I keep thinking about Sunday's Gospel reading, how Jesus was known to the disciples in the breaking of bread (Luke 24:13-35).
I was at a retreat once, and the priest leading it decided to have an impromptu Eucharist to close the morning's programming. He was looking around for bread to bless, break, and share when he saw the leftover croissants from breakfast. Since Communion was either going to be them or stale bagels, he went with the oh-so-flaky croissants. Crumbs ended up everywhere, but it was a lovely service.
Worship can be like that sometimes: improvised, free, a little messy, you wonder if you're doing the right thing - but it's still inspiring. Our individual prayer lives can be like that, too: awkward, difficult, crumbs everywhere, you wonder if this is how other people pray - but it's still transformative.
Jesus was known to his disciples in the breaking of bread. The next time you're worried about "the right thing," whatever that is, try breaking the croissant, whatever that may be. When you follow the One who broke whatever bread was available with people looking for real food, crumbs will end up everywhere. And it will be fantastic.
Grace and peace,
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