Introduction to Northeast Village PDX
Saturday, April 8, 1:00 to 2:30 p.m.
Gregory Heights Library, 7921 NE Sandy Blvd. Come and learn about the Village movement in general, and the Northeast Village in particular.
Part-time Office Manager Opening
Deadline for application materials is 5:00 PM, Friday April 7.
If you or someone you know is interested,
please do apply. The job description is on the website (see link above) and contact information included.
NE Village Newsletter Needs Writers, Photographer
Are there topics you'd like to see covered here? Do you enjoy communicating with others via the written word? If so, the newsletter needs your writing skills and story ideas.
Do you have writing experience, but no ideas yet? We'd like to hear from you. If there are topics you want covered, but you're not a writer, we still want to hear from you. This is a community newsletter. It should reflect the interests of NE Villagers.
Would you like to be a village photographer, snapping photos for the newsletter and other publicity purposes?
Please contact the Village office at 503-895-2750 or
[email protected] if interested in either role. We'd love to hear from you!
Thoughtful NE Village Volunteers Needed
Our NE Village has a "Program Committee" that meets twice a month on Wednesday mornings to strategize, to plan for events that bring members together socially or culturally, and to organize events that inform members about important issues.
The committee is looking for 2 or 3 additional members or volunteers who will bring fresh ideas and perspectives ... what events and activities can we offer in addition to those listed in this newsletter that will inform and engage our members?
Coordination skills and attention to detail are desirable qualities.
New Events Added to April Calendar
Wednesday April 5, 1:30 pm
Members Only
me sing with us - no experience necessary. Our goal is to have fun while making music together. From old standards to folk and Broadway tunes to rock and beyond, we will decide together what songs we sing.
At Helen Richardson's home.
Reservation required: Please contact Helen at 503-287-8832 or
[email protected] to RSVP and get the address.
Tuesday April 11, 1:00 - 3:00 pm
Members only
Come and bring your knitting or other needlework (or come and learn how to knit) and spend time socializing.
Place: Janet's home
Wednesday April 19, 2-3:00 pm
Members and Volunteers only
In this session we will learn about the Neighborhood Emergency Teams (NETs) that are forming.
Place: Community Room at McMenamins Kennedy School, 5736 NE 33rd Avenue
Reservation required. Please call the NEV office. 503-895-2750
April 3, 2:00 - 4:00 pm
Open to Members and Volunteers
Friday April 7, 10:00 am
Monday April 10, 10:00 am - 1:00 pm
Open to All NEIGHBORHOOD WALK: Oregon City Loop
Tuesday April 11, 5:00 - 11:00 pm
Tuesday April 18, 4:00 - 6:00 pm
Open to All HAPPY HOUR
Sunday April 23, 1:00 pm
Members and their families only JERSEY BOYS
Monday April 24, 8:30-10:30 am
Monday April 24, 4:00 - 6:00 pm
Tuesday April 25, 9:30 am
Sunday April 30, 6:00 pm
Members Only MENS COOKING I and II
Sunday April 30, 1:15 pm
Members Only OPERA PREVIEW-La Boheme
McMenamins "Friends and Family Night" to Benefit NE Village - OPEN TO ALL
Are you tired of your own cooking? Hungry to get out of the house? Join us at McMenamins for Friends and Family Night - and help keep NE Village financially sustainable at the same time. Do you need a better excuse for eating out?
On Tuesday
April 11, from 5 pm to closing,
McMenamins Kennedy School, 5736 NE 33
rd Ave., will donate 50% of all food and beverage sales in the Courtyard Restaurant to NE Village. Yup, that's fifty percent. So come have a burger (or ribs or pizza or duck ravioli) and invite your friends!
Membership Climbs to Over 100
Northeast Village welcomes 8 new households this month as new members join our Village. The Membership Team (Suzanne Silverstein, Anne Foley, Nan Artman, Penny Kavan, Joan Bouwes, Susan Roberts, Kathryn Hansman-Spice and Byron Spice, Nona Glazer and Vonnie Condon) have
enrolled over 100 members (106 as of March 24)! It is an exciting time for all of us. Many thanks to the Marketing and Outreach committee for reaching out to our neighbors with membership information.
Our 99th and 100th
members are Kitt and Corinne Jordan. They joined us just before our March 8
Potluck and were introduced at the gathering that evening. Kitt and Corinne live in the Concordia neighborhood. They have been in Portland for 40 plus years. Corinne enjoys gardening and making rosaries. Kitt is a reader and volunteers at the William Temple House. Both enjoy the Madeline Parish and are active there. They also enjoy the Portland opera and symphony. Kitt is blind and has an interest in the Art Museum tactile exhibits. We welcome them both to the Village.
Kitt and Corinne have joined the membership committee along with Leanne Logan (also new this month) and Jean Robinson to assist with our April Member Satisfaction Survey of Northeast Village PDX. You will receive a brief survey online or by mail to share your satisfaction with Village services and activities. Along with that, Full Service members will also receive a phone call for follow up on services received. We have come a long way in a short period of time, so this will be a learning experience for the Village Builders. We hope to hear from every member during this survey period!
Fraud Watch Presentation for NE Village
On March 15, two AARP presenters spoke to Village members about fraud hazards and how to avoid identity theft and other scams. They covered the most common types of fraud and suggested things we can do to protect ourselves.
Categories of fraud:
- Identity theft
- Imposter scams (caller claims to be someone else and asks for money)
- Debt collection (be wary of telephone solicitations)
- Mail theft
- Bogus employment questionnaire (caller responds to employment inquiry, asking for personal data)
- Investment fraud (often coupled with a free lunch offer)
- Online fraud (e.g. a bogus alert appears, telling the user to click on an important fix)
- Online technical support (user is told of a problem on their computer; the caller asks for permission to remotely control their computer)
Strategies to avoid fraud:
- Don't make decisions when in a state of heightened anxiety.
- Don't fall for offers of phantom payouts.
- Be careful about giving out personal information that could be used for identity theft.
- Don't fall for sales pitches that there are only a few remaining items.
- Intimidation is often used to compel a reluctant person (just hang up).
- Protect your social security number.
- Monitor your accounts and credit reports.
- Use the Fraud Watch Network to identify ongoing types of fraud in your region at:
Take Steps to Keep From Falling
Right up there with heart disease and cancer, falls are one of the biggest health risks we face as we age. And the risk goes up as birthdays accrue.
About a third of people over age 65 fall every year. By age 80, the risk rises to half the population. Once a person is injured in a fall, they're more likely to fall again. Of people over 65 admitted to hospitals for fall-related injuries, 25% die within a year.
With odds like that, there are steps we can take to protect ourselves. Simone Carter of the Legacy Trauma Nurses Talk Tough program gave this advice in a recent public presentation:
- Regular exercise is essential. If you have strong core muscles and good balance, you're more likely to recover from a stumble. Tai Chi is especially effective in preventing falls. Water aerobics helps people with joint problems and mobility issues maintain core strength. For a free booklet from the National Institute on Aging, call 1-800-222-2225 and ask for a copy of "Exercise and Physical Activity."
- Most falls happen at home. How age-friendly is your space? Look out for unsecured rugs, clutter on floors or stairs, wrinkled carpet, uneven surfaces. Pets and small children are hazardous if they get underfoot. Good lighting - inside and outside - is crucial as vision dims, especially on stairways. Use handrails when going up and down stairs. Bathrooms need handrails installed near the tub and toilet.
- Take your time getting up. Sit on the edge of the bed in the morning. Take your time getting out of a chair. Many falls occur when people get up too quickly.
- Scan ahead when walking outside for treacherous surfaces such as wet leaves, mud, gravel, cracked sidewalks. Scan for safety as if you were driving.
- Shoes and walking devices should be in good condition. Replace shoes that are worn at the heel. If you have trouble with balance and need a walking device, ask your physician for a referral to a physical therapist who can show you how to use it properly. Inspect it weekly for safety.
- Medication side effects. Know what your side effects are, such as dizziness, light-headedness and blurred vision. The more medications you take, the higher the risk of a fall.
- The goal is to not fall. However, if you do fall, don't panic! Don't try to get up if injured - you might fall again. Do a pain assessment (wiggle limbs). If you're not injured, scan the room for a sturdy piece of furniture, such as a chair without wheels. Crawl (or scoot on your butt) to it, then put your strongest leg underneath you so your foot is on the floor. Pull yourself up slowly, using the chair for support. Practicing this technique once a week will strengthen the muscles needed to pull yourself up from the ground.
Home Repairs for Aging Safely in Place
Guys Cook Up a Feast Together
The men's cooking group is enthusiastically underway with six participants. For their first culinary gathering, on February 26 each member prepared a hearty soup and brought the recipe to Peter Anderson's house. The members dined on each other's offerings, shared their experiences and gave tips on how to make their soup.
The next evening of culinary adventure will be
April 30, when they will prepare various pizza recipes. If you're a man and you're interested in participating, call Peter Anderson at 617-510-6319. Be aware that the group thinks six members is about the right size, so they are thinking of starting a second group if enough people are interested.
On the Nightstand: A Readers' Forum
The Empire of Cotton - A Global History
by Sven Beckert, Alfred A. Knopf, 2014.
This book won the prestigious Bancroft Prize.
Sven Beckert, a global historian at Harvard University, considers in lively prose the growing of cotton and textile production from the Bronze Age to the period following the American Civil War. For the United States, slave labor in the South - cheaper, more controllable, and more expendable than paid workers - supported Southern plantation wealth. Overlooked was the fact that cotton produced by slave labor fed the textile mills of the North, serving as a basis for the emergence of industrial capitalism and great wealth in the North.
Globally, US cotton production fed the textile mills of industrialized Britain as it too shifted from mercantilism. When its textile manufacturing was curtailed by an embargo of the South during the American Civil War, imperial Britain crushed local cotton growing and weaving in much of China and India by taking land and forcing local labor to grow cotton for British textile mills.
Beckert shows how the empire of cotton emerged from a complex of factors - technological changes, the decimation of Amerindians, land grabs by European peoples globally, and the replacement of mercantile capitalism by industrial capitalism ("war capitalism," Beckert calls it). What he rescues for global history is the intertwining impact of US slavery, colonialism and imperialism and the American Civil War on the global economy. These experiences are now part of the bureaucratized state in the U.S.
- Nona Glazer
Would you like to help energize a readers' exchange in this newsletter? Have you read a book you'd like to share with fellow villagers? Write up your thoughts (it needn't be long; 200-450 words is plenty) and send them to
[email protected].
Reviews of all types of books and topics - fiction, nonfiction, poetry - are encouraged.