November 22, 2019
Welcome to St. Bede's E-News!

We hope that this weekly offering will keep you up-to-date on the latest information from the parish and from around the diocese

Our e-newsletters are now being archived on our website. You can go to www.stbedes.org and look under the Connect With Us tab at the top of the home page to find past newsletters.
St. Bede's Announcements

Sunday Worship Schedule

Our Sunday worship schedule:
     8:15 am - Holy Eucharist
     9:30 am - Christian Formation for All Ages
   10:45 am - Holy Eucharist
     5:00 pm - Santa Eucaristia

Adult Christian Formation

Sunday, November 24 - All Ages Godly Play
Molly Graves will lead us in a Godly Play story as we wonder about the advent season we will soon be entering. As part of our work, we will create a craft to slip into the Emmaus House "Thanksgiving at Home" bags we have collected.
Sunday, December 1 - Intergenerational Advent Wreath Making Workshop - 9:30am in the Parish Hall
Individuals, families and people of all ages are invited to our annual workshop to create an Advent wreath to take home. The tradition of lighting the Advent wreath throughout the four weeks of Advent is a wonderful way to prepare for the coming of the Christ Child, and our wreath-making event is a fun and festive way to begin the Advent season with our St. Bede's family.
The cost for an Advent Wreath Kit including candles is $15.00. If you already have a kit from a previous year, bring your wreath form on Dec. 1st to refresh with new greens. Please bring decorative greens to share (if you have them in your yard) and your own clippers (if you have a pair). We will provide a booklet of prayers for use with your Advent wreath and we will also offer instruction about making your Advent wreath.
Adult Christian Formation Coming in December
St. Bede's has been and continues to be a wonderfully hospitable place, where people feel their belonging and know they can bring all they are into this space. In a two-week conversation on December 8 and 15, we will consider together how a shared, deeper understanding of gender and sexuality might expand our hospitality and enrich our experience of community.  Please join us -- your voice and your experience are an important strand in the St. Bede's tapestry! 9:30am in Room M-110


Blessed To Be A Blessing Pledge Campaign

Thank you to all who have so generously responded by returning your Blessed To Be A Blessing pledge card. If you haven't yet returned your completed pledge card, our pledge ingathering will be at the Sunday services on December 1st. Additional pledge cards are available in the Connect Center.


The Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe - 
Wednesday, December 11 at 7:00pm

A celebration of the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe will take place at St. Bede's on Wednesday, December 11 at 7:00 pm. The bilingual celebration will feature festive music from the parish choir, mariachis, dancing, and a pageant depicting the story of the apparition of Our Lady of Guadalupe. A festive reception will follow in the Parish Hall. Parishioners are invited to bring food such as snacks, appetizers, & desserts to contribute to the reception.

Christmas Trees, Wreaths, & Honey Baked Ham Certificates!

Stop by the Youth table in the Commons and purchase your Christmas Tree, Wreath, and Honey Baked Ham gift certificates! November 24th is the last Sunday to purchase trees and wreathes. Delivery or pick up will be Sunday, December 1st.

Christmas trees are from 6 foot to 10 foot tall; prices range from $60 to $125. 12" Frasier Fir wreaths $15 each.

St. Bede's Episcopal Church, 2601 Henderson Mill Road, Atlanta, GA 30345

Grieving During the Holidays:
An Advent Quiet Day
With Candle Lighting and the Naming of our Loss
Saturday, December 7, 2019
10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Guided by Ms. Lea Robinson, R.N., M.S.N.
and The Rev. Lynnsay A. Buehler
Lunch provided
Please call 770-938-9797 ext. 27 to register for the day
*Scholarships available
The Julian of Norwich Center
St. Bede's Episcopal Church
2601 Henderson Mill Road, NE
Atlanta, Georgia 30345

Nominations for Vestry for 2020

It's the time of year when nominations for next year's Vestry are sought. If you would like to nominate yourself or someone else, please let a committee member know by November 24. The nominating committee consist of the three off-going Vestry members (John Branan, Laura Martin, and Orisha Pasrons),  and two at large members who are being identified.

The Vestry has legal & fiscal responsibilities for St. Bede's and works in partnership with the Rector to discern what the parish is called to do and to have oversight of that work. We seek members who are intentional and reflective about what our church should be focused on at this time and who have the vision and energy to carry out this work. Members must be able to take into account the needs of all the people in our congregation. The individuals on the Vestry work together for form community, finding common ground, centered on the spiritual life of the individuals and of the vestry as a group, to lead and oversee the church's work.

If You Need a Name Tag ...

Please let the Parish Office know if you need a name tag. The procedure is simple. Just put a note on the Parish Administrator's desk in the office and by the next Sunday your new name tag will be on the "spinners".

Gifts for Life from Episcopal Relief & Development
There is always someone on your list who has everything. Episcopal Relief and Development has the answer for your gift giving. Not only can you surprise someone with a pig you give a life-giving gift to someone in need. Consider giving from Episcopal Relief and Development's Gifts for Life catalog. I placed one in the communications center or you can order online at https://support.episcopalrelief.org/gifts or call 1-855-312-4325. Your gift is tax deductible and a card for the recipient is included.

NET Food Pantry Jelly
The jelly supply and demand has balanced out, so we're back in the business of collecting jelly donations. There is a jelly basket in the Connection Center for your jars. Or you may write a check to St. Bede's and designate it for NET jelly. Lewis and Sally Cook faithfully deliver your contributions or purchase jelly as needed. Thanks to all for your generosity.

Welcome to St. Bede's Episcopal Church

Welcome! We're delighted to have you here. You are invited to visit our Commons Area for coffee and conversation after the 10:00 service. There you will find parish life materials to the right as you exit from the church.
Here are some other ways to get better acquainted with St. Bede's.
  • Visit stbedes.org and sign up for the church's weekly email and learn more about the active life of St. Bede's.   Also visit St. Bede's Facebook page, another way to check out the activities.
  • Fill out a visitor information form located on the Visitor's table located in the commons area. Let us know more about you so we can be in touch.
  • Contact the church office, 770-939-9797, to be placed on the mailing list or learn more about the life of St. Bede's.
The Invite Welcome Connect Committee has dinners for our newcomers with some of our "seasoned" parishioners. These dinners help you connect with the activities and life of St. Bede's. If you are a newcomer watch for an invitation to an "Invite Welcome Connect" dinner.

Sunday, November 24

Vestry of the Week
Anita Montelione, Lisa Main 

Calvin Kottke, Violet Kottke, Wilsie Kottke

Eucharistic Ministers & Lectors
  8:15 am -   T.B.A.
10:45 am  -  Cheryl Murphy, Lisa Main, Claude Oakley, 
Caroline Spires

  8:15 am -    Cathe Echterhoff
10:45 am  -   Jim Helms, Tom Vail, Lewis Cook, Laura Martin

Altar Guild
Anita Maloof

Flower Guild
Carlin Lutz, Nancy Ward

Junior Abraham, Anita Montelione

Bede Counters
Carlin Lutz, Phil Murff, Dixie Snider

Bread Guild
Calvin Kottke

In Our Prayers
Dale & Gloria Hansen, parents of Alyssa Sali
Arlene Means, sister of Larry Bing
Tatum & Harley, great granddaughters of Sarah Jane Ohl
Brooke Harty, granddaughter of Nancy Waring
Jolene Marsh, mother of Sue Ellen Lampros
David Newberry
Olga Faramend, mother of Helen Ackall
Anita Maloof
Laura Sellers
Lynn Edgar, mother of Beth Cannon
Nancy Waring
David Newberry
John Branan
Kerry Penney
Patrick Newberry, son of David Newberry, 
            stepson of Gretchen Berggren
Connie Aylor
Tony Sellers, husband of Laura Sellers  
Alice Brown, mother of Robin Brown-Haithco  
Mark Ahlfinger, son of Jean Ahlfinger 
Carolyn Branan, mother of John Branan
Andy Matia and Darryl Schwartz, friends of Ann Foote
Taylor Harty, granddaughter of Nancy Waring
Jim Ohl
Bill Stegall , friend of Jan & Jeff Swoope
Frances Bowen
Max Carpenter , grandson of Sarra David
Andrea Abelman , friend of Junior Abraham
Judy Penney , sister-in-law of Kerry Penney
Sydney Lund
Ann Foote
Blaine Tinsley , cousin of Lisa Main
Helen Abraham
Cameron Maddox

For those who have died:
Peter Whitney Buehler, brother of Lynnsay Buehler
Michael Dorger, brother of Maria Dorger    
Betty Lyons, mother of Jo Marie Lyons 
Julieto Jeronimo, mother of Manuel Johnson
We rejoice in celebrating at the birth of Amari Oakley-Gordon, grandson of Claude and Donareen Oakley.
We give thanks for those celebrating birthdays this week
11/24:  Colin Brown
11/25   Merari Medina
11/26:  Steve Hadler
11/26:  Jaretzy Valdez
11/26:  Judith Palle
11/27:  Catalina Valdez
11/27:  Gilberto Bonilla
11/29:  Nancy Waring
11/30:  Misty Dumas-Patterson

Wednesday, November 20 has been established as a day to remember the names of transgender people whose lives have been lost to anti-trangender violence over the years. As we seek through our baptismal covenant to "seek and serve Christ in all persons" and "respect the dignity of every human being," you may choose to take a moment to honor these persons by praying for them and holding them in a moment of remembrance. 

Names of those who have died since January 2017


Around the Diocese

Several St. Bede's regulars subscribe to-
and like! - these e-publications. To stay up to date on activities throughout the Diocese of Atlanta, sign up for the e-newsletter, Connecting.

You can also sign up to receive For Faith, which is a weekly devotional message from Bishop Rob Wright sent by email on Fridays. To sign up for either or both,  click here

Please join Presiding Bishop Michael Curry, Bishop Robert Wright,
and the Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Atlanta for

ReviveATL: Love in Action
an Episcopal Church Revival
January 22, 2020 from 6-8 p.m.
Atlanta University Center

This past year, Presiding Bishop Curry has urged people of faith to follow The Way of Love, fostering a community of people who follow Jesus by forming loving, liberating and life-giving relationships with God, their neighbors, and the environment.

This Way of Love is reflected by the Diocese of Atlanta's purpose statement:
We challenge ourselves and the world to love like Jesus as we worship joyfully, serve compassionately, and grow spiritually. 

What does Love in Action look like in a world that is hurting? ReviveATL invites us to live out our call to serve Jesus and love as he loves the unwelcome, the disenfranchised, the lost, and the found.

All are welcome. Come experience Love in Action. 


Details: Prior to the Revival, food trucks will be available from 4:30-6 p.m. to allow for early arrivals. A more detailed program will be released this fall.
Early bird registration before Nov. 1 includes guaranteed seating. Registration will be opening soon.


More St. Bede's Information
Wi-Fi is available throughout St. Bede's building!
Password is: 0011223344 
Worship Schedule


8:15 am  
  Holy Eucharist
9:30 am 
  for All Ages

10:45 am  
  Holy Eucharist
There is a nursery for  children ages 4 and  under available during  the 10:45 am service
5:00 pm 
  Santa Eucaristía

Quick Links
To schedule events,
please contact our
Paris h Administrator
Muriel Diguette
Weekly Classes
Tues  7 pm  
  ESL  & Children's      Program
Wed 10 am  

Thur   7 pm  
  ESL & Children's

(September through May)
Contact Information
St. Bede's Episcopal Church
2601 Henderson Mill Rd      Atlanta, GA 30345
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