St. John's Episcopal Church - Centreville, VA

Parish News - April 19, 2023

To St. John's Parishioners and Friends:

"When he was at the table with them, he took bread, blessed and broke it, and gave it to them. Then their eyes were opened, and they recognized him, and he vanished from their sight." - Luke 24:30-31

Sunday's Gospel lesson recounts the risen Jesus's appearance to two disciples on the road to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-35). When Jesus accepts their offer to stick around for dinner after talking on the road, it is the bread that opens their eyes to the Resurrection. Apparently, bread - and/or what Jesus did with it - has real power: to feed, nourish, comfort, and make God present and known.

How do you meet Jesus when you come to Communion at church? Or when you witness the breaking of bread?

What about beyond church? What is it about the all-too-human act of seeking, consuming, and sharing food that involves God? How do we meet Jesus when we share with friends? How do we meet Jesus when we risk encounter with neighbor and stranger? What is God doing with bread?

Marcia Evans, who coordinates our devoted Altar Guild, graciously baked altar bread for our Maundy Thursday and Good Friday services. It was a wonderful, delicious experiment, and I heard a few might join her in this ministry going forward. We will always have hosts for our use. That snap at the fraction seems appropriate. Still, in the spirit of enriching encounter with Jesus, I hope to bless and share bread we bake and break for one another from time to time.

If you're an accomplished or aspiring baker, let me know. And, as always, if you're not able to be in church on Sunday and would like to receive Communion, let me know that, too.

Jesus is known to us in the breaking of the bread. May we share it as generously as we were blessed with it.

Grace and peace,


Email or book an appointment

Save the Date: May 13: The Progressive Dinner

Sign up for a evening of fun and socialization at the progressive dinner which will be held on May 13! Diners gather in one place for appetizers, move on to another home for main courses, and on to another for dessert. Use the form below to sign up! (Sign up by April 30th).


Tree of Life. St. John's partners with several other local churches to prepare and serve a meal once per month with the Tree of Life at Sterling Community Center. On April 11, we served 68 individuals. Our next dinner is on May 9.

For more information and to sign up to join us, contact Andrew Wade or visit:

Scenes from the Tree of Life Dinner on Tuesday, April 11.

Western Fairfax Christian Ministries

CURRENT PANTRY NEEDS as of Apr. 1, 2023

Food & Beverages

  • Flour / Maseca Flour / Vegetable Oil / Hot Cereal (Oatmeal, Grits)
  • Ramen Noodle Soup / Canned Stewed Tomatoes
  • Jelly / Juice (shelf stable, family size, plastic bottle)
  • Ketchup and Mayo (family size, not small packets)
  • Canned Stewed Tomatoes (low salt preferred)
  • Mixed Vegetables (low salt preferred)
  • Mashed Potatoes 
  • Fruit Cocktail (no sugar added preferred)
  • Canned Mandarin Oranges (no sugar added preferred)
  • Juice (shelf stable, family size, plastic bottle)
  • Ketchup, Mustard, Mayo (family size, not small packets)

Toiletries NOTE: Toiletry items cannot be purchased clients with SNAP​​

  • Body Wash / Shampoo / Conditioner / Lotion
  • Large size pull-ups (SIZE 4T/5T for toddlers)
  • Diapers size 5 & 6 
  • Baby Wipes 

Centreville Immigration Forum & Labor Resource Center

Volunteer & Intern Opportunities

The Shepherd’s Center of Western Fairfax - needs drivers and support for elderly.

The Katharine K. Hanley Family Shelter

Needs: Toothpaste / Shampoo / Conditioner / Body Wash /

Bar Soap / Hand Soap / Deodorant

The items may be dropped off at the box in the office.



 We welcome and value your help! The lector reads the 2 lessons and the psalm. The usher hands out bulletins and brings the elements and offering to the altar. CLICK HERE.

Bishop's Blend Coffee


If you would like to sign up to bring coffee hour "snacks" in the coming weeks click 



When you sign up, please indicate how you wish your flower donation to appear (in memory of) in the Sunday bulletin.



IN PERSON & ON ZOOM All are invited to join in, following the Sunday service, in the library. Or use the link to the Lectionary Forum via Zoom, in case you cannot attend in person. Here is the login link,

St. John's You Tube Link to view the Sunday Services

The services continue to be live streamed at 9:30 AM on Sunday morning, and they can be watched later as well. On Saturday, we will resend the link, along with a link for the bulletin and the lectionary class.

How to help Ukrainians If you would like to help those in need, Episcopal Relief and Development is working closely with a group that is on the ground in Ukraine. You can make a contribution: at 

A Prayer for all those involved in the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

God of peace and justice, we pray for the people of Ukraine today. We pray for peace and the laying down of weapons. We pray for all those who fear for tomorrow, that your Spirit of comfort would draw near to them. We pray for those with power over war or peace, for wisdom, discernment and compassion to guide their decisions. Above all, we pray for all your precious children, at risk and in fear, that you would hold and protect them. We pray in the name of Jesus, the Prince of Peace. Amen

(written by Archbishop Justin Welby and Archbishop Stephen Cottrell)

We can prepare our hearts & minds

by reading ahead for

the Sunday Service lesson.

The Third Sunday of Easter

April , 2023

The First Reading: Acts 2:14a, 36-41

Reaching the end of his Pentecost sermon, Peter gives an altar call, urging the convicted crowd to repent.

The Psalm: 116: 1-3, 10-17 page 759, BCP

The Psalmist offers a sacrifice, not only of things, but of gratitude for what God has done.

The Second Reading: 1 Peter 1: 17-23

Being sons and daughters of God comes with both privilege and responsibility.

The Gospel: Luke 24: 13-35

Jesus joins his disciples in a journey and remains with them to break bread.

Masks are optional during the service

Online Contributions

 to St. John's via the app

The buttons below to go directly to, or you may download the app on your phone or tablet.

The Pledge payment button may be used only to make your pledge payment (after signing up to be a pledger, which may be done at any time in the year.

The Facility Campaign button may be used only for any contribution for the facility's buildings and grounds.

The Donation button may be used for any other type of donation to St. John's. To designate a special purpose (i.e. please send a note to

PLEDGE payment
FACILITY campaign
Please note: If you choose to unsubscribe below, please be aware that you will no longer receive either St. John's sermons or E-Notes, which are sent weekly. If you do unsubscribe and later want to be added back in, that needs to be done through the provider, Constant Please email St. John's office with the request:
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