December 28, 2021
From the Pastor
Sunday was another great day of worship as we finished the Nativity series of messages. It was also our last Sunday in 2021. The next time we will worship together will be 2022!

Although, personally and collectively, we experienced many ups and downs in 2021, I think for most, overall 2021 was a disappointment. We entered this year optimistic that COVID was on the decline and that our lives would soon return to “normal.” Then, the Delta variant hit. As Delta peaked and began its decline this fall, we have now been introduced to the Omicron variant.

As we have seen, happiness, excitement, and optimism can ebb and flow with our circumstances. But, joy is a blessing that comes from a relationship and not circumstances. The word joy appears over and over again in the Scriptures. In the New Testament, we read that joy is a fruit of the Holy Spirit (Gal. 5:22), which means that it is a Christian virtue. Given this biblical emphasis, we need to understand what joy is and pursue it.

The Psalms are filled with references to joy. The psalmist wrote, “Weeping may tarry for the night, but joy comes with the morning” (Ps. 30:5b). I am excited that the 2022 January Bible Study is, Psalms – The Character of God. As has been my custom, I will preach a series of messages on Sunday mornings based upon the JBS. Next Sunday, January 2nd, we will begin with how the Psalms reveal the God reveals His character through His Son. I hope you will make plans to join us!

The Heavens Declare the Glory of God! (Ps. 19:1)
Providing financial support to missionaries as they share the gospel overseas.

Church Goal: $10,000
Received: $7,025

visit imb.org for more details.
January 2
Session 5

Explore the Bible:
Matthew 28:11-19, 25-26

Bible Studies for Life:
Prophecies that Point Us to Jesus-
The Light and Glory of God
Luke 2:25-35
Ivan Parker in Concert
Saturday, February 19
6:00 pm at
Roseland Park Baptist Church
Tickets: $10 each

Open to Community
Limited Tickets (Seating for 250)
Men of All ages join us
Sunday, January 16
at 7:30 am
in Fellowship Hall
for Food & Fellowship
Thank you to all who ordered a poinsettia(s) in memory of your loved ones. The Sanctuary looks beautiful this Christmas season.

Flowers have been moved to the Fellowship Hall. You may choose and take your flower(s) at anytime.
1st-6th Grade
will resume January 5

Wednesday Nights

5:30 PM
Doors open for HANGOUT

6:00 - 7:00 pm
Activities include Group Station Rotation-
Music, Mission, Bible and Activity
Information Meeting

Sunday, January 9
at 4:00 pm
in Fellowship Hall

Bible Buddies: Grades K-3rd

Bible Drillers: Grades 4th-12th

5:00 pm Hang time
(Snack Bar Open)

6:00 pm Worship

Youth Discipleship Weekend
is quickly approaching.

for the weekend of January 21-23.

If you are willing to open your home
or need more details, please contact
Kim Hart as soon as possible.
No matter how big or small your purchase from Claiborne Hill, your receipt can help us raise funds. This will be a year round fundraiser so remember to save your receipts. Special drop box located in Sanctuary lobby or church office.
A copy of the monthly Financial Report for November will be available in the church office upon request.
Bible Drills:
Bible Drills are designed to help young people increase their knowledge of God's Word through scripture memorization, and to develop Bible skills by learning to name and locate books of the Bible. Brochures, Power Points and more are available to view and download at www.mbcb.org/bibledrills

Association Bile Drills
Wednesday, April 20, Central Baptist @ 6:30 pm

Worship: Sunday @ 11:00 am
Prayer Meeting: Wednesday @ 6:00 pm

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Here are a few helpful hints...

  1. Clicking on a BLUE underlined word will take you to the website link
  2. Don't have a Facebook Account? Use the Vimeo link.
  3. Missed a LIVE feed? No problem, previous recordings are still available to view.
December 26


General Officer…3


8:30 AM…………78
11:00 AM………..66
(Service Total…..144)


8:30 AM

9:45 AM
Sunday School

11:00 AM
Nursery (Birth-4yrs)

5:00 PM
Adult Choir Pracitce


5:00 PM
Youth Hangout

5:30 PM
Kids Life Hangout

6:00 PM
Adult Prayer Meeting
Nursery (Birth-2yrs)
Mission Friends (Prek-K)
Kids Life (1st-6th Grade)
Student Ministry (7th-12th).
Dan Young
Senior Pastor
Brad Replogle
Assoc. Pastor / Music
Ceasar Argueta
Spanish Pastor
Jennifer Drennan
Financial Secretary
Nadia Young
Education Secretary