St. John's Episcopal Church - Centreville, VA | |
Parish News - December 11, 2024 | |
To St. John's Parishioners and Friends: | |
I was having trouble the other day. On the one hand, there's this grand narrative of Christmas. The prophets foretold the coming of the Messiah, the Anointed One. That Messiah appears in Jesus, the Christ child born in Bethlehem. With him, all things are made new. And on the other hand, there's presents, decorations, travel to be arranged and prepared for, and that's not even taking into account all that's happening here at St. John's. I'm living in two worlds, it seems. Every once in a while, I see the big picture of Advent and Christmas. Then, I'm just as quickly back in the weeds.
I complained to a fellow priest who reminded me that they aren't two worlds. Our God is not a distant God who can only be experienced on some cosmic level. We believe in the Incarnation: that God showed up in the weeds of Bethlehem. We believe God shows up in the commonplace, mundane, everyday tasks of this life. God shows up mysteriously in our relationships, in the people we would reduce to transactions and items on our to-do lists.
I guess I've been looking for the "religious" Christmas as opposed to this "other" Christmas I look down on. And my God, I should remember, chose to show up in exactly that Christmas.
The Rev. Kevin Laskowski
St. John's Episcopal Church
P.S. Be sure to read all of this week's newsletter: Advent and Christmas services, Clean and Green, Stewardship, Sermons, the Angel Tree, an update from last night's dinner at Hanley House, and our Christmas Boxes. It is a busy Advent season at St. John's - and God is present in and for all of it!
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Advent and Christmas at St. John's
Advent began December 1. Mark your calendars for our services in the historic church!
Advent 3 December 15, 9:30 AM
Advent 4 December 22, 9:30 AM
Christmas Eve Early Service December 24, 4:00 PM
Christmas Eve Late Service December 24, 8:00 PM
Christmas Day Service December 25, 9:30 AM
Christmas Lessons and Carols December 29, 9:30 AM
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Clean & Green the Historic Church
This Saturday, December 14, at 9:30 AM, we will Clean and Green the Historic Church! We have high and low tasks, climbing and sitting jobs, dusting and polishing needs, minor repair and mending, vacuuming crevices, and then hanging the outdoor greens (apple board, wreaths, etc.). Mark your calendar to join us at this annual activity, as many hands make light work!
Altar Flowers Needed
Dedicate the altar flowers in thanksgiving or in memory of a loved one here.
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"Walk in love as Christ loved us and gave himself for us, an offering and sacrifice to God." - Ephesians 5:2
There is still time to pledge for 2025! As we work to bring in a new preschool or daycare, and as the vestry meets this week to work on the budget for 2025, your pledge is vital to St. John's mission.
Our stewardship campaign theme this year is Walk in Love, and it calls us to remember that our greatest gift in community is how we come together in purpose and mission. When we walk in the same direction with God and neighbor, we can achieve so much.
Read the recent letter from our stewardship chairs and your priest-in-charge, and watch videos from Sunday's worship below about our campaign. (If you haven't or didn't receive a pledge letter, please contact the church office to make sure we have your contact information.)
You can pledge online for 2025, or print a pledge card, fill it out, and bring or send it to St. John's. For more information, visit our website or reply to this email with your questions.
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December 8 Sermon
God cares deeply for us, so God cares deeply about our fear, worry, anxiety, and concern. But God cares less about our supposed fears, worries, anxieties, and concerns when they are excuses. The prophets call us to prepare the way of the Lord - no excuses.
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View the entire Second Sunday of Advent service here. And look for new sermons as always here. | |
December 1 Sermon
We're all on a train barreling toward Christmas. If you like the train you're on, if you like all the shopping, decorating, and preparations for Christmas, then stay on the train. But if something seems off, you can get off that train and take another. No matter what, Christmas happens, God shows up, for us all.
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Join Us In Person or Online
Join us in the historic church at 9:30 AM Sunday or watch live via YouTube. Additional links to the livestream, worship bulletin, and lectionary class are sent Saturday and also available on our website.
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Upcoming Readings for the Third Sunday of Advent
Let us prepare our hearts and mind for worship:
First Reading: Zephaniah 3:14-20
Zephaniah describes the day when the Lord will rescue and redeem Israel.
Response: Canticle 9
Second Reading: Philippians 4:4-7
Paul urges the Christians at Philippi to focus on prayer, gratitude, and gentleness.
Gospel: Luke 3:7-18
As Jesus will do after him, John the Baptist calls for the repentant to show great generosity with their wealth.
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New Worship Customary
Bishop E. Mark Stephenson has updated liturgical guidelines for the Diocese of Virginia. Remember: "individual communicants may not dip their own hosts or bread in the wine." The minister will intinct for you, if you so desire. As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please contact Rev. Kevin.
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Bible Study?
Several of us are interested in restarting a weekday Bible study, possibly on the Gospel of Luke, which we'll be exploring in this lectionary year. If interested, contact Father Kevin.
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Adult Lectionary Forum
Join us Sundays in person in the church library or online via Zoom to discuss the day's lessons. (This is the new link for meeting #826 4944 0667. Please make sure you use this new, updated link.)
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Education for Ministry (EfM)
Education for Ministry (EfM) is a unique four-year distance learning certificate program in theological education based upon small-group study. Contact Walt Cooner for more information.
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Angel Tree 2024
There are still some angels left, and our deadline has been extended!
In partnership with Lord of Life Lutheran Church, St. John's is offering an angel tree this holiday season. Each angel has information about a child in need and a suggested gift from a family being supported by a local social services organization in the area like the Katherine Hanley Family Shelter. Please take an angel from the tree, purchase the gift, and return the wrapped gift with the Angel on it to the tree by Wednesday, December 18 for delivery. Additional information describing this program can be found on the wall by the tree.
Serving at the Katharine K. Hanley Family Shelter
In December we served 64 meals! We made pulled chicken BBQ and mac and cheese. It was a great evening! Besides serving food, we were also able to sit and chat with a couple of girls in high school and hear about their studies and aspirations. We really get to connect with our community at Hanley House. Next month we will be serving chili mac and corn bread. Please consider providing one of our items or joining us.
St. John's makes and serves a meal every second Tuesday of the month at the shelter. Sign up to prepare or provide food ahead of time and/or join us on January 14 to serve. Contact Deacon Steve for more information.
Bring donations for our local family shelter to church or drop by the office.
Their needs may be found on their In-Kind Donations Wish List through Amazon.
Christmas Boxes!
Thanks to everyone who donated boxes of Thanksgiving food items for Western Fairfax Christian Ministries' Thanksgiving Holiday Assistance Program. We provided 24 boxes to families in need via this program.
Now we start our Christmas Food Box effort. Please pick up a box or 2 or 3, and fill in your information on the sign-out sheet. Shop for the listed nonperishable items, and return the box between Sunday, December 15 and Thursday, December 19.
If you'd like to assist with delivery, we could use some folks Friday, December 20. Speak with Deacon Steve to volunteer.
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Centreville Immigration Forum
CIF provides immigrants in need with the means to improve their lives and become more integrated into the community, improve communication and cooperation among all groups serving immigrants, and build community recognition of our strength in diversity.
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The Shepherd's Center of Western Fairfax
The Shepherd's Center needs drivers and support for local seniors.
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Shop for Western Fairfax Christian Ministries
Please bring donations of food and more to Sunday services, or drop at the church office. Take one of the colorful slips at church as a reminder to shop. These items are especially needed:
- Flour (Maseca preferred)
- Sugar (1 or 2 lb. bags)
- Vegetable Oil
- Pasta Sauce
- Pasta
- Brown Rice
- Pancake Mix
- Family Sized Snacks (pretzels, crackers, nuts, seeds, dried fruit, etc.)
- Canned Chicken
- Hot Beverages (ground coffee, tea bags, etc.)
NOTE: Toiletry items cannot be purchased by clients with SNAP
- Body Wash
- Bar Soap
- Toothpaste
- Toothbrushes
- Hair Shampoo
- Hair Conditioner
- Toilet Paper
- Feminine Hygiene Products
- Size 6 Diapers
- Large size pullups (size 4T/5T for toddlers)
- Baby Wipes
St. John's is a founding partner of Western Fairfax Christian Ministries, which provides food and financial support to more than 600 local families every month.
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Prayer Requests
If you would like to add yourself or someone you care about to our Sunday prayer list, please contact clergy or the church office.
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Sunday Services
Additional readers and ushers are needed. Sign up here.
Coffee Hour
We gather after worship for food and fellowship. Assist with snacks here.
Katherine Hanley Monthly Dinner
We cook and serve every second Tuesday of the month. Sign up here.
Altar Flowers
Dedicate the altar flowers in thanksgiving or in memory of a loved one here.
Have any photos or short videos from St. John's events? Send them to us.
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Support St. John's Episcopal Church
With your online contribution, you are part of St. John's offering of healing, hope, and hospitality to all God's people. Join us now!
- Click the button below to set up a recurring gift online, or text "STJOHNSCENTREVILLE" to 73256 to give using your mobile device.
- Pledge to give using this online form.
- Explore more about giving to St. John's on our website or by contacting Father Kevin.
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