I was so proud of our students who were in the 11:00am worship service yesterday! I could hear them singing and responding. Austin would have been proud of them. And, it was a tribute to the success of his ministry here over the past 3 years.
The Search Committee had their initial meeting yesterday. The members are Barry Harper (chairman), Kyle Drennan (secretary), Shane Nicholson, Damon Wilson, Kim Hart, Vicki Dickerson, Lisa Howie, and Tina Westbrook. Please pray for them daily as they seek God’s will for our next Youth/ Education Minister!
Also, please pray earnestly for our revival services that are scheduled for September 19-22. Former RPBC Minister of Youth, Jeremy Montgomery, will be our guest evangelist. Our music evangelist will be Greg Woodward, Chair of the Church Music Ministries Program at NOBTS. Please mark these dates on your calendar and plan to attend!
This Wednesday evening a Community Prayer Meeting will be held at the Crosby Commons at 7:00pm, following our Bible Study and Prayer Meeting here at RPBC. You are invited to come and bring your lawn chair as we pray for the effects of COVID on our community, schools, and churches, the aftermath of the earthquake and tropical storms in Haiti, the current events in Afghanistan and the Americans and supporters trapped there, and other national and world issues that affect Believers everywhere.
In his book, “Pray Big,” Will Davis Jr. writes, “Why do you suppose Jesus spoke almost to the point of redundancy about prayer? Why was he so emphatic about it? Jesus knew that his disciples’ success depended on prayer and that they would never see any impact for the kingdom without it. He knew the kind of supernatural power that prayer would make available to them. He also knew that his church would never be built without it. In short, Jesus expected his disciples to pray.”
Pray Big!