September 21, 2021
From the Pastor
What an awesome day we had in the Lord for our first day of revival! I could sense all of your prayers as the Holy Spirit’s presence was evident. This revival is unfolding just as I anticipated and prayed. We are not seeing the aisles fill up with salvation decisions (although that may come!), but the Holy Spirit is working within individual hearts producing brokenness, changing priorities, convicting of our times, and shifting focus. I sense an overall call and response to holiness. Jeremy’s messages have been spot-on, and Greg has done a wonderful job leading us in music worship. Sunday evening’s service was packed, and God did a work all across the Sanctuary. Please don’t miss a single one of these services! You may be sorry if you do!

We will have a special emphasis each night, Monday thru Wednesday. Monday is Senior Adults, Tuesday is Children, and Wednesday is Youth. The services will not focus on those groups. The purpose of the emphases is promotion and fellowship. Each group will have a time of food and fellowship on their respective evening at 5:30pm in the Fellowship Hall. The Senior Adults will fellowship around a sandwich tray; the children (and their parents) and youth will have pizza. There will also be door prize give-aways at the children’s and youth fellowships. Both our children and youth have been given “tickets” to give away to other children and youth at school as a means of outreach. Jeremy will have a time to speak to each emphasis group in the Fellowship Hall before we move into the Sanctuary for the service. Folks, please invite your friends and neighbors to come with you this week. Your enthusiasm is contagious! And don’t stop praying!!

In his book, The Church Awakening, Charles Swindoll quotes the late Richard C. Halverson, former chaplain of the U.S. Senate:

In the beginning the church was a fellowship of men and women centered on the living Christ. Then the church moved to Greece, where it became a philosophy. Then it moved to Rome, where it became an institution. Next, it moved to Europe, where it became a culture. And, finally, it moved to America, where it became an enterprise.”

      After all these centuries of trying it our way, may the church go back to doing it God’s way and return to being a fellowship of men and women centered on the living Christ.

Christ in you, the hope of glory! (Col. 1:27)
Join us at 5:30 pm
for pizza dinner & prize info

Tues., Sept. 21 - Family Night
Wed., Sept. 22 - Youth Night
Worship Nightly at 6:30 pm

Jeremy Montgomery
Student Pastor at
Dauphin Way Baptist Church
in Mobile, AL

Dr. Greg Woodward
Coordinator for Worship and Church Music Studies at NOBTS
September Mission Focus:
Margret Lackey Offering
For State Missions

Church Goal: $4,000
Received: $2,023


Deacon Nomination List is available to congregation for prayer.

Oct. 3 - Congregation will Vote.
September 26
Session 4

Explore the Bible:
Joy in Knowing Jesus
Philippians 3:8-21

Bible Studies for Life:
No Doubt:
Six Things We Can Know For Sure -
Sure of Victory
1 John 3:19-4:4

Saturday, October 2
6:00 pm
in Sanctuary
Brunch with Mark Twain
One Man Show featuring Brad Replogle

Wednesday, October 13
at 10:00 am
in Fellowship Hall

Price at Door: $5.00
Limited Seating of 60
Call to Reserve Your Seat Today!

5:00 pm Hang time
(Snack Bar Open)

6:00 pm Worship

PreK-6th Grade

Wednesday Nights
6:00 - 7:00 pm

Music, Bible and Activity
No matter how big or small your purchase from Claiborne Hill, your receipt can help us raise funds. This will be a year round fundraiser so remember to save your receipts. Special drop box located in Sanctuary lobby or church office.
A copy of the monthly Financial Report for August will be available in the church office upon request.
See You at the Pole: Thursday, September 22

Mowing Groups Needed Association Grounds:
October 15-16 or 29-30
Gas provided or refueled.
Please call to participate (601-798-2372)

Worship: Sunday @ 11:00 am
Prayer Meeting: Wednesday @ 6:00 pm

Unsure How to View?
Here are a few helpful hints...

  1. Clicking on a BLUE underlined word will take you to the website link
  2. Don't have a Facebook Account? Use the Vimeo link.
  3. Missed a LIVE feed? No problem, previous recordings are still available to view.
Take some time to
come together in prayer
Daily at 3:00 pm
We are in Search of an Assistant Director.

Please submit your resume to



General Officer…2



8:30 AM…………99
11:00 AM………..128 (Service Total…..227)
6:30 PM...............136

Revival Monday: 133


8:30 AM

9:45 AM
Sunday School

11:00 AM
Nursery (Birth-4yrs)


5:00 PM
Youth Hangout

6:00 PM
Adult Prayer Meeting
Nursery (Birth-2yrs)
Kids Mission (PreK-6th Grade)
Student Ministry (7th-12th).
Dan Young
Senior Pastor
Brad Replogle
Assoc. Pastor / Music
Ceasar Argueta
Spanish Pastor
Jennifer Drennan
Financial Secretary
Nadia Young
Education Secretary