E-News from the Valley! Church Events! February 6, 2023


This newsletter is sent out twice a month. Next issue is February 20th.

This is sent on Mondays - Items you would like to see in the E-News should be submitted to the district office by the Friday before.

Genesee Valley District Office Open By Appointment Only

Office is open: Mon.-Thurs.

To set up a time to visit you may call the office at 585-340-9525

or email at geneseevalleydistrict@unyumc.org 

Please update your contact information for the district office.

When mailing items to the office PLEASE use the information
listed below.

Genesee Valley District Office
PO Box 23206
Rochester, NY 14692


Statistics for 2022- The new “ACStats” site opened January 3, 2023,

to enter the church statistical data. The 2022 Statistical data will

be due by Friday, March 17, 2023.

Local Church Audit – The 2022 annual audit of your church financial records are due to the District Superintendents on Wednesday,

March 15, 2023, no later.

NEW! Are you connected to UNY?


Do you receive the latest news and updates from UNY Conference?

All pastors should be connected and as many people from

your congregation that would like to be.

This is open to everyone – pass the word!

If you are not connected please follow the instructions below. 

To sign up either click the following link: https://bit.ly/UNYnotes.      

Or follow the steps below:

·    Go to the conference website;

·    Click on News in the toolbar;

·    Select Connect with UNY.

Sign up for all six categories or just select the UNY Notes.

Community Memorial Service  

Copied below is a flyer for this year's Community Memorial Service

 for Our Neighbors Who Have Died Over the Past Years Without Family

or Resources. 

It will be held on Sunday, February 19, at 2:00 pm at

Peace of Christ Parish at St. Ambrose Church, 25 Empire Blvd. 

This service is always meaningful, and many of you may want to attend.

Rev. Deborah Grohman

Administrative Coordinator

Greater Rochester Community of Churches Faith in Action Network



2 Riverside St., Rochester, NY 14613

CLICK HERE for the flyer

2023 Safe Sanctuary Training Schedule

The UNY Safe Sanctuaries Team has scheduled four, 3.5 hour Zoom basic trainings in 2023. There will also be Training of Trainers sessions.


The Basic trainings take place 9 AM to 12:30 PM,

Saturdays: Feb. 4, May 6, Aug. 5 and Nov. 4.

The Training of Trainers will be 9 AM to Noon,

Saturdays, Mar. 4 and Oct. 7.


The Basic training is for all clergy and anyone working with children or vulnerable adults. The Training of Trainers is for anyone who would like to become a church or District Safe Sanctuaries trainer in the UNY Conference. You need to have taken the Basic Training first.


If you need training between these dates, or would like to host an in-person training, please contact the District Office or send an email to the Safe Sanctuaries team, safesanctuaries@unyumc.org.


For more information regarding Safe Sanctuaries, visit the Conference website: Click here. To view the poster, click here.

Upcoming Church Events

February 8, 2023

Take-out Spaghetti Dinner at the United Methodist Church of Livonia

21 Summer St, Livonia

on Wednesday, February 8, 4:30-6:00PM (or until sold out).

Spaghetti, sauce, meatballs, undressed salad, and garlic bread. Donations accepted.


February 11, 2023

There will be a Fund-raiser for Zululand Hospice in South Africa

at Rush UMC, 6200 Rush-Lima Road, Rush, NY

on February 11, 10:00-2:00 and

February 12, 8:00-1:00.

We have carvings, baskets and many more items

purchased in South Africa.

There will be a chili cook-off after services on Sunday. 


February 18, 2023

 The annual Quilt and Fiber Show,

hosted by the Needle Club of Gainesville UMC,

will be Saturday, February 18 from 9 am to 2 pm.

Articles for display can be dropped off at the church on

Friday, February 10 from 4 pm to 7 pm. 

Special interest at the show will be a flag presentation by a local boy scout troop at 11 am followed by Red, White and Gratitude quilts being presented to area veterans.

Lots to see - needlecrafts, quilts, vendors and our famous chili lunch!

No admission fee and the chili lunch is donation only.

For more information please call Pat at 585-689-4033.

*This is an outreach program of Gainesville UMC *


If you are considering…
Buying or selling a church building, a parsonage or other church property,
including land, or Undertaking major renovations to existing properties, or
Building a new church, parsonage, education building
or an addition to an existing building,

There are certain procedures that must be followed. 
The Book of Discipline - Chapter Six - Church Property
(page 733 in the 2016 version)
describes in detail the requirements that must be met in
order to do these things.

The Genesee Valley District Board of Church Location and Building
is available to help you with these matters. 
Please contact Wayne Turnblom, Chair for guidance:
wayneturnblom@gmail.com; 585-615-6549. 
Churches: Helpful Links

Genesee Valley District

of the Upper New York Conference 

of the United Methodist Church 

TBD, District Lay Leader

Rev. Penni Farrington, District Associate

Rev. David Underwood, District Associate


Betsy O'Flynn, District Administrative Assistant

Rev. Ted Anderson, District Superintendent


MAILING: PO Box 23206, Rochester, NY 14692; PHYSICAL

30 Office Park Way, Pittsford, NY 14534

(585) 340-9525 * GeneseeValleyDistrict@unyumc.org