It was another great Sunday as we opened the 11:00am service with a baptism once again. We welcome Hayleigh Strickland upon her profession of faith and baptism! Sadly, this was the last baptism to be performed by Austin Mason as our Minister of Youth.
Thank you to everyone who supported Austin, Chloe, and Ella Grace at their going-away fellowship Sunday night, and to everyone who gave toward their “love gift.” Jennifer Drennan, Lori Replogle and the Youth Committee did a great job organizing and decorating for it. It is never easy to say goodbye to a staff member. But, the reality seems to be that God moves His ministers to different fields in different seasons in accordance with His purposes for them and His kingdom’s work. Austin genuinely loved RPBC. He thought of our youth and adult volunteers as family. He leaves us in good shape with a solid youth ministry. Please pray for our search committee (they will be elected at this Wednesday’s business meeting) now as they seek another awesome youth minister to lead this great program, and inspire us to go beyond. And, pray for our youth and adult volunteers as they adjust.
Also, please pray earnestly for our revival services that are scheduled for September 19-22! Former RPBC Minister of Youth, Jeremy Montgomery, will be our guest evangelist. Our music evangelist will be Dr. Greg Woodward, Chair of the Church Music Ministries Program at NOBTS. Please mark these dates on your calendar and plan to attend!
Held in His Arms,