March 14, 2024

New! Olszewski Issues Executive Order to Establish Agriculture Advisory Board

On March 11th, in recognition of Baltimore County’s agricultural industry as both a rich part of the county’s legacy and future, Baltimore County Executive Johnny Olszewski issued an executive order establishing a new agriculture advisory board. The Baltimore County Agriculture Advisory Board will guide County government as it seeks to support, promote, and market agriculture, strengthen industry workforce pipelines, increase public awareness, and help drive a data-informed long-term strategy on matters pertaining to agriculture. Read more

Due Next Week! Olszewski Announces Grants to Support County-Based Farms in Pandemic-Related Recovery Efforts

On February 5th, Baltimore County Executive Johnny Olszewski announced the availability of $500,000 in grant funding for County-based farms impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The grants, made possible through the County’s allocation of American Rescue Plan (ARPA) funds, will assist with managing ongoing production challenges and offsetting the negative impacts of the pandemic.

Application submissions will be accepted via email from Monday, March 11, 2024 at 9 a.m. through Friday, March 22, 2024 at 5 p.m.

View Additional Grant Information

View the Grant Application

Due This Month! MD Farm Bureau Announces $10,000 in Scholarships for 2024-2025 Academic Year

Maryland Farm Bureau is delighted to announce the availability of five $2,000 scholarships for the upcoming academic year 2024-2025. These scholarships aim to support the educational pursuits of our dedicated young members committed to making a difference in agricultural related disciplines. The application deadline is March 22nd, 2024, at 5:00 pm Eastern Time.

To be eligible for consideration, applicants must be current high school seniors with plans to embark on their college journey in Fall 2024 or already be enrolled as full-time students at any accredited community college or four-year institution. Additionally, applicants or their parents/guardians must be members of the Maryland Farm Bureau.

Read more and apply for scholarships.


Leadership Program 

Check out the American Farm Bureau Women's Leadership Program, which is designed to empower women to become powerful advocates for agriculture. Women are essential to agriculture, as leaders on and off the farm, from running a farm or ranch business to advocating on Capitol Hill. The American Farm Bureau Women’s Leadership program provides women with opportunities for growth and development to sharpen their skills and strengthen their ability to inspire change. Read more

Time to Travel with MD Farm Bureau and Ohio Farm Bureau

Amazing 2024 travel opportunities to Panama, Holland, South Dakota, and Italy EXCLUSIVELY for Maryland Farm Bureau and Ohio Farm Bureau members. Visit the website for more details.

MD Office of Agriculture

News and Events Bulletin

Jessica Armacost prepares the News and Events Bulletin for the MD Office of Agriculture. If you wish to receive these bulletins, please notify Jess via email: or phone: 443-613-9359.

View the most recent bulletin from February 16, 2024.

The Maryland Horse Foundation Launches Winter Clothes Drive to Benefit Young Equestrians

On January 2nd, the Maryland Horse Foundation will kicked off the new year with a clothing drive to collect warm winter clothing and riding attire that will be distributed to young equestrians in need this winter season. The clothing drive will run from January 2nd until the end of March 2024. Inquiries about donations or clothing distribution can be directed to Jeanne Schnell via email or (410) 252 – 2100 extension 113. Read more

Maryland Climate-Smart Agriculture Project:

Have Your Say….

You are invited to take the Maryland Climate-Smart Ag SurveyWhat is this all about? The Maryland Climate-Smart Ag Project will produce a farmer-centered, science-based report allowing our state agricultural and environmental leaders to see what farmers say about our changing weather and climatic patterns and their impacts on Maryland farms and farmers. Read more

Next Week! Anne Arundel County

Young Farmers Public Auction

Please join the Anne Arundel County Young Farmers on March 23rd for their Annual Farm Equipment Auction. All proceeds go towards scholarships and educational opportunities for local youth. View the event flyer.

MDA Highlights

March 2024

Due This Month! MDA Seeks Proposals for Specialty Crop Block Grant Program On February 12th, MDA began accepting proposals for the Specialty Crop Block Grant Program, a reimbursement grant program aimed at enhancing the competitiveness of Maryland’s specialty crops. The department anticipates that approximately $400,000 in funding will be available. Due March 31st. Read more

New! MDA Further Expands Spotted Lanternfly Quarantine Zone On March 11th, MDA announced that they have taken a significant step in its ongoing efforts to control the invasive spotted lanternfly. The department has announced the expansion of its spotted lanternfly quarantine zone to include two new counties – Charles and Garrett – effective immediately. This quarantine restricts the movement of regulated articles that might contain the spotted lanternfly in any of its life stages, including egg masses, nymphs, and adults. Read more

New! Cost-Share Grants for Spring Manure Transport and Injection Available On March 5th, MDA reminded farmers that they may apply for cost-share funding to help cover the cost of transporting all types of manure to crop fields with acceptable soil phosphorus levels. Grants are also available to offset the cost of injecting liquid manure into soil to prevent nutrient runoff and reduce odors. Read more

Maryland Value-Added Producer Matching Grants Available from MARBIDCO

On January 30th, the Maryland Agricultural and Resource-Based Industry Development Corporation (MARBIDCO) announced a grant funding opportunity to encourage Maryland’s agricultural producers to engage in value-added activities and pursue financial support from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Value-Added Producer Grants Program (USDA-VAPG). The USDA-VAPG is a highly competitive nationwide grant program with approximately $31 million available for distribution in 2024. 

The application submission deadline for the national USDA-VAPG program is April 11, 2024. Paper applications must be submitted by close of business on April 16, 2024, in the USDA RD State Office of the State where the project is located.

Please visit the MARBIDCO website for more information and to download the MVAPMG application form

Questions about the MVAPMG may also be directed to Sierra Criste, MARBIDCO Financial Programs Associate, at 410-267-6807 or email

The Baltimore County Extension

Advisory Council FB Page

The BCEAC has a Facebook page! Here they share programming and educational materials while providing a public presence. Take a moment to give them a follow, and see what info they are sharing that pertains to you and/or your business and community. Please also make recommendations to BCEAC of which pages that would be beneficial for them to interact with.

New! Baltimore County Extension's 'Ag Insight'

Are you receiving the University of Maryland Extension's Agricultural newsletter for Baltimore County:

Ag Insight?

In the March Edition, you'll find:

  • 2024 Commercial Vegetable Production Guide
  • Nutrient Management Trainings
  • Equine Lecture Series
  • Dicamba Update
  • MD Land Preservation Now Accepting Applications
  • And much more!

To receive the newsletter directly, email Erika Crowl.

Visit the UMD Extension website for past newsletters.

Farm Stress Management Online Course

UMD Extension Presents an Online Farm Stress Management Course. This online self-paced training is designed for Agriculture Service Providers to equip them with the skills and knowledge to support farms and farm families in times of distress. The goals include: identify signs of distress, develop skills to communicate with those experiencing stress, and provide resources both locally and nationally. To access the course visit the online portal. For more information on the Farm Stress Management program visit the website


Risk Management Education Blog

The College of Agriculture & Natural Resources' Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics has a blog that is focused on issues related to agricultural policy, crop insurance, and agricultural law.

The most recent blog from March 5, 2024 titled Labor Webinars Planned for Agricultural Employers can be viewed here. Earlier blogs can be accessed here on the college's website.

BCFB Membership Signs

BCFB has partnered with Ad Art Signs & Graphics to provide an exciting member benefit for existing and new BCFB members.


Signs may be purchased with either aluminum or dibond* materials and are offered in two sizes. Signs may be hung via hanging sign bracket or attached to a post. Ad Art will punch hanging holes to your preference. Choose between a rounded or squared top sign.

 *dibond is aluminum outsides with a solid plastic core

To claim your $60 rebate, provide proof of purchase to the BCFB via email. Questions? Please contact BCFB at 410-823-1789 or email

To order your sign, please contact:

Ad Art Signs & Graphics


Follow BCFB on Social Media

Did you know that in addition to a Facebook page, BCFB also has an Instagram account? Add BCFB to your regular scroll, and effortlessly keep up to date on all things Farm Bureau!

Maryland's Best Producer Registration

Would you like to have your nursery featured on Maryland's Best's website? Maryland’s Best is a program managed by the Maryland Department of Agriculture’s Marketing and Agribusiness Development section. Our mission is to link Maryland farmers with consumers through this Web site, promotions and advertising. Register here to be featured on the website at no cost. Learn more about Maryland's Best.

Baltimore County Farm Bureau | 410-823-1789 | Email | Website

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