More than 100 boat licenses have been processed via our new on-line system. The new 2-year licenses are popular with 2/3 of the licenses processed so far being for 2 years. What we have learned so far with our online/electronic processing is that the time savings and accuracy improvements are significant. The improved accuracy is due to transcriptions from handwritten paper forms being virtually eliminated. Immediate receipts, and not requiring copies/proof of insurance policies, have also gotten favorable comment. Feel free to send us your comments.
Dozens of folks have pre-paid their Water, Sewerage and Service Corp bills on-line as well, saving postage and handling costs; a win-win option. Paper bills will be mailed in the coming month for those who have not yet paid in advance. It's not too late to e-Pay in advance, and you can still e-Pay after you get your paper bill in the mail... e-Pay is voluntary.