Yesterday was another amazing day as I baptized seven people (four from one family!). We welcomed Zoe Johnson and Jenson Abercrombie upon their profession of faith. And, Jade Bernard made a public rededication. Folks, I cannot emphasize enough what a special work God is doing at RPBC! Please be faithful to pray for your church, staff, and yourself. 
Lori Replogle, Children’s Director, organized and led our first Kids Disciple Now (DNOW). It was a wonderful success with forty children participating. In addition, 14 of our students helped through the student praise band and as group leaders. Austin Mason served as the K-DNOW worship speaker. Children’s decisions included three salvations and one rededication. Thank you Lori, Austin, students, and everyone who helped with food, cleanup, or any other task!
Also, thank you to Leah Stebel and the preschool choir, and Mendy Miltier and the children’s choir who led us in worship yesterday.                  
I am looking forward to seeing you Sunday! Come and bring a friend!           
Who’s Your One?
Bro. Dan