November 15, 2023 E-News

In This Issue

First Church News

Grow in Faith Opportunities

Serve the Church and Community

Build Community

Pledge Now

Sunday, November 19

What's Coming Up?

Bundled Blessings Invitation to Bottoms Up! Fundraiser

First Things First Accessible 24/7

First Church News

General Conference 2024- What's the Big Deal?

Next year's General Conference will be very important to the future of the United Methodist denomination, and this Sunday you'll have an opportunity to learn why. On Nov. 19 at 9:15am, the Reconciling Task Force and the Pastor’s Advisory Team will co-sponsor an adult education class (high schoolers and young adults welcome) to update interested congregation members about what to expect at the UMC 2024 General Conference next spring. Please attend in person or online. Learn more...

Visitors Invited to First Church Ministry Tour

Visitors new to First Church as well as those who have been worshipping here for months are invited to further explore this faith community. The First Church Ministry Tour, offered on Sunday, Nov. 19 and Dec. 3, 9:15-10:15am, is an opportunity for church visitors to explore who we are as a congregation and what we do. Details and RSVP


Email Mary Taylor-Johnson at

The Star Tree is coming!

The Star Tree provides an annual opportunity to give Christmas gifts to Evanston youth from low-income families. This year marks the 25th anniversary of First Church's Star Tree partnership with Evanston’s Youth & Opportunity United (Y.O.U.). On Nov. 26 & Dec. 3, you are invited to select a star ornament from the tree in Fountain Foyer. Each star represents a child or youth identified by Y.O.U. and includes gift ideas. All gifts are due on Dec 10.

What are you doing Friday evening ?

This Friday the Festival Choir and Orchestra of First United Methodist Church of Evanston presents a concert of cantatas by Johann Sebastian Bach and Healey Willan. Healey Willan is considered the dean of Canadian composers. His cantata, The Mystery of Bethlehem, was written in 1923 and sets ancient responsories for Advent and Christmas in English. One of the best-known works of Bach is Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring which is from Cantata No. 147. The choir will present the complete cantata which received its premiere 300 years ago in 1723 during the first year of Bach’s tenure in Leipzig. The concert is free and open to the public.

Drop Off Styrofoam on Nov. 18

On the third Saturday of each month, 10am to noon, the Earth Care Committee is ready to collect your No. 6 plastic foam at the Church Street entrance. Acceptable items include disposable coffee cups; take out containers... More

Opportunities to Grow in Faith

First Steps to Faith

Sunday, Nov. 19, 9:30-10am

Children ages 0-3 and their parents or caregivers gather one Sunday a month in the nursery for seasonal stories, songs, and activities for young families.

Questions about this event or the nursery? Reach out to Rachel Nkonge, Nursery Coordinator, at .

Bringing Light Into Advent Darkness

Mondays, Nov. 27, Dec. 4 & 11, 7-8pm (online)

Using the four Advent candle themes--hope, love, joy, and peace—this online three-week, small group experience offers four different prayer practices.

This group invites participants to explore breath prayer, examen, praying scripture, and intercessory prayer. The goal is to encourage one another to pray intentionally during a season so frequently filled with anxiety, stress, and grief. The hope is that our renewed prayer practices may lead us into a new year that continues Advent themes. No experience necessary.

Details and sign up

Journey to the Common Good: Fostering Connection and Relational Discipleship During an Epidemic of Loneliness

Sunday, Dec. 3, 10, 17, at 9:15am in person or online via Owl technology

Despite the proliferation of opportunities to be connected by social media in 2023, people feel less connected than ever. If one of the ministries of the church is to foster community and encourage individuals to thrive in community, how can and how does the church address the lack of connection in today’s society? The three class sessions will focus on the increasing lack of connections in society and the ways that the church can respond to this situation by cultivating relationships and interconnectedness in the face of this “epidemic of loneliness.” Adults of all ages are encouraged to attend each session. More...

Progressive Christianity Reading Group Begins Discussion of Jon Meachem's The Soul of America on Nov. 30

Meets Thursdays, 1-2 pm (online).


Winter Covenant Group Forming

Thursdays 10-11am, Jan. 4, 11, 18 & 25, in person

When have you been aware of God’s presence/absence? How do you live your faith?Where do you best hear God's still, small voice? In the new year a small covenant group will gather weekly to reflect on questions like these. An open and freewheeling discussion of faith is envisioned, going wherever God leads!

This group of no more than 8 will be facilitated by Ladonna Taylor. Email Ladonna at to sign up or ask questions.

Additional adult learning opportunities are at

Opportunities to Serve this Holiday Season

Thanksgiving Soup Kitchen

Food donations - sign up

Still needed: ham and stuffing. Can you help?

The schedule for kitchen and dining room volunteers on Thanksgiving is now full! Thank you!

Thursday Soup Kitchen

As the weather gets colder we see more folks coming for a hot mail and lunch for the next day. Can you help?

Cooking Teams and Dining Room Hosts

Sack Lunch Ministry

Every Sunday, our congregation delivers 60 sack lunches to a homeless shelter just north of the Howard el stop. Can you help purchase ingredients (anytime during the week) or deliver the lunches (after Sunday worship)?  

Learn more and sign up to help.

Overnight Shelter Hosts

First Church again will host the Interfaith Action of Evanston Overnight Shelter for three weeks during the holidays, December 24- January 14. 

Interfaith Action provides two paid staff members plus volunteers each night. Our congregation provides volunteers to serve in a host role each morning (6-7:30am) and evening (8:00-9:00pm) during our three weeks. The volunteer role is minimal, given the paid staff positions. Please consider giving some time for this important effort.

Sign up to help host the overnight shelter!

Build Community

MYF (for grades 7-12)

Lunch, games, and conversation for middle school and high schoolers!

More details...

Young Adults Potluck

Join your peers for dinner and community!

More details...

At right: First Church young adults at Trivia Night!

Sunday, Nov.19

9:00am Nursery opens for ages 0-3

9:15am Classes for preschoolers through adults. Check the calendar listing.

9:30am First Steps to Faith, Chancel Choir rehearsal

10:30 Worship in the Sanctuary

Also livestreamed on YouTube

Preacher: Rev. Grace Imathiu

Check out Worship this Sunday for the bulletin and other details. Advanced registration is appreciated.

11:30am Community Hour

Stop by Great Hall after worship for coffee or a cold drink and snacks.. Connect with old friends and make some new ones. Can you host one Sunday? Sign up here.

What's else is coming up?

Nov. 19: Festival Choir Concert

Nov. 18: Earth Care Styrofoam Collection

Nov. 19: First Church Ministry Tour (for visitors)

Nov. 23 & 24: Church office closed for the holiday

Nov. 26: Star Tree begins

Dec. 3: Advent Begins; "Messy Advent"; First Church Ministry Tour (for visitors); Covenant Hike Group

Dec. 6: First Wednesday Potluck

Please submit event information via the new Communications and Calendar Request. Check out the church calendar for a complete listing of events.

From the Stewardship Committee

It's not too late to pledge your financial support for First Church in 2024. By sharing your intentions of financial giving, you enable the church to make better decisions on how to support our ministries and staff.

Pledge Now

First Things First Accessible 24/7

The First Things First webpage is updated as needed each week. This page lists current prayer requests and reminds us to care for each other and welcome new persons in our midst.

This webpage is only accessible via the link in the weekly E-News or by using the search bar on the website.

First United Methodist Church

516 Church St.


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First United Methodist Church is a community
of Christians inviting all people to grow in their relationship with God
and to live their faith in
the world.