St. John's Episcopal Church - Centreville, VA

Parish News - May 24, 2023

To St. John's Parishioners and Friends:

As our Sunday worship begins, I say some version of this invitation: "Whoever you are, and wherever you are on your journey of faith, you are welcome here, just as you are..." I learned it at a previous parish, who adopted it from a previous priest.

We tend to think--or, at least, we tend to act--as if we have to be a certain way, believe a certain way, before coming to worship, before praying. We put on our Sunday best. We put on a brave face. And if we're not feeling "it," whatever that might be, we stay away, we stop short. We forget that, maybe, just maybe, we might discover something of what's missing at worship. We might just find something of what we're looking for in prayer.

So don't wait. Come as you are. Whoever you are, wherever you are, you are always welcome here. This Saturday, we will lay a beloved parishioner to rest. On Sunday, we will mark Memorial Day before celebrating Pentecost. In all of it, there will be room for joy and for mourning. There will be room for conviction and confusion, for doubts and faith. Because it's all welcome. You--all of you--is welcome here. The God who loves you has been expecting you.

Grace and peace,


The Rev. Kevin Laskowski


St. John's Episcopal Church

Raise the Roof Update

The final touches are being put on Phase III of the roof. We can almost say "project complete!"

As of today, we have raised $8,413 toward Phase III. Thank you to all our amazing parishioners near and far who stepped up so eagerly and faithfully! We've secured our match from the diocese and then some thanks to you! If you still haven't contributed to this effort, there's still one week left to make your contribution!

The Work: Phase III covers our classrooms, library and offices, the hall entrance, breezeway, and rear entrance. There were a few extras. Whenever you get into a large contracting job, you never know what you will find. We found some rotted wood, and some work around the perimeter of the roof was required. The extra expenses were largely anticipated, and the whole project will come to $43,000. We can count on a 30-year warranty for materials and another 10-year warranty for labor, a huge sigh of relief for those that have run around with buckets over the last few years.

Fundraising: We are prepared with significant savings, and St. John's was awarded a $5,000 Peter James Lee Church Revitalization Grant from the diocese in April. That grant required us at least that amount from the parish, and we have more than secured that match! That brings total funds raised to $13,413.

Contribute: This is our final week! The more we can raise now toward the full price tag, the less we draw from our reserves, preserving funds for the next big project or emergency. Please prayerfully consider a donation and make your contribution by this Sunday, May 28. To donate, please write a check to St. John’s Episcopal Church (write ‘Facility’ in the memo) or use the facility donation button at the bottom of this email. If you have any questions, or would like to hear more, please contact Rev. Kevin or Andrew Wade on the Finance Committee. Help us raise the roof at Pentecost!

Funeral and Celebration of Life for Bob Faithful

Robert “Bob” Faithful IV - beloved vestry member, parishioner, father, and friend - will be laid to rest this Saturday, May 27th at St. John’s Episcopal Church. A viewing will begin at noon in the historic church. The burial office will begin at 1 PM, also in the historic church, followed by burial in the churchyard and reception. For anyone unable to attend in person, the service will be livestreamed and viewable here.

Please join us in our joy and our sorrow, in grateful word, song, and prayer for Bob this Saturday.

creation care collage

Creation Care Garden!

Thanks to our Creation Care Committee, who, along with some local Girl Scouts, worked these past two weekends, to re-establish this year's Creation Care garden. Check out the garden on our back patio as we tend to fresh, green veggies for the local food bank.


Memorial Day Observance May 28, 9:00 AM

A brief observance of Memorial Day will be held Sunday, March 28 at 9 AM before our morning service. Join us in the churchyard as we give God thanks and praise, honor those who ventured much in heroic service, and pray for our nation.

Pentecost! This Sunday, May 28, 9:30 AM

Don't forget to wear red! And do you speak a language other than English? We need volunteers to assist with our Pentecost reading on Sunday, May 28. Contact Rev. Kevin to assist.

Last Sunday's Sermon

Rev. Kevin says that true power is participation in God. Sometimes, our problems come less from the seeking of power, but from our confusing it with human authority, strength, and control. Christians, as Jesus did, trade authority over others for solidarity with others and replace shows of human strength with witness to the divine.

Upcoming Readings for May 28, 2023

Let us prepare our hearts and mind for worship with this Sunday's lessons:

The First Reading: Numbers 11:24-30

The Holy Spirit inspires not only the faithful after Jesus’ ascension, but throughout history, as Moses, the elders, and the prophets in the camp bear witness in Numbers.

The Psalm: Psalm 104:25-35, 37

God sends forth the Spirit, which gives joyous, renewed life to all of creation.

The Second Reading: Acts 2:1-21

When the Holy Spirit comes upon the faithful, the effects are immediate, dramatic, and powerful.

The Gospel: John 20:19-23

Jesus appears to his faithful followers and by his holy breath imparts the power of the Holy Spirit for the good of their ministries.

Join Us In Person or Online

Join us in the historic church at 9:30 AM Sunday or watch live via YouTube. Additional links to the livestream, worship bulletin, and lectionary class are sent Saturday and also available on our website.

Adult Lectionary Forum

Join us in-person in the church library or online via Zoom to discuss the day's lessons.


Tree of Life

Volunteers needed for this month's dinner with Tree of Life!

St. John's partners with several other local churches to prepare and serve a meal once per month at the Sterling Community Center. They're always happy to see us on the second Tuesday of the month.

For more information and to sign up to join this powerful - and fun! - ministry, contact Andrew Wade or click here.

Western Fairfax Christian Ministries

St. John's is a founding partner of Western Fairfax Christian Ministries, which provides food and financial support to families at risk of hunger and homelessness in western Fairfax County. Please bring your donations to Sunday services, or drop at the church office:

Food and Beverages

  • Maseca Flour
  • Canned Tuna and Canned Chicken
  • Vegetable Oil 
  • Peanut Butter
  • Coffee
  • Ramen Noodles 
  • Vienna Sausages 
  • Tomato Sauce 

Toiletries (Toiletry items cannot be purchased by clients with SNAP)

  • Body Wash
  • Shampoo
  • Conditioner
  • Lotion
  • Feminine Pads (not tampons)
  • Large size pull-ups (size 4T/5T for toddlers) 
  • Size 5 and 6 Diapers 
  • Baby Wipes 

The Shepherd's Center of Western Fairfax

The Shepherd's Center needs drivers and support for local seniors.

Centreville Immigration Forum

CIF provides immigrants in need with the means to improve their lives and become more integrated into the community, improve communication and cooperation among all groups serving immigrants, and build community recognition of our strength in diversity.

The Katharine K. Hanley Family Shelter

Bring donations for our local family shelter to church or drop by the office:

  • Toothpaste
  • Shampoo
  • Conditioner
  • Body Wash
  • Bar Soap
  • Hand Soap
  • Deodorant


Sunday Services

Additional readers and ushers needed. Sign up here.

Coffee Hour

We gather after worship for food and fellowship. Assist with snacks here.

Altar Flowers

Dedicate the altar flowers in thanksgiving or in memory of a loved one here.

For the people of Ukraine

God of peace and justice, we pray for the people of Ukraine today. We pray for peace and the laying down of weapons. We pray for all those who fear for tomorrow, that your Spirit of comfort would draw near to them. We pray for those with power over war or peace, for wisdom, discernment and compassion to guide their decisions. Above all, we pray for all your precious children, at risk and in fear, that you would hold and protect them. We pray in the name of Jesus, the Prince of Peace. Amen.

--a prayer from Archbishop Justin Welby and Archbishop Stephen Cottrell

Episcopal Relief & Development provides humanitarian assistance to people fleeing the violence in Ukraine, working with ACT Alliance and its Anglican partners in Europe. You can contribute to its Ukraine Crisis Response Fund here.

Support St. John's Online

Download the app on your phone or tablet, or use the buttons below to make a contribution to St. John's and God's mission here in Centreville.

The Pledge payment button may be used only to make your pledge payment (after signing up to be a pledger, which may be done at any time in the year.

The Facility Campaign button may be used only for any contribution for the facility's buildings and grounds.

The Donation button may be used for any other type of donation to St. John's. To designate a special purpose (i.e. please email the parish office.

PLEDGE payment
FACILITY campaign
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