The E-News Connection
June 2022
Click To See the
GCBA Calendar
of Events

Associational Staff 

  Dr. Michael Haynes
Director of Grand Oak Mission Center
Rev. David Jackson

Office Manager
Mrs. Shannon Peelor

Financial Secretary
  Mrs. Burnace Smith

Youth Ministry Consultant
Rev. Doug Watson

834 W. Battlefield
Springfield, MO 65807
8-Noon, 1-5
Friday 8-Noon

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9 Girls Camp Early Bird Deadline

12-13 National WMU Missions Celebration/Annual Meeting

14-15 Southern Baptist Convention, Anaheim, California

24 Baptist Home Golf Tournament, Rivercut Golf Course, Springfield

27 Boys Camp Early Bird Deadline


4 Independence Day, Associational Office Closed

4-8 SoulQuench Youth Camp, Baptist Hill

9-16 GCBA VBS Mission Trip, Guadalajara, Mexico

18-24 GCBA Soccer Mission Trip, Guadalajara, Mexico

25-29 Girls Camp, Baptist Hill

30 SoulQuench Mission Trip, Omaha, Nebraska

1-7 SoulQuench Mission Trip, continued

1-5 Boys Camp, Baptist Hill

17 Associational Leadership Council, Associational Office, 11:30 am

28 Annual Meeting, 150th Celebration & Missions Fair, Springfield, First, 4:00 pm

29 Associational Office Closed


· SoulQuench Youth Camp, July 4-8, at Baptist Hill.

· Girls Camp, July 25-29, at Baptist Hill. Early Bird deadline is June 9th!

· Boys Camp, August 1-5, at Baptist Hill. Early Bird deadline is June 27th!

Join us as a volunteer & enrich children’s lives!

Greene County Baptist Association
& a story about the Huichol
Indians of Mexico
Earlier this month, Robbi, Samuel, Judith, Derek Lee and I were in Guadalajara to train pastors and pastors’ wives. This is an annual training our Association has supported and participated in for many years. The planner and leader of this annual event is Pastor Omar Rodriguez. Omar is the pastor of Roca Fuerte Church, President of the Emmanuel Convention and a dear friend to many in GCBA. Some of you will remember that as part of our partnership with the Baptists in West-Central Mexico, we have encouraged the financial support of Omar. Several of our churches and church members financially support Omar and his wife, Miriam. This makes it possible for them to serve Roca Fuerte and Emmanuel Convention full-time. Among many other things, this enables them to travel and lead mission endeavors they could not do otherwise. This freedom enabled Omar to start two missions among the Huichol Indians who live on a reservation several hours north of Guadalajara. These new missions have suffered much persecution. One group was literally kicked out of their village and off the reservation for their faith in Christ. Omar and his church immediately supported this group and helped build homes and provide other needs to resettle them. Several of our churches (especially Liberty Baptist Church) gave in support of this need. While in Guadalajara this month, Omar told us a story about how the work with the Huichols continues to unfold and bear fruit. Here is one amazing story he told us.
Not long ago, Omar traveled to the Huichol group (mission) that had been expelled from Huichol land. While there, he preached for the mission group and several from the community came to listen. One man, whom Omar didn’t know, attended the worship service and trusted the Lord. This was the first time this man had heard the gospel. Not long after that, Omar returned to check on the group. Once again, he preached and several people from the area came, including the man who had trusted the Lord at the prior service. This was the second time this man had ever heard the gospel. At the close of the service, the man asked Omar if he could speak with him. He told Omar that he had killed a man and subsequently fled to the mountains to hide. He told Omar the authorities were looking for him and he asked Omar what he should do. Omar told him that as a Christian he needed to go to the authorities, confess his crime and do what they told him to do. He followed Omar’s counsel, was charged with the crime and sent to prison. The prison was a long way from Guadalajara and Omar hadn’t had a chance to visit the man. Just recently, the man’s daughter, at her father’s request, called Omar and asked him to visit her father in the prison. She also told Omar that her father had led six men to Christ in the prison and they all wanted to be baptized. Omar showed our team pictures of the baptism (in a kids' swimming pool) that occurred inside the prison.
Thank you, Greene County Baptists, for your love for Jesus and your heart to reach the world for Christ. You have blessed me beyond words. It continues to be a joy beyond imagination to serve our Lord at your side!
With Love and Thanks,
GCBA Search
Committee Update:

Continue to Pray for the GCBA DOM Search Team:
Thank you for your prayers as we continue our search for the next Director of Missions for the Greene County Baptist Association. We believe God has great plans for the churches of the GCBA and recognize the importance of continuing our heritage of ministry in the years ahead. As the committee reaches an important stage of the search process, please pray for God’s leadership to direct the committee to His choice for our next DOM.

GCBA DOM Search Committee    
Pictures from the 2022 Pastors & Pastors Wives’ Leadership Conference in Guadalajara, Mexico.
Baptist Homes & Healthcare Ministries
Charity Golf Tournament
June 24, 2022, Rivercut Golf Course, Springfield.
Click here to register.
For questions, contact Nick at [email protected].
Guadalajara, Mexico
Mission Trips

24 individuals will be going to Guadalajara in July! One group will serve in the VBS Mission Trip (July 9-16) & the other will serve in the Soccer Tournament Mission Trip (July 18-24). Below is a list of goals for these 2 teams:

-Distribute 5,000 salvation bracelets
-Share 3,000 testimony brochures
-Distribute 400 Bibles &
1,000 New Testaments
-Work in the development of VBS
with 100 children
-Hand out 700 pairs of reading glasses
-Provide medical assistance (blood sugar & blood pressure testing, checking oxygen levels & checking ears) for 200 people
-See the power of God with
500 professions of faith
-Contact 200 homes to be open for discipleship training

Please pray for these upcoming trips!
SoulQuench Youth Mission Trip

Please pray for the SoulQuench Youth as they prepare to serve in Omaha, Nebraska, July 30 - August 7. They will be assisting the Eastern Nebraska Baptist Association.
Tri-County Baptist Association in Nixa does Seminary Extension Classes and all are welcome to participate. There is a class in the Spring and a class in the Fall. Visit this link for more information on these classes.
United On Mission:
150-Year Story of GCBA
Rev. James Buckner, 1st moderator of GCBA.
Mrs. Lois Carter, who started a mission in her home that later became Grand Oak Mission Center.
Happy Anniversary!!
5 years:

Russell Roderick, Bass Chapel

Michael Lacobee, River Stone Fellowship
2022 Budget Financial Report
Annual Budget $400,167.50
                                              Budget Received               Budget Required
                Jan 1-Apr 30           $142,658.70                       $133,389.17
                               (106.95% of budget required received to date)
Greene County Baptist Association Online...
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Keeping In Touch
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