Village Orientation Sessions
The January Village 101 orientation is scheduled for Sat. Jan.13th at 2:00 pm at Gregory Heights Library, 7921 NE Sandy Blvd.
February Village 101 orientation is scheduled for
Sunday, February 11th at 2:00 p.m. at the Hollywood Library (4040 NE Tillamook Ave.)
Anyone interested in learning about the Village movement in general, and the Northeast Village PDX in particular is urged to attend. No reservations are necessary.
Village Office Slated to Move in January
January 26
, the NE Village office will close its doors at the current location so the building can be renovated.
As of today, Jan 1, we are finalizing a lease for office space at Rose City Park United Methodist Church. This is the same church where we have our quarterly potlucks. The Governing Council will follow up with members via email as soon as plans are made for the move.
Would you welcome a chance to go the extra mile to help NE Villagers who can't drive age at home?
The Village continues to grow, and the most requested service is for drivers - volunteers who transport members to physician appointments, stores and other destinations. Drivers may also be asked to pick up prescriptions, do some shopping, or run other errands for members who have difficulty getting out.
We need a few more drivers to serve our growing number of members. Drivers schedule their days and hours of availability and can accept or decline requests for driving services at any time.
Village drivers go through the steps of becoming a Village volunteer and receive additional training toward certification, most of it online. All volunteers have a criminal background check. You must have your own car insurance, but it is backed up by a Village insurance policy.
If you're interested in becoming a driver, fill out our simple Volunteer Application form. Our volunteer committee will contact you to set up an interview and go from there. Give it a try!
A Cornucopia for Those on a Budget
Did you know Portland has a museum of paintings on velvet? Ever been to the Hat Museum? The Portland metro area offers an array of cultural resources for a broad spectrum of interests, some well-known, others off the beaten track.
Many have senior discounts and other freebies; check out the following websites for details. Senior discounts and fees are not listed separately, since a site may have both. - Check out the PSU events calendar for famed chorus, theater, opera, and other cultural events. Some are free, others have senior discounts on fees. Call the College of Arts for a free hard copy of "Events" each term: 503-725-3105. - Art galleries and major museums, such as the Portland Art Museum, the Jewish Museum & Holocaust Education Center. Lists less familiar cultural resources - such as the Hat Museum and Stark Vacuum Cleaner Museum. Some have free admission. - Jewish Museum and Holocaust Education Center. Those over age 62 get a $3 discount on the entrance fee to the museum. The museum shop and restaurant are open to all. - Lists well-known cultural resources such as the Oregon Historical Museum, as well as unusual ones, such as Velveteria: the Museum of Velvet Painting and the Oregon Police Museum. - Publicizes photo events in Portland - shows, lectures, galleries, and museums. Free admission. - Get weekly announcements and articles about arts activities in Oregon - theaters, movies, music, dance, visual arts, poetry, literature.
Member Spotlight: Jane and John Braunger
Meet another of our dynamic member/volunteer duos: Midwestern natives and retired educators Jane and John Braunger.
Originally from Illinois and Iowa respectively, the Braungers have lived in Oregon since 1978 and make their home in the Alameda neighborhood. As active members of St. Andrew Parish, the Braungers have always recognized the need for good social networks and community building. When they found themselves "in the demographic" for Village membership, joining was a serendipitous next step.
John says Village membership fills in his social calendar in a way that complements his church activities. They both enjoy taking - and hosting - local walking tours. Jane and John began working with other Village founders three years before our November 2017 launch. They were original members of the Coordinating Council, now known as the Governing Council.
Jane currently serves as Governing Council secretary and chair of the Outreach and Marketing Committee. She frequently leads Village orientation sessions at the Hollywood and Gregory Heights libraries, where interested members of the public can find out about Village ideals, goals and membership opportunities.
John is Transportation Coordinator and oversees volunteer driver training. Rides are the most popular and frequently requested Village service. He also works with Metropolitan Family Service, another Portland non-profit dedicated to helping people age in place. Jane appreciates the way Village volunteers all have each other's backs, so all the work doesn't fall on the shoulders of just a few.
As the Village enters its second year, the Braungers are eager for the Village to remain strong and lively. They believe the cumulative years of leadership experience represented by our members will provide great benefit as members step into active roles in directing the Village's work in the future.
The Braungers recently celebrated their son's marriage, a joyful beginning to this winter holiday season.
Time to Prepare for Inclement Weather
Were you in Portland for the big snowstorm of January 2017, the stalled cars and buses with clattering chains?
Just in case we get a repeat performance this year, Multnomah County is publicizing tips to help seniors and people with disabilities - indeed anyone - prepare for the possibility of inclement weather and power outages. Their website,
, recommends, among other things, keeping a three-day supply of food, medication and light/heat sources on hand.
The Multnomah County Aging and Disability Services hotline at 503-988-3646 is staffed 24/7. Operators can answer questions and help with non-emergency situations such as connections to transportation, case management and other necessary services.
Need Help with Your Water Bill?
In a city as wet as Portland, you'd think tap water would be affordable for all. If only it were so.
Homeowners and renters of single family homes whose income is 60% of median income or less are eligible for a $142 credit on each quarterly water and sewer bill. Sixty percent of median income in Portland is around $31,380 annually for a single person and $35,880 for a couple.
To get the credit, you have to ask the Water Bureau for it, and you need your own water meter. According to a recent Oregonian article, for years the Portland City Council has been trying unsuccessfuly to devise a way of extending the subsidy to apartment and condo dwellers whose water and sewer costs are included in their rent or HOA fees.
Low income or no, you'd probably like to dial back those water bills as much as possible. One way is to be alert for leaks. A sudden spike in water use is a sign, and the Water Bureau will contact you if this happens.
Toilets are the most common culprit when it comes to money down the drain. To find out if your toilet has a slow and silent leak, remove the lid, put a dye tablet or 10 drops of food coloring in the tank, and don't use the toilet for at least 15 minutes, preferably an hour. If coloring seeps into the bowl, you have a leak.
You can either call a plumber or try to fix the leak yourself (Village volunteers can't do plumbing repairs because of liability concerns). The Water Bureau has a detailed brochure on repairing toilet leaks at It is something the average homeowner can do. If you repair a leak, contact the Bureau and they may credit you on your next bill.
Your water meter is a sure way to check for leaks. The meter box is typically on the parking strip by the curb, and the Water Bureau website gives instructions in how to read it. In winter, pipes can freeze and crack, so it's a good time to check your bills for increased usage. If you need help covering outdoor faucets so the pipes don't freeze, or your water use goes up and you want help with leak detection, give the Village office a call. We can also help you find a plumber if needed.
On the Nightstand: "The Color of Law" by Richard Rothstein
Rothstein, an expert on education, race and ethnicity, explodes the myth that where and how African Americans live and work is de facto, a personal choice. Instead, he shows how de jure, laws at all levels of government, unconstitutionally segregated African Americans into certain neighborhoods, jobs and employment.
I have never read anything that pulls together in such detail how African Americans were deprived of the right to live and work where they chose; to have decent schooling, higher education, job training and good employment; to have fair property taxes; and to accumulate assets for emergencies. They have been deprived of police protection from violence and white vandalism, and have to live with stop and frisk, unwarranted traffic fines, and police shooting. They suffer disproportionate rates of punishment in the criminal justice system. The most crippling laws have been eliminated or are ignored, but there are still minimal friendships and shared social life across the so-called races, partly because of the lack of casual contacts that develop in a shared neighborhood.
The consequences of legal discrimination are still endured and limit the lives of African Americans - more than for other ethnic, racial and religious minorities. Rothstein suggests restitution, not reparations. The federal government could buy homes throughout communities, and African Americans could buy them at subsidized prices, the prices whites paid (adjusted for inflation) when the former were banned. Section 8 housing vouchers would have to be accepted and public housing built throughout communities, not just in run-down areas, but in, say, Alameda and the West Hills. Developers would have to build in well-serviced neighborhoods, with units for low income tenants. School integration would follow, meaning friendships across "races" and more mutual respect.
Given the current administration's views on race, its appetite for huge tax cuts to the wealthy, and slashed budgets for social programs - well, fat chance.
- Nona Glazer
Have you read a book you'd like to share with fellow villagers? Visited a restaurant that's becoming your current favorite? Write up your thoughts (it needn't be long, 200-450 words is plenty) and send them to
[email protected]