So many of you have let me know how much you appreciated the military veterans’ emphasis this past Sunday. I am so proud that RPBC has always acknowledged its veterans publically. This not only honors the veterans, but is a testament to the younger generations that military service is an honorable choice.
There are always so many who contribute to our special services that there is a risk in leaving someone out when recognizing individuals. That said, I want to thank Brad for putting together the service format and making sure that all of the special arrangements were taken care of. The PRC NJROTC Color Guard, which included our own Jackson and Sawyer Harrelson, Milana Bogil, and Alexis Brayson did such an awesome job in posting the Colors, and added so much to the service. I also want to thank Andrew McKnight for his cello solo of “Battle Hymn of the Republic.” And, of course, Josh Holland preached a wonderful message that was uplifting to us all.
I also want to thank Lori Replogle and Nadia Young for stepping up to help with decorations and food, and Trish Penton, Tracy Campbell, Pam Herrin, and Lori Grice of the Kitchen Committee for serving and cleaning up. Also, Thank You to Rhys for taking the pictures. And, a special Thank You to Pam Rouleau, Jeanette Stogner, and Trish Penton for organizing and presenting the quilts to the veterans. If I didn’t mention you by name, your contribution did not go unnoticed and is greatly appreciated!
As you read this, the gym site is receiving final preparations that will allow the concrete slab to be poured on Monday. I am excited to see all of what we have envisioned coming together so well! Thank you to everyone who continues to pray and give!
Don’t forget to sign up for our Thanksgiving Supper that will be held on the 16th. You may call the church office at 601-798-5620 to get on the list.
You Are Loved!