Lake Drawdown; FINAL final answer
  • Valve fully opened 11/17/2017

  • The lake level will do what the lake/weather wants, eventually dropping to around -8 feet. Gut feel is 2-3 weeks.

  • We will then attempt to regulate the lake level at -5 to -8 feet thru January. Weather rules...

  • During early to mid February we will try to regulate at -3 to -6 feet...

  • Valve fully closed 2/23/2018

The Marina has asked Council to support their efforts to get boats, lifts and docks off the Lake in a timely manner. Click below for a copy of a note from Brandon Mick, GM at the Marina.

Affordable Care Act - Benefits cost for next year

Our ACA compliant plan coverage for next year was scheduled to jump 29-30%. Our agents (Nepper in Somerset) were once again able to find us equivalent or better coverage and at less cost by shopping around. We will be shifting to a UPMC EPO vs HMO, with the exact same physicians network for our employees, but at a more modest increase of only 17.5%. Health insurance costs alone next year will top $10,000 per employee or, expressed differently, around $5 per hour worked.