount received - $154,833
Amount needed - $44,584
data as of November, 2023
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For more information
check out our GoFundMe page
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Pray for those who have been commended to our prayers:
For the Sick and for those in any other need: Donna, Drew, Jane, Janet, Janice and Don, Jeff, Jim, Judy, Karen, Kate, Madison and their baby, Kurt, Mary, Michael, Mike and Renee, Molly and Jim, Pat and Steve, Richard and Connie
For the Repose of the Soul: Arthur Williams
Birthdays: Althea M, Lisa S-R
Anniversaries: We wish Vicki and Greg Roe a Happy Wedding Anniversary
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O Lord our God, accept the fervent prayers of your people; in the multitude of your mercies, look with compassion upon us and all who turn to you for help; for you are gracious, O lover of souls, and to you we give glory, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and for ever. Amen. (BCP p. 395) | |
The Emmanuel Prayer List is kept in the Church Office and updated periodically. Call or email the Church Office to add someone to the list. For privacy, people will be listed by given name, and the reason for prayer will be kept generic.
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Saint of the week:
St. Hugh of Lincoln
17 November 1200
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As a sign of his remorse for his role in the murder of the Archbishop Thomas Becket, King Henry II founded the first house in England of the strict monastic order called the Carthusians. Difficulties arose with the first two priors, and a French noble recommended Hugh de Avalon, who at that time had been a monk at the motherhouse of the order for 17 years.
On his arrival in England in 1176, Hugh found that the building of the monastery had not begun. Worse, no compensation had been paid to those who would have to lose their lands and property to make room for it. Hugh refused to take office until these persons had been paid "to the last penny." King Henry loved him for his plain speaking. "I do not despair of you," Hugh said to him at their first interview; "I know how much your many occupations interfere with the health of your soul."
Henry, impressed by his frankness, swore that while he lived he should not leave his kingdom, and took so much pleasure in his conversation, and paid so much heed to his counsels, that a rumor arose that Hugh was his son. Hugh's biographer wrote, "of all men only Hugh could bend that rhinoceros to his will."
Riots against the Jews broke out in England at the time of the Third Crusade. In defense of the persecuted, Hugh faced armed mobs in Lincoln, Stamford and Northampton and compelled their submission.
Hugh refused to raise money for the foreign wars of King Richard the Lion-Heart, calmed the king's rage with a kiss, and persisted in his refusal: this was the first clear example on record of the refusal of a money-grant demanded directly by the crown, and an important legal precedent. Richard said, "If all bishops were like my lord of Lincoln, not a prince among us could raise his head against them."
Devout, tireless, and forgetful of self, Hugh also had wit, a temper that he described as "more biting than pepper," and a great love and concern for children and the defenseless. He visited leper-houses and washed the ulcerous limbs of their inmates.
He was fond of animals, and they of him. Birds and squirrels came readily to his hand. He had a swan that would feed from his hand, follow him about, and keep guard over his bed, so that no one could approach it without being attacked.
In 1200 the king sent him on an embassy to France. His mission was a success, but he took ill and returned to England to die on 16 November 1200. John Ruskin called him "the most beautiful sacerdotal (priestly) figure known to me in history."
Source: Justus.anglican.org
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Special Vestry Meeting -------November 28, 2023
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Listen to Emmanuel Sunday Sermons Online
If you were truly inspired by any of the sermons you hear, don't forget you can listen again to the sermons from Emmanuel. They are normally available on our website within a few days of the Sunday service.
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Short Takes
Send us your news! We would like to celebrate achievements made by you or members of your family. Was your child accepted by the college he/she wanted to attend? Did your child make the honor roll? Is your child about to perform in a concert or play? Have you or your spouse been promoted or received accolades at work? Let us know so your church family can celebrate with you.
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Click on the dates below to view the minutes of the respective Vestry meeting: | |
Emmanuel Weekly Schedule
- Midweek services are available online
- Sunday services are available both in person and online
7:30am: Contemplation & Meditation
7:30am: Contemplation & Meditation
8:00pm: Compline
8:00am; Said Holy Eucharist Rite II
10:00am; Choral Holy Eucharist Rite II
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Planning an Event?
All event dates MUST be sent to the Parish Administrator so that they can be entered on the website calendar.
This is the master calendar.
If you are planning an event, click on the calendar graphic to find out if your event conflicts with other activities.
Thank you!
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Emmanuel COVID-19 Policy
- Wearing of masks is optional
- Please sanitize your hands as you enter and immediately before Communion.
- People may share the Peace in whatever way is comfortable for them
- Socially-distanced seating will still be maintained in the rear of the church
- The distribution of Communion will continue to be offered at the altar rail, but now with disposable cups as an option
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Presiding Bishop Michael Curry on Violence in Gaza: Stop the Killing | |
He also urged Episcopalians to call on government leaders to address the ongoing violence
News from the Episcopal Diocese of Chicago
Click HERE to read the latest issue of News from the Episcopal Diocese of Chicago.
Sign Up to Stay in Touch
Find out more about the wider Episcopal Church and exciting news and events from our Diocese! Just click HERE.
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Have Any News Updates?
All announcements and material for inclusion in the Emmanuel E-News, Emmanuel website and Facebook may be emailed to:
Deadline for E-News submissions: Thursday, 9 am.
Please send Sunday bulletin items to:
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Emmanuel Episcopal Church
(708) 352-1275
Helpful Links:
(The Episcopal Church's national website)
(The Diocese of Chicago's website)
(Emmanuel's website)
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203 S. Kensington Ave.
LaGrange, Illinois 60525
Phone: (708) 352-1275
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