June 14 Potluck Kicks Off
Summer Activities
Wednesday, June 14,
NE Village members and volunteers
are invited to attend a potluck dinner and social gathering to kick off a round of summer activities in the village.
The potluck will offer opportunities to meet new members, share village successes, and get to know our new office manager, Lewis Barrett. Please bring something to share. Plates and utensils will be provided. We look forward to seeing you!
June 14 6:00-8:00 pm
Rose City United Methodist Church,
5830 NE Alameda
Village Orientation Sessions
The next Village Orientations Sessions are scheduled as follows:
Sat. June 10th
at 1:30 at Gregory Heights Library,
Sat. July 8th
at 1:00 at the Hollywood Library.
Anyone interested in learning about the Village movement, and the Northeast Village PDX in particular are urged to attend. No reservations are necessary.
Bicyclists Tour Northeast Portland
On the beautiful sunny afternoon of May 7, six NE Village bicycle enthusiasts leisurely toured several northeast neighborhoods starting in Grant Park and continuing east through Rose City Park into Madison South and Roseway, then returning through Rose City Park to Velo Cult in Hollywood.
For some, it was one of the first rides of the season in fine weather, with blossoms in trees and gardens to enjoy along the way. Janet Jump and Kehrnan Shaw rode their electric bikes, which can provide an extra boost on hills, although most of the route was on level terrain. The day ended at Velo Cult with cool drafts of beer.
Mike Murphy, the group leader, is planning another ride next month on the bike path along the Columbia River. Join us for a scenic pedal heading east towards Gresham. If the weather cooperates, Mt. Hood will be visible most of the way.
Members Only
Members with early or advanced visual impairments are invited to meet and share their personal stories about challenges, successes, and resources. Those interested in learning what it is like to deal with loss of vision may also attend.
Friday June 16, 10:00 am-12:00 pm
Hosted by Byron and Kathryn at their home.
call Byron at 850-766-0654
Open to All
Friday June 2, 10:00 - 11:00 am
Members and Volunteers Only
Sunday June 4, 2:00
Members and Volunteers Only
Wednesday June 7, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Open to All
Monday June 12, 9:00 am - 2:00 pm
Members Only
Wednesday June 14th 4:30 - 6:00 pm
Members and Volunteers Only
Wednesday June 14, 6:00 - 8:00 pm
Open to All
HAPPY HOUR - Oregon Public House
Wednesday June 21, 4:00-6:00 pm
Members Only
STOP AND SMELL THE ROSES (and then have lunch!)
Friday June 23, 11:00 am - 1:00 pm
Open to All
Tuesday June 27, 9:30 am
Members Only
Wednesday June 28, 1:30 pm
Members and Volunteers only
Romantic Works by Chopin and Saint-Saens
Thursday June 29. Picnic at 6:00, concert at 7:30 pm.
NE Village Hires Office Manager
NE Village PDX is pleased to welcome Lewis Barrett, who took up his duties May 22 as part-time office manager at the 5021 NE Alberta Street office.
The Bay Area native brings a wealth of expertise and energy to this position. Lewis says the Village is a fine fit for him because he enjoys exercising his administrative skills while working at the personal level to build community and social support. Educated in humanities at University of California Santa Cruz and San Francisco State University, Lewis also developed strong technology skills during the hot dot-com days - electronic communications, web development, and user support and training.
Lewis has lived in Portland for 16 years. His mother, a native Oregonian, met his father at University of Oregon. He brings to NE Village substantial experience working for a volunteer-based organization, Neighbors West-Northwest, a coalition of neighborhood associations supporting residents of NW Portland neighborhoods. NWNW's organizational structure is similar to that of NE Village PDX, and aging in place is a top concern for many of their members, so Lewis is at home with that combination.
As NE Village's office manager, Lewis is interested in supporting the office volunteers by setting up systems that streamline their work, using and developing what works well, and fostering flexibility and the personal touch. His expertise in consolidating information from disparate sources will be much appreciated, as will his ability to help with everyday technology concerns.
Outside working hours, Lewis enjoys cycling and cooking, especially baking. He looks forward to bringing baked goods to the office to share. He also plays guitar, ukulele, and mandolin as an amateur, just for fun.
Village Establishes Fund for Membership Subsidies
Want to help NE Village PDX expand its economic diversity? Are you concerned that financial limitations might be keeping some people from becoming members - people you'd like to know? Here's how you can help.
The Governing Council of NE Village PDX has initiated a membership subsidy program to help people of limited means enjoy membership. The village will follow federal guidelines on poverty level to determine applicants' eligibility. Subsidized memberships will be available as resources allow.
As of April 30, NE Village had 108 members and 38 full service members. From the November 1 start date to April 30, volunteers satisfied 229 service requests, and members are enjoying a variety of gatherings and programs. These are signs of our village's vitality, and donations (such as to the membership subsidy fund) are the seeds of its future growth.
The Governing Council invites members, volunteers and friends to help fund membership subsidies by making a tax-deductible donation. You may select this option on the spring fundraising flyer you will receive soon via email, or simply write a check payable to Villages NW FBO Northeast Village PDX and indicate "subsidy fund" on the memo line. You can either mail it (Northeast Village PDX, P.O. Box 18175, Portland, OR 97218) or drop it off at our office (5012 NE 42
Avenue). Contributions may also be made by credit card.
The village is pursuing outside funding for this purpose as well. Grant Park Neighborhood Association has already provided a grant to subsidize eligible residents for village membership. A village goal is to increase membership across all of its neighborhoods. If you can help make needed subsidies available, you will be contributing to that goal. Thank you!
Member Profile: Meet Edana Laine
When you meet Edana Laine, you are met with an amazing smile, twinkling eyes and an air of mischievousness. She was born on wind-swept Canadian prairies and is one of 12 children of Finnish ancestry. She has lived in the U.S. for over 60 years and currently lives and maintains her home of 23 years in Irvington.
As an adult, Edana began a nomadic life, working in the travel and hotel industry in Bermuda, east coast cities, Toronto, and finally San Francisco. Now settled, she works as a paper artist, making greeting cards. She enjoys classical music, theater, an occasional game of cribbage (anyone up for a game?), or tackling the daily crossword to keep her mind sharp. Edana also enjoys cooking, is an avid reader and a champion of alternative medicine and natural foods. Her choice of books and periodicals reflects her concerns about local and global issues - women's rights, mental health, and homelessness.
NE Village PDX has a big space in Edana's home and life. She is extremely grateful for the support she receives and the "abundance of service." Edana has gained the respect and admiration of village volunteers who aim to give her the best service possible while enjoying her sense of humor and company. Most of all, the village allows her to remain in her home. Edana's experience reflects the purpose of the village!
Watchdog Report Available on Long Term Care Facilities
Thanks to the Oregonian's April 23 watchdog report, "Kept in the Dark," we now know that a state Department of Human Services website designed to aid in the search for long term care facilities is missing thousands of confirmed reports of inadequate care and elder abuse.
On the Nightstand:
Being Mortal
by Atul Gawande
Because most Americans don't live in multigenerational households, we rarely witness death and seldom discuss end-of-life issues, delegating this difficult passage to nursing homes and hospitals.
In his 2014 book
Being Mortal
, Atul Gawande, MD, gently and persuasively suggests that we think about the late stages of life, plan for it, and - most importantly - identify what is most important to us and to our loved ones in the late stages of frail life.
Do we want to live for as long as possible? Or for only as long as we can be comfortable and connected to people? Gawande provides insightful overviews of research studies showing how frail people fight to retain their independence and how they fare in different types of care facilities when they cannot fully care for themselves. This is not rocket science - it's much more complex than that.
One example Gawande cites is that of a nursing home medical director who noticed that residents were often despondent, and that they lacked exposure to active life or any sense of meaningful purpose. So he brought into the facility ... dogs, cats, and parakeets. He encouraged children of staff members to visit the nursing home and interact with residents - and the depressed, unresponsive residents woke up. Medications were reduced. Death rates declined.
The residents became more physically active when there was more life around them and they had responsibilities such as cleaning the bird cage, caring for live plants or walking the dog.
Gawande cites examples from his medical practice and from his own father's experience that demonstrate the value of extended discussions with family, friends and medical caregivers about end-of-life issues. Although such discussions can be difficult and time-consuming, they greatly reduce the anxiety, fear and suffering people experience as they approach death.
Being Mortal
is a deep book that addresses a very difficult topic. Gawande writes so accessibly and compassionately about the medical aspects of aging that his book should be (and likely is) required reading for gerontologists and hospice workers. It provides insights of value to anyone.
Have you read a book - or seen a movie - you'd like to share with fellow villagers? Visited a restaurant with a menu that's to die for? Write up your thoughts (it needn't be long; 150-350 words is plenty) and send them to
[email protected]
. Reviews of all types are encouraged.
September 25
, at 3 pm, Atul Gawande, MD, will give a video presentation via live streaming to celebrate the 15
anniversary of the Village to Village network that links villages nationwide.
Gawande is author of the book
Being Mortal
, reviewed in this issue of the NE Village newsletter.
This presentation was originally planned for January and had to be rescheduled due to heavy snow. Stay tuned for further details.