March 6, 2020
Welcome to St. Bede's E-News!

We hope that this weekly offering will keep you up-to-date on the latest information from the parish and from around the diocese

Our e-newsletters are now being archived on our website. You can go to www.stbedes.org and look under the Connect With Us tab at the top of the home page to find past newsletters.
St. Bede's Announcements

Sunday Worship Schedule for Sunday, March 8

Our Sunday worship schedule:
     8:15 am - Holy Eucharist
     9:30 am - Christian Formation for All Ages
   10:45 am - Holy Eucharist
     No 5:00 pm Liturgy this Sunday


On Sunday, March 8

Sunday, March 8 
Bishop Rob Wright will be visiting St. Bede's

At 9:30 am he will lead a Bishop's Forum
in the Parish Hall. All are welcome - children, youth, and adults.
Bishop Wright will preside and preach
at the 10:45 am liturgy.

Lent in a Bag available this Sunday

We have "Lent in a Bag" available as a resource for Lenten meditation. The bag contains five small items (about one per week) along with a short scripture passage and some conversation-starting questions. The meditations are designed to be shared with friends and family and are accessible for all ages--particularly great for households with children! Pick up your Lent Bag in The Connect Center.

Planning Meeting for Fall Retreat on Sunday, March 8

There will be a meeting on Sunday March 8 following the 10:45 service to do some planning for the upcoming Fall Retreat for women and non-binary folks.  If you can help, we'd like to have you join us.  Let me know if you have questions.  The dates for the 2nd Annual St. Bede's retreat will be Sept. 25-27 so reserve those dates on your calendar now!  Registration forms will be available soon.  Connie Coralli

Tea Ollie Trio Concert at St. Bede's - Friday, March 13

Friday evening, March 13, at 7:30 p.m., St. Bede's will host the Tea Ollie Trio: Callie Hammond, violin, Tessa Scanlon, cello, and Ashley Hawkins, piano.  This piano trio will offer music by Astor Piazzola, Antonin Dvorak, Paul Schoenfield, and Charles-Marie Widor for your Lenten uplift.  The concert is free and open to the public.  Calle and Tessa are members of the LaGrange Symphony Orchestra, and Ashley is a free-lance pianist in Atlanta in addition to being an occupational therapist specializing in hands at Grady.

Upcoming Sunday Adult Christian Formation Offerings

Sunday, March 8 - "Bishop's Forum" 
A forum open to all ages from children to adults in the Parish Hall with Bishop Wright

Sunday, March 15 - An Episcopal 101 Reunion 
If you've been enjoying Episcopal 101 (or even if you have not been to any of the classes) and would like one more week together to ask all of the questions that we never had time to cover, come and join Chad and Colin for a general conversation about life as an Episcopalian.  All are welcome.

Sunday, March 22 - " Let's Talk About Sin, Baby" 
During the season of Lent, we hear a lot about sin and the need to repent from it. What even is sin? Why should we be concerned about it? And what does Jesus have to do with it? Join Colin Brown on March 22 as he leads a conversation exploring the meaning of sin and, more importantly, what it means to be delivered from it.

Sunday, March 29 - The Episcopal Community Foundation
The Episcopal Community Foundation is the charitable giving foundation of the Diocese of Atlanta.  ECF helps fund and support a wide range of ministries around the Diocese in parishes (including St. Bede's own ESL Program) and thorough community ministry partners.  Join ECF Director Lindsey Hardegree as she presents the role of ECF in middle and north Georgia.  She will also explore how planned and legacy giving can support the ECF and the ministries of St. Bede's through St. Bede's own endowment. More information about ECF can be found here.

Supplies needed for El Refugio Visit 
from St. Bede's on March 14

On March 14 a group of St Bede's parishioners will be going to Stewart Detention Center. Many of the families travel from out of state to see their loved ones being held in detention. If you would like to help these families a $25 gas card (from Q T or Shell) and/ or snacks will be greatly appreciated. Just leave your donations in the church office or give them to or Claudia Fedarko - two of our parishioners that make the trip to Stewart on a regular basis.

The movie, "Harriet", to be shown on Sunday, March 22
at St. Bede's

If you missed February's Popcorn Theology, here is another opportunity to watch the movie, "Harriet". The Society of the Companions of the Holy Cross (SCHC) will be meeting at St. Bede's in Room M-110 on Sunday, March 22 from 2:00 - 4:45 pm to watch the movie, "Harriet". There will be a short time of discussion after the viewing. 
T his is the local gathering of a national Episcopal Prayer Group and The Rev. Lynnsay Buehler is the chaplain for this chapter. All are welcome to attend.

Compassionate Darkness:
A Lenten Quiet Day
 Praying with scripture, poetry
and walking the Labyrinth
Guided by
The Rev. Lynnsay A. Buehler
Ms. Lea Robinson, R.N., M.S.N.
           Saturday, March 28, 2020                
10:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
$40 (Scholarships available)
    Lunch provided
Please call 770-938-9797 ext. 27 to register for the day
or sign up in The Connect Center

The Julian of Norwich Center
 St. Bede's Episcopal Church
2601 Henderson Mill Road, NE
Atlanta, Georgia  30345


Claudia Fedarko Returns to Cuba! 
I am returning to Cuba for the 86th annual Episcopal Women's Conference (OMEC) in Havana in March.  You might remember that last year I took an entire suitcase filled with feminine hygiene products.  Due to more sanctions and restrictions, the Cuban people are experiencing a lack of basic necessities.  When we asked what we could bring, we were told immediately "vitamins for our children and vitamins for adults, also aspirins".  If you happen to remember the next time you go to the grocery store and wish to help, please buy a bottle of aspirins or vitamins--chewable for children, NOT gummies.  For adults, vitamin pills also, NOT gummies as they weigh too much.  I leave March 17th.  Many thanks!  Claudia Fedarko 

Preferred Parking: A Reminder...

If you are able, it would be kind to park in the Lower Lot and meander across the bridges, listen to the beautiful gurgling of the creek, and admire the lovely grounds of St. Bede's as you make your way to worship on Sundays.

Doing so will not only give you a little bit of exercise to start your day, it will also free-up the premium parking spaces in the upper lot for those with mobility limitations - allowing them easier access to the building.  

Thank you for considering this option as you are able.

Interfaith Women's Book Group - Saturday, March 21 

The Interfaith Women's Book Group will be meeting on Saturday March 21 at 10:00 to 11:30 am at the Baitul Ata Mosque, 1800 Willow Trail Parkway, Norcross.  We will discuss Alexander McCall Smith's book To the Land of Long Lost Friends from his No.1 Ladies' Detective Agency series.  All St. Bede's women are welcome.

The Mostly Mysteries Book Club - Monday, March 23

The Mostly Mysteries Book Club will read  Woman of God by James Patterson and Maxine Paetro.
From a civil war in Sudan to the drug dens and law firms of Boston, Woman of God  spans the globe with a thrilling tale of perseverance, love, trust and what it means to live in a fallen world .

They will meet on Monday, March 23 at 7:00 pm at the home of Anne Murff:
1812 Morris Landers Drive
Atlanta, GA 30345

The Connect Center at St. Bede's

The Connect Center is designed to serve as "communication central" for St. Bede's. This designated space in the Commons is all about keeping it neat and getting the word out. A place where information can be distributed, you can learn about St. Bede's, drop off donations and sign up for group opportunities. Here is what you will find in the Connect Center: In and out gatherings - Permanent - Examples: Donations of Jelly for the Net Food Pantry, Bede Bags Temporary - Examples: Donations of Toiletries, Puzzles for exchange Lost and Found - Items left in the church building. All items left over 60 days will be donated to a suitable resource. Sign Up Sheets - Examples: Volunteer requests, Small Group sign ups, Flower requests General Information - Examples: Church mission statements, bulletins, pledge cards, donation envelopes, Day by Day booklets, prayer requests, St. Bede's vacation cards. If you wish to have something placed in the Connect Center, please give it to Barbara Helms. She will help you maximize your display and find the appropriate display fixtures. She is responsible for putting things out and the timely removable of items. You will be responsible for collecting all donations when the bin is full. All information should be neatly typed. If you need help making an information or sign-up sheet, Barbara will be glad to help. All items will remain for no more than 30 days. No business cards or personal ads are allowed. Please note there are separate bulletin boards for Outreach Information and Children's and Teen's information.

Blessed To Be A Blessing Pledge Campaign

Thank you to all who have so generously responded by returning your Blessed To Be A Blessing pledge card. If you haven't yet returned your completed pledge card, additional pledge cards are available in the Connect Center.


Next Blood Drive
Monday, April 20th
More information soon

Join with others from St. Bede's to visit detainees at the
Stewart Immigration Detention Center
St. Bede's congregation has the opportunity to visit detainees at the   Stewart Immigration Detention Center in Lumpkin Georgia on the following Saturday dates; we hope to visit three times this year. If you are interested in joining in this ministry for one or more visits, please sign up on the sheet in the commons or email Junior Abraham
     July            11,  2020 
    November   7,  2020 
We will leave St. Bede's at about 7:00 am and return in the afternoon. Orientation is required for first time visitors and will be provided at St. Bede's. English, Spanish, and French languages are spoken, as well as others. Visits are a maximum of one hour. This has been a blessing for those who have visited and we hope you will consider joining us.

Readers and Eucharistic Ministers 
Needed on Sunday Mornings

I am reaching out to the Body because we need mouths and hands.  Mouths to read the lessons and prayers and Hands to serve communion. 

We have teams that take turns each Sunday of the month - 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th & 5th Sundays. The team leader coordinates who does what each Sunday.  Of course, there is flexibility if you are out of town or something comes up during your team's week. If you join a team, you do not have to read  and serve communion. If your preference is to do only one of these things, we are happy to have you join us.

We especially need readers for our 8:15 services.

This is an important and rewarding ministry. I believe it is especially important for us to hear God's words spoken through many the voices of our Body. Plus, reading the lessons and prayers is great experience if you want to work on your public speaking skills. You don't have to write anything, just read! We have young and old readers, so I encourage anyone who is interested to prayerfully consider this ministry, especially our Youth Group.

Please contact 
Lisa Main


NET Food Pantry News

St. Bede's staffed the NET (Northlake/Embry Hills/Tucker) Food Pantry located in the Tucker Recreation Center in January. Fifty-one families were served. Many thanks go to our volunteers: Elaine McClean, Cathe Echterhoff, Nancy Bruce, Carlin Lutz, Helen Ackall, Alyssa and Ashley Sali, Lewis and Sally Cook, Gwen Cordner, Kay Howington, Anita Montelione, Dixie and Fran Snider, Nina Daniel, Cindy Huston. In addition to operating the Pantry every eight months, St. Bede's provides jelly for the families' orders. There is a basket at the Connection Center for your donations, or you may write a check to St. Bede's and designate it for NET jelly. For more information about the Pantry, contact Nancy Ward (nlbward@comcast.net)


If You Need a Name Tag ...

Please let the Parish Office know if you need a name tag. The procedure is simple. Just put a note on the Parish Administrator's desk in the office and by the next Sunday your new name tag will be on the "spinners".

NET Food Pantry Jelly
The jelly supply and demand has balanced out, so we're back in the business of collecting jelly donations. There is a jelly basket in the Connection Center for your jars. Or you may write a check to St. Bede's and designate it for NET jelly. Lewis and Sally Cook faithfully deliver your contributions or purchase jelly as needed. Thanks to all for your generosity.

Welcome to St. Bede's Episcopal Church

Welcome! We're delighted to have you here. You are invited to visit our Commons Area for coffee and conversation after the 10:00 service. There you will find parish life materials to the right as you exit from the church.
Here are some other ways to get better acquainted with St. Bede's.
  • Visit stbedes.org and sign up for the church's weekly email and learn more about the active life of St. Bede's.   Also visit St. Bede's Facebook page, another way to check out the activities.
  • Fill out a visitor information form located on the Visitor's table located in the commons area. Let us know more about you so we can be in touch.
  • Contact the church office, 770-939-9797, to be placed on the mailing list or learn more about the life of St. Bede's.
The Invite Welcome Connect Committee has dinners for our newcomers with some of our "seasoned" parishioners. These dinners help you connect with the activities and life of St. Bede's. If you are a newcomer watch for an invitation to an "Invite Welcome Connect" dinner.

Sunday, March 8

Vestry of the Week
Jeff Swoope, Issa Ackall

10:45 am - Matthew Joiner, Violet Kottke, Wilsie Kottke

Eucharistic Ministers & Lectors
 8:15 am -     Orisha Parsons
10:45 am  -   Pat Pickett, Colin Brown, Rob Townes

   8:15 am -     T.B.A.
10:45 am  -    Claude Oakley, Brad Joiner, Fred Murphy, Jeff Swoope 
Altar Guild
Helen Ackall, Anita Montelione, Kay Howington, Helen Smith 

Flower Guild
Donareen Oakley, Orisha Parsons

Nancy Bruce, James Handsfield

Bede Counters
Connie Coralli, Helen Ackall, Stephen Platto

Bread Baker
Sarah Jane Ohl

In Our Prayers
Valeria Margarita Deloarmen
Mary Sommers, sister of Barbara Helms
George Lenaeus, father of Julie Mizell
Peggy Allen , mother of Lisa Main
Dianne Lillie , sister-in-law of Loretta Vail
Dixie Snider
Ray Lampros
Suzanne Shapiro
Gwen Cordner
Arlene Means, sister of Larry Bing
Maggie Williams
Jim Sease
Mary Rodriguez
Hollis Pickett
Dixie Snider
Beth Cannon
Margie Klein, mother of Jody Klein
Ed Bennett , brother-in-law of Laura Martin
Anita Maloof
Lynn Edgar, mother of Beth Cannon
Nancy Waring
John Branan
Kerry Penney
Patrick Newberry, son of David Newberry, 
            stepson of Gretchen Berggren
Connie Aylor
Mark Ahlfinger, son of Jean Ahlfinger  
Carolyn Branan, mother of John Branan
Andy Matia and Darryl Schwartz, friends of Ann Foote
Brooke & Taylor Harty, granddaughters of Nancy Waring
Jim Ohl
Bill Stegall , friend of Jan & Jeff Swoope
Frances Bowen
Max Carpenter , grandson of Sarra David
Andrea Abelman , friend of Junior Abraham
Judy Penney , sister-in-law of Kerry Penney
Sydney Lund
Ann Foote
Helen Abraham
Cameron Maddox

For those who have died:
Tom Donohoe
Boyd Bishop, uncle of Lisa Main
Blaine Tinsley, cousin of Lisa Main
We give thanks for those celebrating birthdays this week
    3/08:  Cesar Vergara
   3/09:  Sherry Witt
   3/09:  Kalen Fraser
   3/10:  Connie Coralli
   3/10:  George Shingler
   3/10:  Samantha Mendez-Arias
   3/11:  Carlos Marin
   3/11:  Randy Telesfor-Leon
   3/11:  Jonathan Santana
   3/13:  Aree Bancroft
   3/13:  Gerard Ulloa
   3/14:  Alexis Zuniga
   3/14:  Liam Vergara

Around the Diocese

Several St. Bede's regulars subscribe to-
and like! - these e-publications. To stay up to date on activities throughout the Diocese of Atlanta, sign up for the e-newsletter, Connecting.

You can also sign up to receive For Faith, which is a weekly devotional message from Bishop Rob Wright sent by email on Fridays. To sign up for either or both,  click here

Presiding Bishop Encourages Support for the ONE THOUSAND DAYS OF LOVE Campaign through Observance of Episcopal Relief & Development Sunday on March 1

The Most Rev. Michael B. Curry, Presiding Bishop and Primate of The Episcopal Church, encourages congregations and supporters to support the  ONE THOUSAND DAYS OF LOVE campaign through observance of  Episcopal Relief & Development Sunday on March 1, 2020. 
"Lent is a time of reflection and of following Jesus, demonstrating his love for the world," said Presiding Bishop Curry. "I invite all congregations to devote a Sunday in Lent to reflect on the transformational work of Episcopal Relief & Development, particularly their work with children, and to tangibly demonstrate God's love by giving generously to support ONE THOUSAND DAYS OF LOVE."  
At the 2009 General Convention, Lent was officially designated as a time for dioceses, congregations and individuals to remember and support the work of Episcopal Relief & Development. Although the first Sunday in Lent is the official day of observance, churches may hold a special service on any Sunday. 
Globally, 155 million children under the age of six are not reaching their full potential due to inadequate nutrition and healthcare. ONE THOUSAND DAYS OF LOVE is a three year, $3 million grassroots Church-wide fundraising campaign dedicated to expanding Episcopal Relief & Development's programs for children up to age six. The campaign launched in September 2019 and will run for 1,000 days until May 31, 2022.
"In Matthew 18, Jesus calls children the greatest among us," said Chad Brinkman, Director, Campaign for Episcopal Relief & Development. "Your support of the ONE THOUSAND DAYS OF LOVE campaign will enable Episcopal Relief & Development to expand initiatives that benefit these greatest among us -- children -- around the world."

Developed in collaboration with  Grow Christians , the 2020 Lenten Meditations focus on the spiritual lives of children and how they can inform the prayers and meditations of all Christians. These booklets and other resources including hope chests, pew envelopes, bulletin inserts and special prayers are available at  www.episcopalrelief.org/Lent . Supporters are encouraged to  sign up  for daily email meditations in English and Spanish and, new this year, to subscribe to the meditationsas podcasts on Apple Podcasts, Sound Cloud and Google Play. 

There are copies of One Thousand Days of Love in the Connect Center.

Pilgrimage-Study Week in Spain 
with The Rev. Canon Rodriguez

A pilgrimage-study week in Avila, Spain, based on the life and writings of St. John of the Cross will be led May 4-13, 2020 by the Rev. Isaías Rodríguez, the Diocese of Atlanta´s canon for Hispanic ministries. Pilgrims will be based at the Carmelite International Center of Teresian and Sanjaunistic Studies in Avila. Visits to holy places in the lives of St. John of the Cross and St. Teresa of Avila are planned. All talks will be in English. To obtain a brochure and for more information, contact Canon Rodriguez, irodriguez@episcopalatlanta.org or call at 404-707-1217

More St. Bede's Information
Wi-Fi is available throughout St. Bede's building!
Password is: 0011223344 
Worship Schedule


8:15 am  
  Holy Eucharist
9:30 am 
  for All Ages

10:45 am  
  Holy Eucharist
There is a nursery for  children ages 4 and  under available during  the 10:45 am service
5:00 pm 
  Santa Eucaristía

Quick Links
To schedule events,
please contact our
Paris h Administrator
Muriel Diguette
Weekly Classes
Tues  7 pm  
  ESL  & Children's      Program
Wed 10 am  

Thur   7 pm  
  ESL & Children's

(September through May)
Contact Information
St. Bede's Episcopal Church
2601 Henderson Mill Rd      Atlanta, GA 30345
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