June 12, 2020
Welcome to St. Bede's E-News!

We hope that this weekly offering will keep you up-to-date on the latest information from the parish and from around the diocese

Our e-newsletters are now being archived on our website. 
Y ou can go to www.stbedes.org and look under the Connect With Us tab at the top of the home page to find past newsletters.
St. Bede's Announcements

Online Worship & Formation 
for Sunday, June 14, 2020
The Second Sunday after Pentecost
after Pentecost  can be found here
10 am - Morning Worship on Zoom
Join us for Morning Prayer on Zoom 
and we will attempt to live stream 
to the St. Bede's YouTube page.  
(If the live stream does not work, 
we will post the recording to our YouTube page later.)

11:15 am - Adult Formation on Zoom

Please plan to join us for a five-part adult formation series on
The Five Movements of Faith:
Reality, Grief, Hope, Faith, & Courage.
(Sundays, June 7 - July 5)

Each week in this series we will watch a short teaching 
by Bishop Wright on each of the "five movements of faith" 
and then break-out into small ZOOM groups to discuss 
and share our our thoughts on life and faith 
as we are currently experiencing it.

This week Miriam Needham and Claudia Fedarko 
will co-host the conversations on "Grief".

8 pm - Compline on Zoom
End your Sunday by joining others from St.Bede's 
in the quiet evening prayer form known as Compline.
We usually take a few moments at the end to catch up as well.
Information about how to join 
Morning Worship, Adult Formation, & Compline on Zoom
will be sent out in a separate email 
and will be posted to the St. Bede's website 
by Saturday afternoon.
There is always a call-in (from a regular telephone) option for 
all worship, fellowship, and meeting opportunities 
that are offered on Zoom.

An Invitation to 
St. Bede's Virtual VBS 2020
The Way of Love

View an Invitation for ALL to join us...
Click to view an Invitation
for ALL to join us...

The much-anticipated, all-ages, bilingual St. Bede's Family Vacation Bible School 2020 starts this Monday, June 15, at 6pm!

Who:    Members and friends of St. Bede's -- all ages! Bilingual!
What:   Bible stories, songs, prayers, crafts, activities
When:  6pm-7pm, Mondays, June 15-July 27.
Where: Zoom for live participation, streaming on YouTube
Why:    To learn about the Way of Love--a rule of life for growing in Jesus!

Please register your participation today, so we can get you all the extras--like links, tshirts, and craft supplies.

Click below to access the forms:

Ya llega el muy anticipado Estudo Bíblico Familiar de Vacaciones de San Beda 2020 (bilingüe) ¡este lunes, 15 de junio a las 6pm!

Quien:    Miembros y amigos de San Beda -- ¡todos los edades! ¡bilingüe!
Que:      Historias bíblicas, cantos, oraciones, manualidades, actividades
Cuando: 6 a 7 pm, los lunes, 15 de junio a 27 de julio
Donde:  En Zoom para participación en vivo, streaming en YouTube
Porque: Para aprender El camino del Amor -- una guia para vivir creciendo en Cristo

Por Favor, regístrese hoy para que puede recibir todos los extras -- links, camisas, y materiales para manualidades.

In Our Prayers
Laura Ribas
Jane Wiggins
Hilda Bell
Willie Diaz
Tim Waring
David & Marie Holly, parents of Richard Busch
Junior Abraham
Peggy Allen , mother of Lisa Main
Dixie Snider
Ray Lampros
Gwen Cordner
Arlene Means, sister of Larry Bing
Maggie Williams
Mary Rodriguez
Hollis Pickett
Beth Cannon
Margie Klein, mother of Jody Klein
Ed Bennett , brother-in-law of Laura Martin
Anita Maloof
Lynn Edgar, mother of Beth Cannon
Nancy Waring
John Branan
Kerry Penney
Patrick Newberry, son of David Newberry, 
            stepson of Gretchen Berggren
Connie Aylor
Mark Ahlfinger, son of Jean Ahlfinger  
Carolyn Branan, mother of John Branan
Andy Matia and Darryl Schwartz, friends of Ann Foote
Brooke & Taylor Harty, granddaughters of Nancy Waring
Jim Ohl
Frances Bowen
Max Carpenter , grandson of Sarra David
Judy Penney , sister-in-law of Kerry Penney
Sydney Lund
Ann Foote
Helen Abraham
Cameron Maddox

For those who have died
Jim Sease
Britt Williams, neighbor of Peg Harriss

We give thanks for those celebrating birthdays this week
      6/14 :   Stephen Wankel
      6/15:   Jonathan Bowers 
      6/16:   Jane Wiggins
      6/16:   Michael Huston
      6/17:   Alex Valdez
      6/17:   Kendall Huston
      6/17:   Melissa Huston
      6/18:   Brad Joiner
      6/18:   Julio Alcantara
      6/18:   Dave Bevacqua
      6/19:   Laura Sellers
      6/20:   Emilio Vaquero
      6/20:   Raquel Juarez
      6/21:   Mari Rodriguez

We rejoice at the birth of Audrey Elizabeth Oren, 
granddaughter of Lois & George Shingler.


Let's Stay Connected

"Stay Connected" has been part of your weekly E-News
during this time in which we are connecting in new and different ways.

This week, "Stay Connected"  moved into its own periodic communication (apart from E-News)  that will be delivered earlier in the week.

We would love for any of our members  to share any personal reflections, poetry, art, or stories of hope  that will keep us connected and lift our spirits. 

You can send them to:  [email protected]

Vestry Establishes 
Community Emergency Assistance Fund

In addition to all of the wonderful ways that the Community Engagement Team is leading us in supporting community ministry partners (locally, churchwide, and globally) during this critical time, the Vestry has established a Community Emergency Assistance Fund to help people within the greater St. Bede's community with food assistance during the current public health crisis.  This fund will be administered confidentially by the clergy in a similar way as their normal discretionary funds, but will be used exclusively to help with food assistance during this crisis.  

If you would like to contribute to this fund you may do so through Realm Giving and selecting "Community Emergency Assistance Fund" from the "Fund" drop-down menu.  You may also mail a gift to St. Bede's designated for "Community Emergency Assistance Fund".  

If you have questions about this offering to the greater St. Bede's community or if you are in need of food assistance or know someone who is, please contact either the Rev'd Caroline Magee or the Rev'd Fabio Sotelo.

Mostly Mysteries Book Group on Zoom

The Mostly Mysteries Book Group is continuing to meet on Zoom. If you would like to take part, please contact Connie Coralli and she will send you the link.

The June meeting will meet on Monday, June 22 at 7:00 pm, and the group will discuss The Lost Man by Jane Harper.

For more information, please contact Connie at [email protected]


Blessed To Be A Blessing Pledge Campaign

Thank you to all who have so generously responded by returning your Blessed To Be A Blessing pledge card. If you haven't yet returned your completed pledge card, additional pledge cards are available in the Connect Center.


Around the Diocese

A proud Nicholas House graduate and his daughter


Thanks to the tireless support of community members and congregations like St. Bede's, Nicholas House is working diligently to stabilize vulnerable Metro Atlanta families impacted by COVID-19, as well as to provide increased support to the homeless families it serves. Low-income families around Metro Atlanta have been hit especially hard by the ongoing health crisis. Not only do they have fewer financial resources to withstand layoffs, furloughs or reductions in hours, they also are likelier to contract COVID-19-and likelier to lack childcare alternatives as schools and daycares have closed their doors.
Through this challenging time, Nicholas House has launched a COVID-19 homelessness prevention response distributing about $20,000 each week in rent assistance to prevent eviction, utilities assistance to prevent shutoff and meal and nutrition assistance for Metro Atlanta families affected by the crisis. So far, more than 40 families have received assistance so that they can stay safely in their homes.

Nicholas House is committed to continuing to serve families with increased protection and support through this period of crisis and beyond. To learn more about Nicholas House's COVID-19 response efforts and ways you can help, visit www.nicholashouse.org 

A Message from Emmaus House
June 2, 2020
Our hearts are heavy this week as we consider the state of our nation. The COVID-19 pandemic has shed a glaring light on the health and economic disparities that affect people of color. Now, amid this crisis, we find ourselves confronting another crisis, one that has been around for far too long-the systemic racism that devalues African American lives. Tragically, people continue to die at the hands of those with power, both police officers and civilians. Our nation is on edge. We grieve the senseless loss of life that results when we do not value every human being equally.

At Emmaus House, we too struggle with a way forward. We condemn the killing of our African American brothers and sisters as well as the inequities that deny opportunity. Our values statement reads, "Emmaus House stands for justice and equity, rooted in faith and a deep respect for the dignity of every human being." We believe that this statement is aspirational. So, we feel challenged at this moment to consider our response to the pain around us. We do not have easy answers or a list of simple solutions. And we know that words are cheap and do not alone change anything.

So, we commit to the demanding work of reflection and listening. We continue to examine how we do our work to make sure that we live according to the values to which we aspire. We approach our work with humility, knowing we do not have all the answers.

As we reflect, our daily work continues. Yesterday, we launched a new literacy program for rising second and third-grade students at the Barack and Michelle Obama Academy. We know that summer reading loss is a significant challenge that sets many children even further behind at school. That loss will be even more severe this year, given the lack of class-time brought about by the pandemic.

We reflect, and we work. And we invite you to join us as we endeavor to create a world where all people experience justice and peace.
Greg Cole
Executive Director

For People with Bishop Rob Wright

Welcome to For People, a conversation with Bishop Rob Wright, spiritual leader to the more than 50,000 people in the 117 worshipping communities of the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta. In this podcast, Bishop Wright meets listeners at the crossroads of faith and life to explore the challenges of an ever-changing world. Listen in to find out how he expands on his For Faith devotional, draws inspiration from the life of Jesus to answer 21st-century questions.

Several St. Bede's regulars subscribe to-
and like! - these e-publications. To stay up to date on activities throughout the Diocese of Atlanta, sign up for the e-newsletter, Connecting.

You can also sign up to receive For Faith, which is a weekly devotional message from Bishop Rob Wright sent by email on Fridays. To sign up for either or both,  click here

Quick Links

To schedule events,  please contact our 
  Paris h Administrator
Muriel Diguette

For the weekly lectionary readings  visit: