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Lent Header  

March 12, 2020 Emmanuel's E-News
Greetings from
Emmanuel Episcopal Church!

This Sunday is the Third Sunday in Lent. 
We look forward to seeing you in church! 

The Colors and Symbols of Lent,  part 1

The color used in the sanctuary for most of Lent is purple, red violet, or dark violet. These colors symbolize both the pain and suffering leading up to the crucifixion of Jesus as well as the suffering of humanity and the world under sin.  But purple is also the color of royalty, and so anticipates through the suffering and death of Jesus the coming resurrection and hope of newness that will be celebrated in the Resurrection on Easter Sunday.
Some church traditions use grey for Ash Wednesday or for the entire season of Lent, or for special days of fasting and prayer. Gray is the color of ashes, and therefore a biblical symbol of mourning and repentance.

 The decorations for the sanctuary during Lent should reflect this mood of penitence and reflection.  Some Anglican churches use unbleached muslin, which can range from white to beige, with accents in red or black for Lent to symbolize this same spirit of penitence. Some churches avoid the use of any flowers in the sanctuary during Lent, using various dried arrangements.  This can be especially effective if a flowering cross is used for Easter. Other churches use arrangements of rocks or symbols associated with the Gospel readings for the six Sundays in Lent.

Adapted from: CRI/Voice, Institute-Dennis Bratcher, Copyright © 2017, Dennis Bratcher 

Distraction Detox

Holy Week at Emmanuel

Lenten devotional books are available.
Pick up your copy today!

Queen of Hearts News
Another winner Tuesday night!  
Tuesday's winner was Kathy B, a regular attendee of the Barrel House. She was
present to win her $50 with card number 17, which revealed the 5 of clubs.  
The pot has surpassed $20,000 at $20,290!
Join us Next Tuesday at 7 for the 8 PM drawing!
PLEASE buy some tickets, and give as a gift, or encourage a friend of neighbor to buy. Remember to remind everyone that we (Friends Of Casavant 3062) are a registered 501(c)(3) not for profit. All the net proceeds (we keep half) go only to the PIPE ORGAN PROJECT.
And it's FUN...we put Fun back in Fundraising.
Our next drawing of this season's Queen of Hearts Ra ffle will be at Barrel House Social, w ho also live streams the drawing to their TV and FB page!
Barrel House Social is located at 100 W Burlington. Plenty of free parking in the Calen dar lot. 
Tickets are available anytime at the bar at Barrel House or from Judy, Dan or Stan.
Click on the heart for the new rules.
Remember: You can't win if you don't play!  
Pipe Organ Project

Difficult Difficult Conversations

Easter Flowers Header
Easter Flowers and Music

Once again, plans are afoot for our Easter music program and floral celebrations. Holy Week is April 5 th to the 12 th .  
We offer a dedication in the Easter bulletin to honor events or loved ones past, present or future. Donations are invited. Forms can be found near the church entrance or hallway, or click on the flowers above to download a copy. Thank you!

Emmanuel Family Portrait Project

In joyous celebration of the many unique individuals and families in our congregation, we are excited to announce a new photo documentation project of the identity of our members, new and old. 
We kindly ask your assistance. Please send a photograph of yourself and/or your family
to imagineartstudio@sbcglobal.net. WE ARE LOOKING FOR 100% PARTICIPATION. You and your loved ones can look forward to your image and words becoming part of a display, to be located just outside the rector's office. 
(Christmas card photos, vacation photos, photos taken at church... all acceptable!)
1. Take or find a photo of you and/or your family. (Digital or printed)
2. Complete this sentence: "We/I belong to Emmanuel because..."
3. Email your response and photo to Vestry Member Rachel Weaver Rivera at imagineartstudio@sbcglobal.net, text it to her at (773) 203-6659, give it to her in person, or leave it in her mail box in the mail room.

Magdalene House Benefit

Don't Miss Out! Early Bird Tickets Available through 4/1!

Upcoming Meetings at-a-glance
Vestry Committees                       March 22
Vestry Meeting                               March 24
POP Committee                             April 2
Vestry Meeting                               April 14
Listen to Emmanuel Sunday Sermons Online 

If you were truly inspired by any of the sermons you hear, don't forget you can listen again to the sermons from Emmanuel. They are normally available on our website within a few days of the Sunday service.   
Short Takes Short Takes logo

Send us your news!  We would like to celebrate your and your family's achievements.  Did your child get into the college he/she wanted?  Did they make the honor roll?  Are they performing in a concert or play?  How about a work promotion or achievement for you or your spouse?   Let us know so your church family can celebrate with you.
Last Friday and Saturday (March 6th and 7th) your Vestry held an in-house retreat to do strategic planning and long range planning.  I am deeply grateful for the time and their gifts of discernment as we seek out God's will for Emmanuel Church.  
The Vestry named two top priorities:
  1. 1.  To reach new and diverse members and grow the church. (external focus)
  2. 2.  To engage and build deeper connections among our own parishioners and families. (internal focus)
The Vestry has begun this work by dividing into two think tanks around the two top priorities.  Soon the Vestry will communicate some initial ideas and ways you can participate and help. If you have a desire to be on one of these think tanks please let Kathleen Valenta or Marc O'Brien know.  
We will also be looking at how we structure committees and looking for ways for people to get more easily involved.  
Our next Vestry meeting is 7pm, Tuesday March 24th.  All members of the church are welcome to attend. After that meeting we will be communicating with you the Vestry's initial goals for 2020.
I'm deeply grateful for the gifts of time and creativity by your Vestry members, and look forward to communicating our initial goals later this month.  

Rev. Ellen+

Vestry Minutes  
Click on the dates below to view the minutes of the respective Vestry meeting:

Emmanuel Weekly Schedule

7:15 am- Contemplation & Meditation

7:15 am- Contemplation & Meditation

9:30 am- Bible Study
Worship Schedule

8:00 am- Said Mass Rite II
10:00 am- Choral Mass Rite II

Planning an Event? Calendar


All event dates MUST be sent to the Parish Administrator so that they can be entered on the website calendar.  This is the master calendar.  If you are planning an event, click on the calendar graphic to find out if your event conflicts with other activities.   

UPDATE: New Classes at the Kensington Art Centre!


Click HERE for more information or to purchase tickets.

click image to enlarge
Notre Dame Concert Update
Ticket sales for the April 19th concerts are selling well, with over $17,425 sold so far. Help us make these concerts a huge success so we don't have to borrow as much! We are actively soliciting Corporate/Business/Private sponsors to pay for the choir expense. Sponsors will receive some tickets, and get advertising/recognition space in the programs and in the church if so desired! Please consider sponsoring or asking your neighbors' and friends' businesses to buy ad space that reaches our 600+ concert attendees! Coupons, discounts, rebates and well wishes from local businesses do encourage concert attendees to patronize these establishments. 
Contact Dan or Stan or Kathleen or Judy for a Notre Dame Sponsor Letter if you don't see one on the table in the hallway. (We are also looking for Ronnie Rice/El Rando program sponsors starting at $100) Law firms, dentists, investment firms, real estate offices, car dealers and jewelers are some good candidates.
Thank you!

click image to enlarge

click for full size poster
The Last Word 


Diocese of Chicago header

Coronavirus Update: A Message from Bishop Lee

Bishop Lee has issued an update to the diocese on the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus


News from the Episcopal Diocese of Chicago

Click  HERE  to read the latest issue of 
News from the Episcopal Diocese of Chicago.


Sign Up to Stay in Touch

 Find out more about the wider Episcopal Church and exciting news and events from our Diocese!  Just click HERE.


Have Any News Updates?
All announcements and material for inclusion in the Emmanuel E-News, Emmanuel website and Facebook may be emailed to:
Deadline for E-News submissions: Thursday, 9 am.
Please send Sunday bulletin items to:

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  Emmanuel Episcopal Church 
(708) 352-1275  
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In This Issue
Distraction Detox
Holy Week at Emmanuel
Living Well Through Lent
Queen of Hearts: Another winner Tuesday night!
Difficult Conversations
Easter Flowers & Music
Emmanuel Family Portrait Project
Magdalene House Benefit: Early Bird Tickets Available!
Upcoming Meetings at-a-glance
Listen to Emmanuel Sunday Sermons Online
Vestry News: Emmanuel Vestry Retreat
Emmanuel Weekly Schedule
UPDATE: New Classes at the Kensington Art Centre!
Sounds in the Sanctuary: Reserve Now for Ronnie Rice!
The Last Word
News from the Diocese: Coronavirus Update: A Message from Bishop Lee
Stained Glass Window
Jesus and the Samaritan woman at the well

This  Sunday is The Third Sunday in Lent

Lessons appointed for 
the day:
The Old Testament: 
The Response:   
The Epistle:   
The Gospel:     

Meetings and Special Events  

Emmanuel Staff


Emmanuel Episcopal Church

If you have received this email and no longer wish to be on our distribution list, please click on "SafeUnsubscribe" below or call the parish office.  Note that this email distribution list is to be used only by Emmanuel Episcopal Church for the purpose of internal and parish-related communications.