November 27, 2020

Welcome to St. Bede's E-News! 

We hope that this weekly offering will keep you up-to-date on the latest information from the parish and from around the diocese

Our e-newsletters are now being archived on our website. 
You can go to www.stbedes.org and look under the Connect With Us tab at the top of the home page to find past newsletters.
St. Bede's Announcements

Online Worship  
for Sunday, November 29, 2020
The First Sunday of Advent

10 am - Morning Worship (in English) on Zoom
Join us for Morning Worship on Zoom 
also live streamed 
to the St. Bede's YouTube page.  
(If the live stream does not work, 
we will post the recording to our YouTube page later.)

1 pm - Worship (in Spanish) on Facebook
Join us for Sunday Worship in Spanish by following the links below.

Querida Comunidad de San Beda, Unase a nosotros a orar. 
Nuestro servicio en español es los domingos 
a la 1 p.m. a través de Facebook live. 
Aqui esta el enlace. Los esperamos.  
Bendiciones, Padre Fabio Sotelo.

8 pm - Compline (in English) on Zoom
End your Sunday by joining others from St.Bede's 
in the quiet evening prayer form known as Compline.
We usually take a few moments at the end to catch up as well.

Information about how to join 
all of our Sunday offerings on Zoom
will be sent out in a separate email 
and will be posted to the St. Bede's website 
by Saturday afternoon.
There is always a call-in (from a regular telephone) option for 
all worship, fellowship, and meeting opportunities 
that are offered on Zoom.

Together Zoom
Kick off the new (church) year with Together Zoom!
Our advent theme: Do Not Be Afraid
This Sunday November 29, 2020
11:15am - Noon (after Morning Prayer)

Look for your Zoom link 
in the Sunday Worship 
email supplement 
sent out on Saturday.

Nominations for Vestry for 2020

It's the time of year when nominations for next year's Vestry are sought. If you would like to nominate yourself or someone else, please let a committee member know by November 30. The nominating committee consist of the four off-going Vestry members (Anita Montelione, Veronica Noess, Steve Hadler, Jeff Swoope), 
and two at large members who are being identified.

The Vestry has legal & fiscal responsibilities for St. Bede's and works in partnership with the Rector to discern what the parish is called to do and to have oversight of that work. We seek members who are intentional and reflective about what our church should be focused on at this time and who have the vision and energy to carry out this work. Members must be able to take into account the needs of all the people in our congregation. The individuals on the Vestry work together for form community, finding common ground, centered on the spiritual life of the individuals and of the vestry as a group, to lead and oversee the church's work.

We hope that you will prayerfully consider
your pledge to St. Bede's
and return your pledge card
or use the link below to pledge online.


A Grateful Day with Brother David Steindl-Rast - Gratefulness.org
A Grateful Day with
Brother David Steindl-Rast
(from www.gratefulness.org)


All Ages Formation Resources
for this week

For Advent and Christmas, elementary school children 
will be receiving their Illustrated Ministry resources once a week through the US Postal Service! 

Resources are also available for download and printing:
Advent calendar with short, daily activities
Weekly devotionals including:
-Coloring page
-Paper craft. 

Print them for yourselves and share the link with your families. Because of copyright (E-news is posted on our public website) we will be sending that link in a separate email, so keep your eyes open for it!


Youth Group 
Christmas Trees & Wreaths

The youth group of St. Bede's would like to invite you to purchase Christmas trees and/or wreaths to support our future pilgrimages and scholarship fund. We are offering balsam fir trees in a variety of sizes that you will find described on the order form link (below). You may purchase your trees and wreaths
from Friday, November 20th through Sunday, November 30th.

Trees will be available on Sunday, December 6th for pick-up between 8:00 - 9:45 and deliveries will be between 11:15 - 12:30. If you are interested in an installation or have any questions, please contact Beth Cannon at tbcannon@bellsouth.net.

Please either make your payment through Realm or send your payments to the church and in the memo section of your check put "youth trees".

St. Bede's Episcopal Church
2601 Henderson Mill Road
Atlanta, GA 30345

As always, thank you for your ongoing support of our youth program. As we pray in the youth group, may you all have peace, love, grace and groovieness during the Advent season and always.

The Youth Group of St. Bede's


Join us in "Keeping the Faith" 
through our 2020 ParishTime Capsule

Q: What is Keeping the Faith?
A: Keeping the Faith is a 2020 time capsule that will preserve our memories of this time for future generations to have as a tangible witness of God's presence in this moment.
Q:  How will our reflections be collected and preserved?
A:  Participants in Keeping the Faith are encouraged to use their creativity in preserving their own experiences for posterity.  For many, this will take the form of a letter that records their experience of the pandemic.  Others may wish to decorate a mask, write a poem, draw, paint or stitch some expression of God's faithfulness during this time.  The only limitations are size - 8 ½" x 11" or smaller - and stability - no macaroni art, please!
Q:  Will my personal reflection be shared with others?
A:  Yes - that's the point!  Our Keeping the Faith time capsule will be preserved at the church, and will be opened in the year 2060 to commemorate the centennial year of St. Bede's! 
Q:  What is the timeline for the project?
A:  Reflections or items for the Keeping the Faith project will be collected throughout the month of November.  You can email your document to Carmie McDonald at  cmcdonald@stbedes.org or mail it to the church.
Q:  Should I miss out on this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity?
A:  Please don't!  We want to preserve as many memories as possible and your unique experience is important to us!  Please contact Carmie McDonald with questions:  cmcdonald@stbedes.org or 770-354-7099.



Advent 1 is just days away. Do you need a refresh for your wreath? Or would you like to try making one for the first time this year? Fill out this form and we will package up your kit for you and place it outside the front door starting November 27th. Delivery available for those who need it. Click Here to order supplies

Although we won't be able to gather in the parish hall to assemble our advent wreaths this year, we look forward to seeing your household's version featured behind you in your Zoom square!

Thanksgiving at Home
at Emmaus House

St. Bede's started a Thanksgiving program at Emmaus House 31 years ago. Unfortunately, due to the pandemic, this is the first year we will not been able to fill sacks of food, pick up turkeys, and go to the farmers market to get fresh collards and sweet potatoes.  

Good News...Thanksgiving at Home will still happen at Emmaus House this year. 

St. Bede's has given $800 to help buy the staples for the dinners and the Atlanta Community Food Bank will be donating 200 turkeys this year. 

If you would like to contribute money ($$) for additional food it would be very helpful. Just send a check to St. Bede's and mark it for "Thanksgiving at Home" and we forward that along to Emmaus House.

We will resume the bag collection next year when it is safe to do so.  This is a tradition that will continue on long after COVID is gone!

Offered by Dee Weems

  Do you miss dropping by the office 
to hang out or visit with the staff?

Join us for lunch on Zoom!

Make your sandwich, 
heat up your soup,
zap those leftovers in the microwave 
and the rev up your Zoom machine to
have lunch with the Staff and others on

Thursday, December 3rd
at Noon

Please let Muriel know if you would like the Zoom link
to join the lunch bunch!


If there is interest for an evening group,
please let Muriel know and we will begin a second group.

Healing Our Racism Book Discussion Group
Meeting Time - 4th Monday of each month at 2:00 pm 

Monday, December 28th at 2:00 pm

Please join Muriel Diguette and other members/friends of St. Bede's to discuss current books pertaining to the issues of racism and white privilege.
We will meet the 4th Monday of each month at 2:00 pm.

For our December meeting on December 28th we will be reading  Passionate for Justice: Ida B. Wells as Prophet for Our Time by Catherine Meeks & Nibs Strope

"In Passionate for Justice, we find a compass that points us to the future, where we can each give voice and action to justice, equity, and life-giving community. Ida Wells would have had it no other way."
--From the foreword by Stacey Abrams, 2018 Democratic Nominee for Governor of Georgia

Ida B. Wells was a powerful churchwoman and witness for justice and equity from 1878 to 1931. Born enslaved, her witness flowed through the struggles for justice in her lifetime, especially in the intersections of African Americans, women, and those who were poor. Her life is a profound witness for faith-based work of visionary power, resistance, and resilience for today's world, when the forces of injustice stand in opposition to progress.

These are exciting and dangerous times. Boundaries that previously seemed impenetrable are now being crossed. This book is a guide for the current state of affairs in American culture, enlivened by the historical perspective of Wells' search for justice.

The authors are an African-American woman and a child of white supremacy. Both have dedicated themselves to working, writing, and developing ministries oriented toward justice, equity, and mercy. This book can be used in all settings, but most especially in churches (pastors and other church leaders, study groups), seminaries, and universities.

If you want to go ahead and order books for future discussions:
January 25: The Cross and the Lynching Tree by James H. Cone
February 22: Between The World and Me, by Ta-Nehisi Coates
March 22: The Warmth of Other Suns by Isabel Wilkerson
April 26: The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander
May 24: The Color of Law by Richard Rothstein

Mostly Mysteries Book Group on Zoom

The Mostly Mysteries Book Group is continuing to meet on Zoom. If you would like to take part, please contact Connie Coralli and she will send you the link.

For our November 30th meeting at 7:00pm we will be reading  Queen of the Flo wers by Kerry Greenwood.

For more information, please contact Connie at conniecoralli@gmail.com



Updated Contact Information for The Rev'd Fabio Sotelo

If you would like to be in touch with Fabio, you can continue to reach him through his fsotelo@stbedes.org email address.  If you have previously communicated with Fabio through his hotmail account, please remove that address from your contacts as he has deactived that account.

In Our Prayers

Zeno Johnson, friend of Larry Bing
Mike Newberry, stepson of Gretchen Berggren
Ruth Berggren, daughter of Gretchen Berggren
Beverlyn Pepper, RobTownes' cousin
Price Townes, nephew of Rob & Lynnsay
The Akinbiyi Family
The Cannon Family
Aree Bancroft
Laura Ribas
Jane Wiggins
Hilda Bell
Willie Diaz
Tim Waring
Peggy Allen, mother of Lisa Main
Ray Lampros
Gwen Cordner
Arlene Means, sister of Larry Bing
Maggie Williams
Mary Rodriguez
Hollis Pickett
Margie Klein, mother of Jody Klein
Ed Bennett, brother-in-law of Laura Martin
Anita Maloof
Lynn Edgar, mother of Beth Cannon
Nancy Waring
John Branan
Kerry Penney
Patrick Newberry, stepson of Gretchen Berggren
Andy Matia, friend of Ann Foote
Brooke & Taylor Harty, granddaughters of Nancy Waring
Jim Ohl
Frances Bowen
Max Carpenter, grandson of Sarra David
Judy Penney, sister-in-law of Kerry Penney
Sydney Lund
Ann Foote
Helen Abraham
Cameron Maddox


We give thanks for those celebrating birthdays this week 
       11/29:   Nancy Waring
       11/30:   Misty Dumas-Patterson 
       12/1:     Claudia Fedarko
       12/3:     Emma Seif
       12/3::    Tyler Busch
       12/3:     Angelica Cuevas-Cuevas
       12/4:     Kimberly Hernandez-Bernal

Vestry Establishes 
Community Emergency Assistance Fund

In addition to all of the wonderful ways that the Community Engagement Team is leading us in supporting community ministry partners (locally, churchwide, and globally) during this critical time, the Vestry has established a Community Emergency Assistance Fund to help people within the greater St. Bede's community with food assistance during the current public health crisis.  This fund will be administered confidentially by the clergy in a similar way as their normal discretionary funds, but will be used exclusively to help with food assistance during this crisis.  

If you would like to contribute to this fund you may do so through Realm Giving and selecting "Community Emergency Assistance Fund" from the "Fund" drop-down menu. You may also mail a gift to St. Bede's designated for "Community Emergency Assistance Fund".

UPDATE of November 5: We have collected around $5,800 and distributed over $4,200 in assistance though food and utility support for individuals and families so far during the current public health crisis. The current balance of the fund stands at around $1,500 and new needs continue to present themselves.  A dedicated group of members work with Fabio to help identify need and deliver food.  Thank you to all who have contributed!

If you have questions about this offering to the greater St. Bede's community or if you are in need of food assistance or know someone who is, please contact either the Rev'd Caroline Magee or the Rev'd Fabio Sotelo.

Your Amazon purchases can support St. Bede's 
through Amazon Smile
If you shop on Amazon, consider accessing Amazon through 
and designating St. Bede's as your charitable beneficiary.

To find St. Bede's in the beneficiary list,
you must search for "St Bedes Episcopal Church" 
(without the apostrophe) 
and choose the one located in Atlanta.

Around the Diocese

Support the Cathedral Book Store.

For People with Bishop Rob Wright

Welcome to For People, a conversation with Bishop Rob Wright, spiritual leader to the more than 50,000 people in the 117 worshipping communities of the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta. In this podcast, Bishop Wright meets listeners at the crossroads of faith and life to explore the challenges of an ever-changing world. Listen in to find out how he expands on his For Faith devotional, draws inspiration from the life of Jesus to answer 21st-century questions.

Several St. Bede's regulars subscribe to-
and like! - these e-publications. To stay up to date on activities throughout the Diocese of Atlanta, sign up for the e-newsletter, Connecting.

You can also sign up to receive For Faith, which is a weekly devotional message from Bishop Rob Wright sent by email on Fridays. To sign up for either or both,  click here

Quick Links

To schedule events, please contact our 
Muriel Diguette

For the weekly lectionary readings visit: