E-News from the Valley! May 30, 2023


This newsletter is sent out twice a month. Next issue is June 13th.

NOTE: Genesee Valley District Office will be closed Wed - Friday this week due to Betsy being in Syracuse setting up for and then attending Annual Conference.

This is sent on Tuesday - Items you would like to see in the E-News should be submitted to the district office by the Friday before.

Genesee Valley District Office mailing address:

Genesee Valley District Office

PO Box 23206

Rochester, NY 14692

The Office is Open By Appointment

 Office hours: Mon.-Thurs.

To set up a time to visit you may call the office at 585-340-9525

or email at geneseevalleydistrict@unyumc.org 

NEW! Thoughts from our District Superintendent:

e-news for Pentecost


The man outside of McDonalds said:  retirement is a beautiful thing!


What a tremendous thing to say… and to live into! Retirement is a beautiful thing!


Some things we might learn from retirement:

       Get 8 hours of sleep a night!   Why wait until retirement for this?!?

       Take a nap after lunch each day! 

We did this in Kindergarten why not all the time?

And… there is no need to wait til after lunch…take a nap anytime!

       God is in charge…why worry? …why be anxioius? …why have stress?

               Take time to be holy…that is speak oft (pray) with God.


Retirement is indeed a lovely place…but so is all of life! 

There is plenty retirement can teach us…but we should not wait until retirement for these teachings to be realized in our lives. We should be living into these things now!


Whether we are enjoying retirement…or enjoying life before retirement we are asked to invite others to become disciples of Jesus with us…so that the world will be transformed…so that people will be made whole…so that God’s community will be realized. 


Life is a beautiful thing! 


Thanks be to God!


Ted Anderson

District Superintendent


The year, Syracuse United Methodist Ministries (SUMM) will be sponsoring our 43rd annual United Methodist Family and Friends Night at the Ballpark scheduled for

Thursday, August 17 at 6:35pm-

Syracuse Mets vs. Columbus Clippers, Ohio.

There will be no tailgate party this year.

Like last year, we will have 200-level assigned seats

(not 300-level benches),

and we will gather on the field at 6.15 pm to sing the National Anthem from Home Plate.

Game Ticket: $15

For more information or ticket reservation,

please call or email Rev. Andy M Anderson – at 917-723-0901 Email: andmcand@hotmail.com

Darlene Dennis – 315-345-6338 Email: rdennis31@verizon.net

Bellevue Heights UMC – 315-475-0011 Email: bellevueheightsums@gmail.com.

Make Check Payable to: Bellevue Heights UMC with Game written in the memo line and mail to: Bellevue Heights UMC, 2112 S. Geddes Street, Syracuse, NY 13207

Please, do not miss this fun event.

Order your tickets by July 27.

More information to follow soon.

The Council of Bishops released the following press release on May 8, 2023 following the April 30-May 5 gathering:

UMC bishops meet, request for 2026 General Conference among other decisions

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The bishops of The United Methodist Church (UMC) completed their Spring 2023 meeting on Friday in a gathering that was awash in the spirit of collegiality and search for the betterment of the worldwide denomination.


The meeting from April 30-May 5 was filled with worship each and bookended by the presidential remarks by Council of Bishops (COB) President Bishop Thomas J. Bickerton, who led the first in-person meeting since 2019.


In his closing sermon, Bishop Bickerton reminded the United Methodists: “We are always connected together. We share common burdens, common challenges, common opportunities, and common blessings.” Preaching from Acts 2:42-47, Bishop Bickerton told the gathering that when the apostles committed to teaching, fellowship, breaking of bread, and prayers, they were filled with awe, gratitude, generosity and good will. Bishop Bickerton reminded the bishops that these gifts from God are the foundation for the renewal of today’s church.

CLICK HERE to read the full press release

NYS Revised Sexual Harassment Prevention Policy & Training

A news article will be posted to the UNY website soon by Communications regarding revisions to the NYS sexual harassment prevention policy and training requirements. These revisions were recently announced by NYS. 

CLICK HERE for the full article

Please contact Tracy with any questions. 

Tracy Rickett, PHR, SHRM-CP, CCWS

Human Resources Generalist

Upper New York Conference of the United Methodist Church

7481 Henry Clay Blvd.

Liverpool, NY 13088

Direct Line: 315.898.2017

Cell: 315.622.8386

Email: tracyrickett@unyumc.org

Job Opening at Conference Office

A new job opening for a part time Custodian/Building Maintenance Technician has been posted to the website. 

If you have any referrals, please ask folks to apply through

the link on the website. 

Please contact Tracy Rickett (315-898-2017) with any questions. Thank you.


Blueprint for Wellness Screenings at Annual Conference for eligible participants

Wespath Benefits and Investments have again teamed up with Quest Diagnostics

to offer "Blueprint for Wellness," a free health screening program for eligible participants in the Upper New York Conference. Quest Diagnostics will be at

the Upper New York Annual Conference event at Onondaga Community College (SRC Arena/Allyn Hall Room A182)

on Thursday, June 1 and Friday, June 2 from 6 a.m. to 9 a.m.


Click here to learn more


If you are considering…
Buying or selling a church building, a parsonage or other church property, including land, or
Undertaking major renovations to existing properties, or
Building a new church, parsonage, education building
or an addition to an existing building,

There are certain procedures that must be followed. 
The Book of Discipline - Chapter Six - Church Property
(page 733 in the 2016 version)
describes in detail the requirements that must be met in
order to do these things.

The Genesee Valley District Board of Church Location and Building
is available to help you with these matters. 
Please contact Wayne Turnblom, Chair for guidance:
wayneturnblom@gmail.com; 585-615-6549. 
Churches: Helpful Links






Genesee Valley District

of the Upper New York Conference 

of the United Methodist Church 

TBD, District Lay Leader

Rev. Penni Farrington, District Associate

Rev. David Underwood, District Associate

 Betsy O'Flynn, District Administrative Assistant

Rev. Ted Anderson, District Superintendent


MAILING: PO Box 23206, Rochester, NY 14692

PHYSICAL: 30 Office Park Way, Pittsford, NY 14534

(585) 340-9525 * GeneseeValleyDistrict@unyumc.org