Public Notice - Budget and Taxes
Council voted unanimously on November 8th to advertise the proposed 2018 Budget and the 2018 Tax Ordinance. The budget for 2018 is balanced at $1,450,000 in income and expense. Expense comprises $450,000 debt pay-down and $1M in operations. The budget and the companion Tax Ordinance call for a tax decrease of 3 mils, from 19.3 to 16.3 mils. This tax decrease is sustainable and is further supported by actual performance over the past 5+ years. We have amassed more than sufficient reserves going forward to use in the unlikely event we miss the target slightly with this initial downward readjustment. Even with the tax decrease, we plan to continue to pay down dam debt at the same accelerated pace in 2018.

The Budget and Tax Ordinance are available for inspection or review via the Borough office (, and notice will also be advertised in the next week or so in the Daily American.

Council will consider comments, and then adopt the Budget and enact the 2018 Tax Ordinance at the next Council Meeting on December 13th.

e-Pay for 2018
To drive down costs and improve service, Borough-wide e-Pay will be rolled out in 2018 for paperless billing and on-line payment of everything from Water and Service Corp yearly fees to Boat licensing. Processing via paper and mail will still be an option, though perhaps at some modest increased cost to cover the effort.

e-Pay will be kicked off in January for Service Corp, Water, and the Sewer Maintenance fees, and followed up with paper bills in February or March for those who do not sign up and pay electronically. Folks that have tried e-Pay as testers like it... Lakewood STP users have had the e-Pay option for their monthly bills since August.

Boat Licensing typically gets underway in March. A committee is actively working on a much streamlined process based on e-mail, on-line registration, and e-Pay. Improved, convenient, postage-free delivery of stickers, including convenient weekend pick-up here at the Lake, is under consideration. More later on the new Boat License process.

To sign up for electronic billing and to learn more as we proceed, click on the link below.
Boats, Docks and the Lake Draw-Down
The valves will be opened and the Lake will begin going down in one short week; November 17th. Any boats or docks you plan to remove should be out by then. Last chance.