The children blessed our hearts as they led us in music worship at the 11:00 service Sunday. Thank you to all the children, and thank you to Mendy Miltier for leading them! And, thank you to Bob Gunn for the special music in the 8:30 service.
The Trustees signed the contract on the gym on Sunday afternoon, and the metal package (building structure) was placed on order on Monday. Although there are many variables that could impact the construction schedule, we are optimistically hopeful that we can have a combined service in our new gym on Easter Sunday!
We will have a ground-breaking ceremony for the gym on Sunday, October 9th, at 10:00am, between our worship services. We will NOT have Sunday School that morning, but instead will meet on the site where the gym will be built (right outside the Fellowship Hall) for a dedication of the site and pictures. This will be a historical picture of our church congregation. Like people often do now with some of our old pictures, your children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren will one day scan this picture to pick out themselves and you! I want to encourage everyone who can possibly be here to take part in this picture.
The blonde brick house adjacent to our property and next to the Spanish Church, that we have wanted to buy for several years, has been listed for sale. On Wednesday, October 5th, we will have a special business meeting to consider a proposal by the Trustees to purchase the property. The vote will be taken that night. Also, in that meeting we will elect messengers for the Associational Fall Meeting that will be held at Bethel Baptist Church (northern part of the county, near Poplarville) on October 10th.
Rhys Everspaugh will share his testimony this Sunday in both services as he is presented by the Search Committee in view of a call as full-time Minister of Youth and Education. You will have an opportunity to vote at the end of each service.
Finally, our deacon nomination will be held on Sunday, October 2nd, in both services. Following a time for the nominations, Evangelist Kenny Evans will sing and preach. Copies of the deacon eligibility list are in the foyer and on the side tables of the Sanctuary. If you haven’t already done so, please pick up a copy to assist you in praying.
Give Thanks to the LORD, for He is good!